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==Introduction to R==
R ( http://www.r-project.org/) is an open source software- a well organized and sophisticated package- that facilitates data analysis, modeling, inferential testing and forecasting. It is a user friendly software which allows to create new function commands to solve statistical problems. It runs on a variety of UNIX platforms(and similar systems such as LINUX), Windows and Mac OS.
R is a free, useful software package to anybody who wishes to undertake extensive statistical computations (a user community that includes students, researchers and professionals belonging to various disciplines).
Basic Level
Introductory sessions in R
- Installing R
- Downloading and installing R
- Basic operations in the R console
- To open the R console
- To run commands in R
- To correct errors made in the R commands
- To save work done in R
- To quit the R console
- Documentation and Packages in R
- To access installed documentation and packages in R
- To install and load packages in R
- Data structures
- Variables and Vectors in R
- Creation and deletion of variables and vectors
- Listing the vectors
- Modifying vectors
- Creating row and column vectors
- Vector Algebra and Matrices in R
- Vector algebra
- Creating matrices
- Matrix operations
- Sequences, lists, strings and dates in R
- Creation of sequences and lists
- Modifying lists, selecting elements from a list
- Modifying strings, substrings
- Date-string conversion
- Other functions related to dates
- Handling data in R
- Creating and modifying data frames
- Reading data stored in files of different formats
- Basic computations in R
- Elementary operations in R
- Arithmetic
- Higher powers and roots of a number
- Logarithms and exponentials
- Operations on complex numbers
- Measures of central tendency and dispersion
- Mean, median and mode
- Variance, standard deviation and quantiles
- Probability distributions
- Discrete probability distributions:Binomial,Poisson and Geometric
- Binomial,Poisson and Geometric densities, distribution and quantile functions, random variables
- Discrete probability distributions:Negative Binomial and Hypergeometric
- Negative Binomial and Hypergeometric densities, distribution and quantile functions, random variables
- Continuous probability distributions
- Normal, Chi squared, F and t densities, distribution and quantile functions, random variables
- Log-normal, logistic, exponential and gamma densities, distribution and quantile functions, random variables
- Beta, cauchy and weibull densities, distribution and quantile functions, random variables
- Graphical representation of information using R
- Histograms, barcharts and box plots
- Creating histograms, addding density estimate to a histogram
- Creating and colouring bar charts, adding confidence intervals
- Creating box plots
- Scatter diagrams, regression lines and Q-Q plots
- Plotting a scatter digram, adding title, label, grid and a legend
- Graphing a function, a regression line (superimposing on scatter plot)
- Creating Q-Q plots
- Econometrics in R
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- OLS, log-linear, log-log and semi-log regressions
- Dummy variable regression, regression through the origin and with standardised coefficients
- Regression Analysis
- Confidence intervals
- P-values and power functions
- Tests for heteroskcedasticity
- Park test
- Goldfeld-Quandt test
- Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test
- White’s General Heteroskcedasticity test
- Tests for autocorrelation and specification errors
- Durbin Watson test
- Ramsey reset specification test
- Models of microeconometrics
- Bayesian Econometrics
- Time series Econometrics
- Programming your own analysis