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Time Narration
Slide Number 1

Title Slide

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Linear Motion.
Slide Number 2

Learning objective

In this tutorial we will demonstrate,
  • Motion with constant Acceleration and
  • Newton's Second Law Experiment Apps
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System Requirements

Here I am using,
  • Ubuntu Linux OS version 16.04
  • Firefox Web Browser version 62.0.3
Slide Number 4


To follow this tutorial,

learner should be familiar with Apps on Physics.

For the pre-requisites tutorial please visit this site.

Slide Number 5

Learning Goals

  • Demonstrate motion of a car with constant acceleration.
  • Explain the graphs of position, velocity and acceleration.
  • Calculate position and velocity of a car using equation of motion.

Using these Apps we will,
  • Demonstrate motion of a car with constant acceleration.
  • Explain position, velocity and acceleration graphs.
  • Calculate the position and velocity of a car using equations of motion.
Slide Number 6

Learning Goals

  • Demonstrate the setup of an air track glider.
  • Verify the validity of Newton's second law of motion.
  • Demonstrate the setup of an air track glider.
  • Verify the Newton's second law of motion.
Slide Number 7

Link for Apps on physics

Use the given link to download the App.
Point to the file in the Downloads folder. I have already downloaded Apps on Physics to my Downloads folder.
Click on the phen folder.

Press Ctrl and F keys simultaneously.

Double-click on the html5phen folder.

Double-click on the phen folder.

To open Motion with Constant Acceleration, press Ctrl + F keys simultaneously.

Type acceleration in the search bar. In the search bar type acceleration.
Right click on acceleration_en.htm file.

Select the option Open With Firefox web Browseroption.

Right click on acceleration_en.htm file.

Select the option Open With Firefox web Browser.

Cursor on the App. Motion with constant Acceleration App opens in the browser.
Point to the interface. Interface has two panels.
Point to the text fields in the green panel

Initial position

Initial velocity

and Acceleration.

Green control panel contains text fields.

Here we can edit

  • Initial position
  • Initial velocity and
  • Acceleration.
Point to the radio buttons.

Show velocity vector and

Show acceleration vector.

At the bottom of the green panel there are two radio buttons
  • Show velocity vector and
  • Show acceleration vector.

By default Show velocity vector is selected.

Point to the three digital clocks. On the yellow panel we have three digital clocks.

They show the elapsed time.

Point to the barriers. Here we can see a green and red colored barriers.
Click on Start button. Click on Start button.
Click on Slow motion check-box. Click the Slow motion check-box.
Point to the car. Observe that a car starts to move with a constant acceleration.
Point to Acceleration. The default value for Acceleration is

1 m/s2 (meter per second square).

Point to the green barrier and clock. When the car crosses the green barrier with its front bumper, green digital clock stops.
Point to red digital clock. Similarly when the car crosses the red barrier, the red digital clock stops.
Move the cursor to show that car has moved out of screen. Notice that car has moved out of the screen, but it is still in motion.
Point to the grey digital clock. This is indicated by grey digital clock.

This clock shows the instantaneous time of the moving car.

At the bottom point to x and v values. Observe that, the values of x and v are changing continuously.

It means that the car is in uniform motion.

And it will continue to be in motion until an external force is applied.

This is due to Newton's first law of motion.

Click on the Pause button and uncheck the Slow motion check-box. Click on the Pause button and uncheck the Slow motion check-box.
Point to the Pause button.

Let’s assume that by clicking Pause button we have applied an external force on the car.
Point to the grey digital clock. Notice that the grey digital clock has stopped.

It means that car has stopped moving.

Click on the Reset button. Click on the Reset button.
Change the Initial position to 5 m and press Enter. Let's change the Initial position to 5 m and press Enter.
Change the Initial velocity to 5 m/s. Change the Initial velocity to 5 m/s (meter per second) and press Enter
Edit the value of Acceleration to 2 m/s2. And value of Acceleration to 2 m/s2 (meter per second square) and press Enter.
Move the cursor to show the change in the

Position from 0 to 5 m.

Observe the Position v/s time and Velocity v/s time graphs.

The red point in the Position v/s time graph has shifted from 0 m to 5 m.

Move the cursor to show the change in the

Velocity from 0 to 5 m/s.

The pink point in the Velocity v/s time graph has shifted from 0 m/s to 5 m/s.
Point the blue point in Acceleration v/s time graph. Notice the shift in blue point in Acceleration v/s time graph.
Click on Start button. Click on the Start button.
Click on Pause button when it reaches the red barrier. And then click on the Pause button when car touches the red barrier.
Point to pink color vector. Observe that the pink colored vector shows the direction of velocity.
Point to each graph. Now let us study the variations in each graph.
Point to Acceleration v/s time graph.

Move the cursor to show the straight line.

Point to the time axis of acceleration.

Observe the Acceleration v/s time graph.

It shows a straight line parallel to the time axis. As time changes acceleration remains constant.

Point to Velocity v/s time graph

point to the pink line.

Observe the Velocity v/s time graph.

Note that velocity increases linearly with time.

Point to Position v/s time graph. Look at the Position v/s time graph.

This graph is exponentially increasing, due to the change in position and velocity of the car.

Let us verify the values of position and velocity using equations of motion.
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Equations of Motion

v = v0 + at

x = x0 + v0 t + 1/2at2

v2 = v02 + 2 a (x − x0)

v0 and v are the initial and final velocities.

x0 and x are the intial and final positions.

Here are the Equations of motion.
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Tabular column (write the measured values).

We will note the measured and calculated values in the table.

Point to red and green barrier. Next we will use both green and red barrier to measure position and velocity.
Click and drag the green barrier to 15 m. Click and drag the green barrier to 15 m.
Drag the red barrier to 40 m. Similarly drag the red barrier to 40 m.
Click on the Start button and then Pause when it touches the green barrier. Click on the Start button and then Pause when it touches the green barrier.
`Point to position and velocity values. Note that the App has measured the values of position and velocity.
Now we will calculate the values using equations of motion.
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Equations of Motion

v = v0 + at

= 5 + 2 * 1.531

=8.06 m/s

Let us calculate velocity using the first equation of motion.

Substitute the values of acceleration, time and initial velocity shown in the App in the equation.

8.06 m/s is the calculated value of velocity.

x = x0 + v0 t + 1/2at2

= 5 + 5 * 1.531 + 1/2 * 2 * (1.531)2

= 14.99 m.

Let us calculate the position using the second equation of motion.

Similarly substitute the values shown in the App.

14.99 m is the calculated value of the position.

Point to the value of position in the App. Observe that the values of position and velocity are approximately equal to the measured values.
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Tabular column (enter the calculated values)

Note the calculated and measured values in the table.

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Measure the position and velocity when the car reaches the red barrier.

Calculate the values using Equations of motion.

Complete the table and compare your answers.

As an assignment
  • Measure the position and velocity when the car reaches the red barrier.
  • Calculate the values using Equations of motion.
  • Complete the table and compare your answers with the ones shown in the App.
Now we will explore the next App.
Open Newton's Second Law Experiment App.

Right click on the newtonlaw2_en.htm and Open With Firefox Web Browser.

To open Newton's Second Law Experiment App.

Right click on the newtonlaw2_en.htm and Open With Firefox Web Browser.

Using this App we will verify the Newton's second law.
Point to air track glider setup. The App opens with air track glider setup.
Point to blue wagon. The screen shows a wagon on the air track.
Point to show the digital clock.

Point to LB .

Here digital clock is used to record the time when wagon crosses the LB.

LB is the light barrier.

Point to graph. The graph records position v/s time data.
In green control panel we can vary

Mass of the wagon

Hanging mass and

Coefficient of friction .

In the green control panel we can vary
  • Mass of the wagon
  • Hanging mass and
  • Coefficient of friction.
The default Mass of the wagon is 100 g.

It can take values from 1 g to 1000 g

Scroll down to show the Underlying formulas. Scroll down the screen.

Here we have the formula used in this experiment.

By default, motion with constant acceleration is used in the App.

Click on the Start/Record Data button. Click on the Start button.

This button is a toggle for Start and Record data.

Point to the hanging mass.

Point to the value of Mass of the wagon and Hanging mass in the green panel.

Observe that the hanging mass pulls the wagon downwards.

Default value of the Hanging mass is 1 gram, it takes values from 1 gram to 100 grams.

Move the cursor to show digital clock Here digital clock notes the time when the wagon crosses the LB.

The distance from the start to LB is shown as 0.5 meter.

Point to the formula of acceleration. The App has calculated the acceleration using the formula 2s/t2.

The calculated value of acceleration is 0.097 m/s2.

Now click on the Reset button. Click on the Reset button.
Click and drag the LB to the left on second black rectangle. Click and drag the LB to the left on second black rectangle.
Click on the Start button. Click on the Start button.
Point to show the value of acceleration. Notice that here also the value of acceleration is 0.097 m/s2.
Click on the Record button.

At the bottom of green control panel point to Data box.

Click on the Record data button.

The values are recorded in the Data box.

Point to show inactive Diagram button.

Move the cursor to Data.

Observe that the Diagram button is inactive.

It becomes active when at least four values are recorded in the Data box.

Again click and drag the LB to second green rectangle. Again click and drag the LB to second green rectangle.
Click on the Start button and than click on Record data button. Click on the Start button and then click on Record data button.
Take four more readings.(pause the video recording and take the readings). Similarly take four more reading for distance and time and record in the Data box.
Scroll down the Data to show the readings. In the Data box, readings of six different distances have been recorded.
Point to show the plotted points in the graph. Observe the plotted points for position and time in the graph.
Point to the Diagram button.

Click on the Diagram button.

Diagram button is now active.

Click on the Diagram button to plot the graph.

Point to show the line. An exponential graph appears on the screen.
Point the acceleration and distances. Notice that, acceleration remains same for all the distances.

It means that change in distance does not change the acceleration.

Point to wagon. According to Newton's second law the acceleration depends on the mass of the wagon.
Click on the Reset button. Click on the Reset button.
Change the Mass of the wagon to 300 g. Now change the Mass of the wagon to 300 g.
Click on Start button. Click on Start button.
Point to show the value of acceleration. Notice the change in the acceleration.

The value of acceleration has changed to 0.033 m/s2.

Click on the Reset button. Click on the Reset button.
Change the value of Hanging mass to 4 g. Now let us change the value of Hanging mass to 4 g.
Click on Start button. Click on Start button.
Point to show the value of acceleration.

Point to underlying formula.

Notice the change in the acceleration.

The value of acceleration has changed to 0.129 m/s2.

Recall that acceleration depends on mass of the wagon and the hanging mass.

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Tabular Column

Let us make a tabular column to note the values.
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Change the values of mass of the wagon and note the changes in acceleration.

For each value of mass of the wagon change the value of Hanging mass.

Observe the difference in the acceleration.

As an assignment

Change the values of mass of the wagon and note the changes in acceleration.

For each value of mass of the wagon change the value of the Hanging mass.

Observe the difference in the acceleration.

Slide Number 15

Tabular column

Show the gilmpse of the completed assignment.

Your completed assignment should look like this.
Let us summarize
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  • Demonstrated motion of a car with constant acceleration.
  • Explained position, velocity and acceleration graphs.
  • Calculated position and velocity of a car using equation of motion.
Using these Apps we have,
  • Demonstrated motion of a car with constant acceleration.
  • Explained position, velocity and acceleration graphs.
  • Calculated position and velocity of a car using equation of motion.
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  • Demonstrated the setup of an air track glider.
  • Verified the Newton's second law of motion.
  • Demonstrated the setup of an air track glider.
  • Verified the Newton's second law of motion.
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These Apps were created by Walter-fendt and his team.

These Apps were created by Walter-fendt and his team.
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About the Spoken Tutorial project.

The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial workshops.

The Spoken Tutorial Project team,

conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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Forum for specific questions:

Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?

Please visit this site

Choose the minute and second where you have the question. Explain your question briefly

Someone from our team will answer them

Please post your timed queries on this forum.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by, MHRD, Government of India.
This is Himanshi Karwanje from IIT-Bombay.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Karwanjehimanshi95, Madhurig, Nancyvarkey