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Sachin p:

review doneTitle of script: sed - The stream editor

Author: Sachin Patil

Keywords: stream, editor, display, substitute, insert, delete

Visual Cue
Display slide 1 Welcome to this spoken tutorial on the sed - the stream editor.
Display slide 2

Learning objectives

In this tutorial we tutorial we will learn usage of sed command.
Display slide 3

System Requirement

To record this tutorial, I am using

Ubuntu Linux 12.04 Operating System and

GNU BASH version 4.2.24(1)

Please note, GNU bash version 4 or above is recommended to practice this tutorial.

Display slide 4


To practice this tutorial,

You should know Basics of linux terminal

For relevant tutorials please visit our website:

Display slide 5


sed is one of the most versatile tool in Linux.

Its a stream editor.

sed finds some pattern of text in a particular location of a file.

Then it behave as a display or editing function.

It performs editing like insertion, substitution, deletion of the matched text.

Open the file seddemo.txt


Let us first start with some examples.

Let us see how to print using the sed command.

We have a file called seddemo.txt in home directory.

Let us view its content .

At the prompt

sed '2p' seddemo.txt [enter]

Hover your mouse on the second line

Now suppose we want to print the second line of the file seddemo.txt.


sed space (in single quotes) ‘2p’ space seddemo.txt

Press Enter

Here 2 denotes the location which is the second line.

p denotes the action, which is printing(p).

Look at the output.

It shows the entire file but see that the second line is printed twice.

This is the default behaviour of the action p.

At the prompt

sed -n '2p' seddemo.txt


To only print the second line


sed space (minus) -n space (in single quotes) 2p space seddemo.txt

Press Enter.






-n stands for ‘silent mode’ which will suppress all unnecessary output.

Then we give the location in the stream that we want to edit or display.

We want to select the second line.

p indicates the action we want to take ie to print the second line.

And seddemo.txt is the name of the file

This is the general syntax of sed command.

At the prompt

sed -n '$p' seddemo.txt


To print the last line


sed space (minus) -n space (in single quotes) (dollar) $p space seddemo.txt

Press Enter.

At the prompt

sed -n '3,6p' seddemo.txt


To print from 3rd to 6th line


sed space (minus) -n space (in single quotes) ‘3 (comma) ,6p’ space seddemo.txt

Press Enter.

At the prompt

sed -n '3,6!p' seddemo.txt


Any of the actions can be reversed by using the exclamation mark before the action.

Say if we had to print all lines except from 3rd to 6th we would type:

sed space (minus) -n space (in single quotes) ‘3 (comma) ,6 (exclamation mark) !p space seddemo.txt

Press Enter.

Display slide 6 So far, we specified the lines in the file on which the action needs to be taken.

This is one way of addressing called Line Addressing.

But if we want to take actions on lines that contain a particular word.

For such issues the other way of addressing is Context Addressing.

We can use regular expressions.

Let us see an example.

At the prompt

sed -n '/[cC]omputers/p' seddemo.txt


Say we want to print those lines which have the word computers.

We type:

sed space (minus) -n space (in single quotes) (front slash)(opening angle bracket) (opening angle bracket) (front slash) ‘/[cC]omputers/p space seddemo.txt

Press Enter.

The lines where the word computers are displayed.

When we need to match patterns the pattern needs to be typed between slashes.

At the prompt

sed -n '/[cC]omputers/w computer_student' seddemo.txt


We can print it in file as well using the w option.

Type at the prompt:

sed space (minus) -n space (in single quotes) (front slash) (opening angle bracket) (opening angle bracket) (front slash) /[cC]omputers/w space computer_student space seddemo.txt

Press Enter.

Now all the matching lines would be transferred to the file computer_student.

At the prompt

cat computer_student


To view the content of computer_student


cat space computer_student

Press Enter.

At the prompt

sed -n -e '/electronics/w electro’ -e

‘/civil/w civil' seddemo.txt


We can also have patterns that we can write to different files.


sed space (minus) -n space (minus) -e space (in single quotes) (front slash) ‘/electronics/w space electro’ (minus) -e space (in single quotes) (front slash) ‘/civil/w space civil’ space seddemo.txt

-e is used to combine multiple methods

Press Enter

This would create two files electro and civil.

cat electro


cat civil


To see what they contain type:

cat space electro

Press Enter

Then type:

cat space civil

And press Enter

Now we will see some more set of commands in another tutorial.

I will use the same program file.

Display slide 7


Let us summarize,

In this tutorial we learnt,


To print using sed.

Line Addressing.

Context Addressing.

Assignment As an assignment,

Use the same text file seddemo.txt.

Try to print records from 6th to 12th line.

Display Slide 8

Acknowledgement Slide

Watch the video available at the link shown below

It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project

If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it

Display Slide 9

Spoken Tutorial Workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team

Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials

Gives certificates to those who pass an online test

For more details, please write to

Display Slide 10


Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project

It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India

More information on this Mission is available at:\NMEICT-Intro

No Last Slide for tutorials created at IITB

Display the previous slide only and narrate this line.

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