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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to this tutorial on Calculation of Bubble Points and Dew Points in DWSIM.
00:07 In this tutorial, we will learn to generate: Bubble Point Temperature at a given pressure,
00:15 Dew Point Temperature at a given pressure.
00:19 To record this tutorial, I am using DWSIM 5.2 (Classic UI) and Windows 10.
00:28 The process demonstrated in this tutorial is identical in other OS also such as-


Mac OS X or


00:40 To practice this tutorial, you should know to: add components to a flowsheet,
00:46 select thermodynamic packages and add material stream and specify their properties.
00:54 The prerequisite tutorials are mentioned on our website spoken-tutorial.org
00:59 You can access these tutorials and all the associated files from this site.
01:05 In this tutorial, using DWSIM, we will calculate:

1) Bubble Point Temperature at 2 bar

2) Dew Point Temperature at 10 bar

01:15 Here we provide the compounds, inlet stream conditions and property package.
01:21 I have already opened DWSIM on my machine.
01:26 Go to File menu and select New Steady-state Simulation.
01:33 Simulation Configuration Wizard window appears.
01:37 At the bottom, click on the Next button.
01:41 Now, in the Compounds Search tab, type: Methane.
01:46 Select Methane from ChemSep database.
01:50 Next, we will add Ethane.
01:54 Similarly, add Propane.
01:58 Next, add Isobutane.
02:02 Followed by N-butane.
02:06 Similarly, add Isopentane.
02:10 Then add N-pentane.
02:14 At the bottom of the window, click on the Next button.
02:18 The Property Packages opens.
02:21 From Available Property Package list, double-click on Soave-Redlich-Kwong.
02:28 Then click on the Next button.
02:31 We are moved to a new window named Flash Algorithm.
02:36 From Default Flash Algorithm, select Nested Loops(VLE).
02:41 Click on the Next button at the bottom.
02:44 The next option is System of Units.
02:48 Under System of Units, select C5.
02:52 At the bottom, click on the Finish button.
02:55 Let us maximize the simulation window for better visibility.
03:00 Now let’s insert a material stream for which we have to calculate Bubble points and Dew points.
03:07 On the right hand side of the main simulation window, go to Flowsheet Objects.
03:12 In the Filter List tab, type: Material Stream.
03:17 From the displayed list, drag and drop a Material Stream to the Flowsheet.
03:23 Click on the Material Stream “MSTR-000” to view its properties.
03:29 Let’s change the name of this stream to Feed.
03:33 Now we will specify the Feed stream properties.
03:37 Go to the Input Data.
03:39 Select Flash Spec as Temperature and Pressure (TP), if not already selected.
03:44 By default, Temperature and Pressure are already selected as Flash Spec.
03:50 Change Temperature to 25 degree Celsius and press Enter.
03:56 Change Pressure to 5 bar and press Enter.
04:00 Now, let us specify the feed stream compositions.
04:05 Under Composition, choose the Basis as Mole Fractions, if not already selected.
04:13 By default, Mole Fractions is selected as Basis.
04:18 Now, for Methane, type the Amount as 0.05 and press Enter.
04:26 For Ethane, type it as 0.1 and press Enter.
04:33 Similarly, for Propane, type 0.15 and press Enter.
04:39 And for Isobutane, type 0.1 and press Enter.
04:45 Next, for N-butane, type 0.2 and press Enter.
04:51 For Isopentane, type 0.25 and press Enter.
04:57 Lastly, for N-pentane, type 0.15 and press Enter.
05:04 On the right, click on this green tick to Accept Changes.
05:08 Now we will see how property package calculates phase equilibrium data of compounds.
05:14 To do this, go to Utilities.
05:17 Click on Add Utility.
05:20 In the Add Utility window, under Object Type, select Material Streams.
05:27 Under Utility Type, select Phase Envelope.
05:31 Under Flowsheet Object, select Feed.
05:35 Then, at the bottom, click on the Add Utility button.
05:40 Phase Envelope window opens.
05:43 Let us adjust the Phase Envelope window for better visibility.
05:49 Enter Name as BubblePoint-DewPoint.
05:55 Under Settings, click on Bubble Points tab.
06:00 Select the check box against Custom Initialization.
06:05 We are going to calculate bubble point temperature against given pressure.
06:10 So, let Initial Flash method be PVF.
06:14 Here, we will change only Initial Pressure and Pressure Step.
06:19 Type Initial Pressure as 1 bar and press Enter.
06:24 Type Pressure Step as 1 bar and press Enter.
06:30 We will not change any temperature value as we are doing a PVF Flash.
06:36 Now, go to Dew Points tab.
06:39 We will repeat the same process as Bubble Points Initialization.
06:44 Select the check box against Custom Initialization.
06:49 We are going to calculate dew point temperature against given pressure.
06:54 So, here also let the Initial Flash method be PVF.
06:59 Hence we will change only Initial Pressure and Pressure Step
07:04 Type Initial Pressure as 1 bar and press Enter.
07:10 Type Pressure Step as 1 bar and press Enter.
07:16 Now click on the Calculate button at the bottom.
07:20 The calculation process is running in the background.
07:25 We can see the dew points and bubble points generated at different pressure and temperatures.
07:32 Under Results, click on Table.
07:36 In the column Pb, look for 2 bar at which we had to calculate the bubble point.

Here is 2 bar under Pb column.

07:45 Look for temperature in Tb column corresponding to 2 bar.
07:50 We can see the bubble point temperature to be minus 91.9274 degree Celcius
07:58 Next, we have to find Dew point temperature at 10 bar.
08:03 In the column Pd, look for 10 bar at which we have to find the dew point.
08:09 Here is 10 bar under Pd column.
08:12 Look for temperature in Td column corresponding to 10 bar.
08:17 We can see the dew point temperature to be 87.396 degree Celcius.
08:24 There is an alternative way by which we can verify the correctness of the above results.
08:30 For this, let’s get back to flowsheet window.
08:34 Click on Feed.
08:37 Under Input data, select Flash Spec as Pressure and Vapor Fraction (PVF).
08:44 Type Vapor Phase Mole Fraction as 0 and press Enter.
08:50 And, Pressure as 2 bar and press Enter.
08:56 Now check the temperature which is minus 91.9274 degree C.
09:03 This is the bubble point temperature at 2 bar pressure.
09:07 It matches the value obtained earlier from Phase envelope.
09:11 Similarly, let’s check for Dew point temperature.
09:16 Let the Flash Spec be same as Pressure and Vapor Fraction (PVF).
09:21 Type Vapor Phase Mole Fraction as 1 and press Enter.
09:27 And Pressure as 10 bar and press Enter.
09:32 Now, check the temperature which is 87.396 degree C.
09:38 This is the dew point temperature at 10 bar pressure.
09:42 It matches the value obtained earlier from Phase envelope.
09:46 Let's summarize.
09:48 In this tutorial, we have learnt to generate: Bubble Point Temperature at a given pressure,
09:54 Dew Point Temperature at a given pressure.
09:57 As an assignment, calculate the following for the given component system and inlet conditions.
10:04 Calculate Bubble Point Pressure at 20 degree Celsius.
10:08 Calculate Dew Point Pressure at 60 degree Celsius.
10:12 Watch the video available at following link.


It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

10:19 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates. For more details, please write to us.
10:26 Please post your times queries in this forum.
10:31 The FOSSEE team coordinates conversion of existing flow sheets into DWSIM.
10:37 We give honorarium and certificates.
10:40 For more details, please visit this site.
10:43 The FOSSEE team coordinates coding of solved examples of popular books.
10:48 We give honorarium and certificates. For more details, please visit this site.
10:55 The FOSSEE team helps migrate commercial simulator labs to DWSIM.
11:01 We give honorarium and certificates. For more details, please visit this site
11:08 Spoken Tutorial and FOSSEE projects are funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.
11:16 This tutorial is contributed by Kaushik Datta and Priyam Nayak.

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Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14