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Title Slide Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on Vegetarian recipes for 6 month old babies.
Image: Black-eyed bean puree

Image: Pumpkin puree

Image: Sorghum puree

Image: Ragi puree

Image: Spinach leaves puree

Collage: Preparation of complementary food

In this tutorial, we will learn -
  • Introduction to complementary feeding and
  • How to prepare Vegetarian recipes such as-
    • Black-eyed beans puree
    • Pumpkin puree
    • Ragi porridge
    • Sorghum porridge and
    • Spinach leaves puree
Image: Breastfeeding

GIF: Calendar

Image: Breastmilk

Image: Black-eyed beans puree

Image: Complementary feeding

Before we begin, it is important to remember that -
  • Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months.
  • After completion of 6 months, breast milk is not enough for the baby.
  • Therefore, along with breastfeeding, the baby should be fed home cooked food too.
  • It is known as complementary feeding.
Image: Introduction to new ingredient (Day 1-Day 3)

Image: A baby with red rashes present on her skin.

Image: Introduction to the combination of ingredients (Day 4)

While introducing a Complementary food to the baby -

  • start one food at a time,
  • it will help to find if the baby is allergic to any food.
  • once the baby gets comfortable, start giving the combination of ingredients.
Image: 4 tablespoons

Initially, start with -

  • one tablespoon twice a day
  • then, gradually, go up to 4 tablespoons twice a day.
Collage: Local vegetables and beans

Image: Sugar, salt and spices with the Red cross mark

Image: 1 year old baby

Apart from these, while preparing the baby’s food -
  • Always use local, regional and seasonal ingredients and
  • Please, do not add salt and honey in baby’s food till she turns one.
  • Also, do not add sugar and jaggery until the baby is 2 years of age.

Image: 6 month old baby

GIF: Calendar

Image: Pureed vegetables

Image: Energy requirement

Image: Ragi porridge

After completion of 6 months -

  • the baby requires up to 200 kilocalories of energy from complementary foods.
  • only well cooked and a pureed form of the food should be given.
Collage: Vegetarian recipes

Image: Breastmilk

Image: Coconut milk

Image: Boiled and cooled water

Let’s begin with our recipes, but, before that keep in mind -

One can use-

  • breastmilk
  • coconut milk or
  • boiled and cooled water

to make the following recipes.

Image: Black-eyed beans puree

Image: Sprouted Black-eyed beans

Collage: Germination

The first recipe is Black-eyed beans puree.

To make it, we will need -

  • One tablespoon of sprouted Black-eyed beans or Cowpeas

Note that -

  • The procedure of sprouting has been explained in another tutorial of the same series.

Image: Sprouted Black-eyed beans

Image: Washing sprouted Black-eyed beans which are kept on colander

Image: Washed sprouted Black-eyed beans

Image: Sprouted Black-eyed beans soaked in water

GIF: Gently removal of outer cover of Black-eyed beans

Image: Separation of outer covers and Black-eyed beans

Start the preparation by -
  • gently washing sprouted Black-eyed beans.
  • take out these beans in a steel container.
  • and soak it for an hour or two.
  • then gently remove the outer cover by rubbing between fingers.
  • separate the outer covers and take out these beans in a steel pot.

Image: A steel pot containing Black-eyed beans and water

Image: Pressure cooker

GIF: Pressure cooking

Image: Boiled Black-eyed beans

  • add water until the beans get covered.
  • keep this steel pot in a pressure cooker.
  • cook it until 4-5 whistles.
  • remove it from the flame and allow it to cool for some time.
  • now, gently separate cooked outer covers if there are any.

Image: A mixer container containing boiled Black-eyed beans

Image: Addition of remaining pressure cooked water and boiled water in Black-eyed beans puree

Image: Black-eyed beans puree

  • and make a puree of boiled beans using a mixer or a stone grinder.
  • add a little amount of -
    • boiled water or
    • the remaining pressure cooked water.

  • And the Black-eyed beans puree is ready.

Collage: A healthy baby, immune system, muscle, healthy baby, bone, nails, skin, DNA

Collage: Teeth, bones, red blood cells

Collage: Nervous system, red blood cells, brain

Collage: Cell repair, immune system, growth, wound healing

Collage: Bones, muscles, immune system, digestive system, heart

This Black-eyed beans puree is rich in -

  • Protein
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Zinc and
  • Magnesium

Image: Moth beans

Image: Bengal gram

Image: Yellow peas

To make such purees -

You can also use any locally available alternatives such as -

  • Moth beans
  • Bengal gram
  • Yellow peas

Image: Red lentils

Image: Green peas

Image: Kidney beans

Image: Chickpeas

Image: Horse Gram

  • Red lentils
  • Green peas
  • Kidney beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Horse gram, etc.

Image: Pumpkin puree

Image: Pumpkin

The second recipe is Pumpkin puree:

We require -

  • 250 grams Yellow Pumpkin
Image: Cleaned Pumpkin

Image: Chopped Pumpkin

Image: Chopped Pumpkin kept in the steamer

Image: A steamer kept on a low flame

Image: Cooked Pumpkin

And for the preparation:

  • Take cleaned and washed Pumpkin.
  • Remove the seeds.
  • Dice it in small pieces.
  • Then, cook it in a steamer for around 15 minutes.
  • Remove it from the flame and let it cool for some time.

Image: A mixer container containing steamed Pumpkin

Image: A mixer container containing Pumpkin puree

Image: Stone grinder

Image: Pumpkin puree

  • Now make a puree of this cooked Pumpkin using a mixer or a stone grinder.
  • The Pumpkin puree is ready.

Image: Pumpkin puree

Collage: Immune system, eyes, nails, skin

Collage: Cell repair, DNA, red blood cells, brain, spinal cord

Collage: Brain, liver, logical reasoning, DNA, spinal cord

Collage: Cells, heart, muscles

Collage: Hair, nails, skin

  • This Pumpkin puree is a source of -
    • Vitamine A
    • Folate
    • Choline
    • Potassium and
    • Sulphur

Image: Cleaned Pumpkin

Image: Green Pumpkin

Image: White Pumpkin

If Pumpkin is not available then other vegetables used are -

  • Green Pumpkin
  • White Pumpkin, etc.

Image: Ragi porridge

Image: Ragi powder

Image: Ragi flour

Collage: Preparation of Ragi powder

Now we will see the third recipe, which is Ragi porridge. For that, we will require -

  • One tablespoon of Ragi powder

Please note that:

  • Ragi powder is different from Ragi flour.
  • For this recipe, we need Ragi powder.
  • Therefore, we will first see how to make Ragi powder.

Image: Soaked Ragi

Image: Washed ragi kept it in a strainer.

Image: Sprouted Ragi

Collage: Germination

To prepare it-

  • Firstly, soak the Ragi for around 9 to 12 hours.
  • Remove it in a strainer and rinse it thoroughly using water.
  • Let all the water drain out.
  • Then, tie it in a clean cotton cloth.
  • Keep it aside till it sprouts.
  • This process is called Germination.

Image: A plate containing sprouted Ragi placed under the sunlight.

GIF: Continuous roasting

GIF: Reduction of Phytic acid

Image: A mixer vessel containing Ragi powder

Collage: Grinding

Image: A jar containing Ragi powder

Image: Calendar

  • After that, dry it in the sunlight for a day or two.
  • Then, roast it on a low flame for about 10 to 12 minutes
  • Remember, continuous stirring is required.
  • This entire process will reduce the phytic acid from the food.
  • Now, make a powder of it using a mixer or a stone grinder.
  • We can store this powder for a week in an airtight container in a dry, cool place.

Image: Ragi powder

Image: Boiled water

Image: Addition of water in Ragi powder

Image: Breastmilk

Image: A vessel containing cooked Ragi porridge

Next, to make Ragi porridge -

  • Take one tablespoon of this Ragi powder.
  • Add -
    • boiled and cooled water or
    • other alternatives as mentioned earlier.
  • Mix it well to avoid lumps.
  • Cook this mixture for about 7 to 10 minutes on a low flame.

Image: Addition of water in thick Ragi porridge

Image: Watery consistency of the Ragi porridge.

Image: Ragi porridge

  • Add little water during cooking if required.
  • It will bring down the consistency of the porridge.
  • But make sure-
    • the consistency of the porridge should not be thin or watery.
  • The Ragi porridge is now ready.

Collage: A healthy baby, immune system, muscle, healthy baby, bone, nails, skin, DNA

Collage: Bones, teeth

Collage: Nervous system, red blood cells, brain

Collage: Cells, heart, muscles

Collage: Hair, skin, nails

This Ragi porridge provides various nutrients such as -

  • Protein
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Potassium and
  • Sulphur

Image: Sorghum porridge

Image: Soaked Sorghum

Image: Sorghum is kept in a strainer

The fourth recipe is Sorghum porridge.

For that, we will require -

Two tablespoons of Sorghum powder and to make the powder:

  • Soak the Sorghum in water for 7 to 8 hours.
  • After which put it in a strainer and rinse it thoroughly with water,
  • Let all the water drain out.

Image: Sprouted ragi

Image: Ragi sprouts kept open under the sunlight

GIF: Continuous roasting

Image: A mixer container containing Ragi

Image: Stone grinder

Image: A jar containing Sorghum powder

  • Now tie it in a clean cotton cloth and
  • Keep it aside till it sprouts.
  • Dry this sprouted Sorghum under the sunlight for a day or two.
  • Roast it on a low flame for 10 to 12 minutes.
  • Then grind it and make a powder of it.
  • We can store this powder for a week in an airtight container in a dry, cool place.

Image: Sorghum powder

Image: Addition of boiled water in Sorghum powder

Image: Breastmilk and coconut milk

Image: Mixing Sorghum powder and water

Image: Coconut milk and breastmilk

Image: A vessel containing cooked Sorghum porridge

Image: Sorghum porridge

Take two tablespoons of this Sorghum powder in a bowl.

  • Add-
    • 4 to 5 teaspoons of boiled and cooled water or
    • other alternatives as mentioned earlier.
  • Mix well to avoid lump formation.
  • Now cook this mixture on a low flame for 4 to 6 minutes.
  • And the Sorghum porridge is ready.

Collage: A healthy baby, immune system, muscle, healthy baby, bone, nails, skin, DNA

Collage: Teeth, bones, red blood cells

Collage: Cells, heart, muscles

Collage: Bones, muscles, immune system, digestive system, heart

Collage: Cell repair, thyroid gland, immune system

Collage: Hair, skin, nails

Collage: Nervous system, red blood cells, brain

Note that, the Sorghum porridge is rich in -

  • Protein
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • Sulphur and
  • Iron

Image: Spinach leaves puree

Image: Washed and trimmed Spinach leaves

Image: Ghee

The fifth recipe is Spinach leaves puree:

To make Spinach leaves puree we require -

  • 2 cups of washed and trimmed Spinach leaves and
  • One teaspoon of ghee

Image: A pan kept on a low flame

Image: Ghee

Image: A pan containing washed and trimmed Spinach leaves

GIF: Sauteing

Image: A plate containing sauted Spinach leaves

GIF: Stone grinding

Image: A mixer container containing Spinach leaves


  • Heat 1 teaspoon of ghee in a pan.
  • Add washed and trimmed Spinach leaves.
  • Saute it for 5-7 minutes on a low flame.
  • Now, take out these sauted leaves in a plate.
  • And make a puree of it using a stone grinder or a mixer.
  • Now our Spinach leaves puree is ready.

Image: Spinach leaves puree

Collage: Immune system, eyes, nails, skin

Collage: Cell repair, DNA, red blood cells, brain, spinal cord

Collage: Muscles, wound healing, cell repair, bones

Collage: Nervous system, red blood cells, brain

Collage: Bones, muscles, immune system, digestive system, heart

Collage: Bones, teeth

Spinach leaves are a source of -

  • Vitamin A
  • Folate
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Magnesium and
  • Calcium

Image: Amaranth leaves

Image: Drumstick leaves

Image: Radish leaves

Image: Fenugreek leaves

Image: Mustard leaves

One can use any locally available leafy vegetable to make such kind of puree.

  • For example;
    • Red Amaranth leaves
    • Drumstick leaves
    • Radish leaves
    • Fenugreek leaves and
    • Mustard leaves
Acknowledgement slide This brings us to the end of this tutorial on -

Vegetarian recipes for 6 month old babies.

Thanks for joining

Contributors and Content Editors

Bellatony911, Rajani st