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PCB Layout for Astable Multivibrator

Author: Saurabh Bansode

Keywords: video tutorial, eSim, EDA, schematic, footprints, Design, ngspice, kicad, analysis, PCB, Gerber

Visual cue Narration
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Opening Slide

Welcome to the spoken tutorial on “PCB Layout for Astable Multivibrator”.
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Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn to -
  • Create a PCB layout for an Astable Multivibrator and
  • Generate Gerber files.
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Systems Requirements

To record this tutorial, we will use-
  • Ubuntu Linux OS 16.04
  • eSim version 1.1.2
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To practice this tutorial, you should know to:
  • Create a Schematic in eSim.
  • Assign components to footprints and
  • Set design parameters for PCB layout.

If not, please see the prerequisite eSim tutorials on this website.

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Earlier in this series

Earlier in this series, we learnt how to
  • Create a Schematic in eSim
  • Map footprints
  • Set design parameters for a PCB layout.

I am going to reinforce the idea with the example of an Astable Multivibrator.

Now watch me for the next one minute.

<<FAST-FORWARD>> A considerable part of this activity has been fast forwarded.

I am adding connectors and mapping the components with their footprints.

After demo.... I have set the design rules, drawn the board outline and placed a few tracks.
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Download Code Files

The partially made layout is available in the Code files link.

Pause the video to download and extract the code files to your Desktop.

We will use the downloaded code file to practice the rest of the tutorial.

eSim Main Window:

Click on Open Project >>Browse To Desktop >>

Click on ASM_PCB

Now launch eSim.

I have already opened eSim.

Click on Open Project on the left toolbar.

Browse to Desktop, click on ASM underscore PCB.

Then click on the Open button at the bottom right corner.

eSim Main Window:

Click on ASM_PCB >> click on Open Schematic button from left toolbar.

Double-click on ASM underscore PCB.

Click on Open Schematic button on the left toolbar.

Schematic editor window:

Click on Pcbnew shortcut

The schematic for Astable Multivibrator opens up.

Click on PCB new Tool in the top toolbar.

Pcbnew Layout Editor window opens up.
Pcbnew window:

Hover cursor over tracks placed

I have already placed tracks for most of the airwires.

Now, let us see how to convert the remaining airwires into tracks.

Pcbnew window:

Hover mouse over B.Cu text

>> Click on B.Cu text

Under the Layer tab on the right side of the Pcbnew window, click once on B.Cu.
Pcbnew window:

Click on Place >> select Track

Click on Place button in the top toolbar and then select Track from the menu.
Pcbnew window:

Zoom into the Layout editor using F1 key or using your scroll key of the mouse.

Hover Cursor over C1, LED1 and Q1.

Zoom into the Layout editor using the F1 key.

This can also be done using the scroll key of the mouse.

Now let us place tracks for connecting capacitor C1 to LED1.

Pcbnew window:

Click on node 1 of C1


Drag the cursor till node 2 of LED1>>

Double click on node 2 of LED1

Click on node 1 of C1.

And drag the cursor to node 2 of LED1.

Double-click on node 2 of LED1 to complete the track.

Press ESC Press ESC key. Now let us place a ground plane to connect all the ground nodes.
Pcbnew window:

Click on Add filled zones.

Click on the Add filled zones button on the right of the Pcbnew window.
Pcbnew window:

Click once, slightly above the top-left corner of the board outline.

Click once, slightly above the top-left corner of the board outline.
Copper Zone Properties window:

Click on B.Cu under Layer column.

Click on GND under Net column.

Now, let’s place the ground plane on the Bottom Copper layer.

To do so, click on B.Cu under Layer column.

Then click on GND under Net column.

Click on OK Click on the OK button at the bottom right corner of the Copper Zone Properties window.
Pcbnew window:

Drag the cursor towards right, horizontally.

Click once slightly above top-right vertex of the outline.

Drag the cursor with the pencil icon horizontally towards the right.

Click once, slightly above the top-right vertex of the outline.

Pcbnew window:

Move the cursor vertically towards the bottom-right vertex of the board

>>Click once on the editor after crossing the bottom-left vertex.

Let us move this cursor vertically, towards the bottom-right vertex of the board.

Click once slightly below the bottom-right vertex.

Pcbnew window:

Press esc key

We shall now finish drawing a rectangular ground plane outline.

Note that we have to double-click to finish the rectangular ground plane outline.

Pcbnew window:

Hover cursor over ground plane outline


Hover cursor over ground plane outline and board outline.

I have finished the ground plane outline.

Note that we have to ensure that the ground plane outline lies outside the board outline.

Pcbnew window :

Right-click inside the board outline.

Click on Fill or Refill all zones.

Hover cursor over ground plane.

Right-click inside the board outline.

Click on Fill or Refill all zones button from the drop-down menu.

We have successfully added a ground plane to the board.

Press Esc key Press Esc key to exit the Add filled zones tool.
Let us now perform Design Rule Check i.e DRC, for the layout we created.
Pcbnew window:

Click on Perform design rules check

Click on Perform Design Rules check present at the top of the Pcbnew toolbar.
DRC Control window:

Click on Start DRC

>>Highlight the messages window

Click on Start DRC.

This checks if any design element violates the design parameters set earlier.

I have no errors in my design.

DRC Control window:

Click OK

Click the OK button at the bottom right corner, to exit the DRC Control window.
Pcbnew window:

Press Ctrl and S key together

Let us press Ctrl and S keys together to save our work.

We will now create gerber files for this board.

Pcbnew window:

Click on Plot(HPGL, PostScript or Gerber format) icon

Click on the Plot button at the top of the Pcbnew toolbar.
Plot window:

Click on the tab below : Plot format.


select Gerber.

Let us select the layers.

Click on the tab below Plot format and select Gerber out of the 6 options.

Hover mouse over Layers tab

>> Click on boxes to the left of B.Cu, F.Silks and Edge.Cuts layers from the provided layer options.

Let us select the layers for which we want the gerber files.

I will select B.Cu, F.Silks and Edge.Cuts by clicking on the boxes to the left.

Plot window:

Click on the Browse button

Click on the Browse button at the top right corner of Plot window.
Select Output Directory window:

Browse to desired directory


Click on Desktop>>double click on ASM_PCB

Click on Open.

Let us navigate to the desired directory where we wish to save the gerber files.

Click on the Desktop. Double-click on ASM underscore PCB.

Now click on the Open button at the bottom right of the Select Output Directory window.

Click on No Click on No button in the Plot Output Directory window.
Text box on the Plot Window:

Select the other options as shown here

Plot window:

Click on Plot button at the bottom of the Plot window.

Now click on the Plot button at the bottom of the Plot window.

Messages window:

Hover cursor over the messages in the Messages window

Acknowledgement messages will appear in the Messages window.

Next, let us generate the drill file in gerber format for our designed board.
Plot window:

Click on Generate Drill File

Click on Generate Drill File at the bottom of the Plot window.
Drill File Generation window:

Select the Millimeters option from the Drill Units section.

Select the Millimeters option from the Drill Units section.

Select the Gerber option under the Drill Map File Format section, if not selected. Select the Gerber option under the Drill Map File Format section, if not selected.
Select the Absolute option from the Drill Origin section, if not selected. Select the Absolute option from the Drill Origin section, if not selected.
Text box on the Drill Files Generation Window:

Select the other options as shown here

We will leave the rest of the settings as they are.
Drill Files Generation window:

Click on Drill File

Click the Drill File option at the right of the Drill Files Generation window.
Drill Files Generation window:

Hover mouse over Messages window

An acknowledgement message will appear in the Messages window.
Drill Files Generation window:

Click on Close

Click on the Close button of the Drill Files Generation window.
Plot window:

Click on Close

Click the Close button at the bottom right corner of the Plot window.
Pcbnew window:

Press Ctrl and S key at the same time.

Let us save our work by pressing Ctrl and S keys simultaneously.
System Computer:

Press Ctrl, Alt and T keys together

Textbox on the Terminal:

Windows OS users, click on start -> type “Gerbview” in the search bar and open the Gerbview application

Now we will view the gerber files created.

Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl, Alt and T keys together.

Terminal :

Type gerbview >> Press Enter

Type gerbview and press the Enter key.

Gerbview window :

Click on File>> select Load Gerber File

Click on File at the top left corner, and select Load Gerber File option.
Open Gerber File window :

Browse to the directory where you saved your gerber files earlier.

Let us browse to the directory where we had saved our gerber files.

I will click on Desktop.

Then double-click on ASM underscore PCB.

Press Ctrl and A keys at the same time.

Click on Open

Press Ctrl and A keys simultaneously to select all the gerber files.

Click on the Open button at the bottom right corner of the Open Gerber file window.

Gerbview window:

Hover mouse over the PCB layout in Gerber Format

We can see the PCB Layout that we created in Gerber format.
Let us summarize.
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In this tutorial, we learnt to-
  • Create a PCB layout for an Astable Multivibrator.
  • Generate Gerber files.
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Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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Please post your general queries on eSim in this forum.
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Lab Migration

FOSSEE team coordinates the Lab Migration project.
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Circuit Simulation Project

FOSSEE team coordinates the Circuit Simulation Project.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India.

For more details, visit this website.

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This is Saurabh from IIT Bombay, signing off.

Thank you.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Saurabhbansode