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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on FrontAccounting installation on Windows Operating System.
00:08 In this tutorial, we will learn to:
00:10 download FrontAccounting software,
00:14 create a database for FrontAccounting,
00:18 and install FrontAccounting software in Windows OS.
00:24 To record this tutorial, I'm using-
00:27 Windows 8 OS, XAMPP 5.6.24 ,

FrontAccounting 2.4.1, Firefox web browser and a working Internet connection.

00:43 Let’s begin.
00:44 To run FrontAccounting, we require a web server, php and a database on our machine.
00:52 We will use Apache as our web server and MySQL as our database.
00:59 By installing XAMPP package, all of these will get installed together.
01:05 To install XAMPP package,
01:07 refer to the XAMPP installation tutorial in the PHP & MySQL series, on this website.
01:14 Follow the instructions given in this tutorial to install the latest version.
01:20 I have already installed XAMPP on my machine.
01:24 To open XAMPP, click on the Windows key on the keyboard and type XAMPP.
01:32 Click on the XAMPP Control Panel icon from the search list.
01:37 In the XAMPP Control Panel, make sure that Apache & MySQL services are running.
01:44 If not, start these services by clicking on START button on the respective services.
01:52 To stop the services, we have to click on STOP button.
01:57 You may get some error messages like:
02:00 “Apache shutdown unexpectedly” or
02:04 “Port 80 in use for Apache Server” or
02:09 “Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts for MySQL database”.
02:16 This is because the default ports allotted for Apache and MySQL is taken by other software.
02:24 Default port number for Apache is 80 and for MySQL is 3306.
02:32 To change these ports, refer to the XAMPP Installation tutorial in the PHP & MySQL series, on this website.
02:40 Allot proper port numbers before proceeding further.
02:44 Let us check whether the webserver is running or not.
02:48 To do so, open the web browser and type localhost in the url.
02:55 If you have changed the port number, then type localhost:8080.
03:02 Then press Enter key.
03:05 This will take us to the Xampp welcome page.
03:09 Next we have to create a database for FrontAccounting.
03:14 We can do this with the help of phpmyadmin.
03:18 To open phpMyAdmin, on the web browser address bar, type: localhost/phpmyadmin.
03:28 or localhost:8080/phpmyadmin
03:35 and press Enter.
03:38 This will open the phpMyAdmin page.
03:42 Let’s create the database now.
03:45 On the top left of the phpmyadmin page, click on Databases tab.
03:51 In the Create database section, type the Database name as frontacc and click on Create.
04:00 This will create a database named frontacc.
04:06 Now we will see the installation procedure for FrontAccounting.
04:11 Open a new web browser tab and type the url [1]
04:26 and press Enter.
04:29 Here we can see Download link for FrontAccounting.
04:34 Click on Download.
04:37 Immediately, a small dialog box will open.
04:41 Click on Save file option and then on Ok option.
04:47 The latest version of FrontAccounting will begin downloading.
04:52 Once the download completes, open the folder where you have downloaded the file.
04:59 Here is the file which we have downloaded.
05:03 Right-click and select Extract All and then on Extract.
05:10 Open the extracted folder.
05:13 Inside that, you can see a folder named frontaccounting.
05:18 Rename it as account.
05:22 Next, we have to paste the folder account in the Web Server's root directory.
05:28 The path for the root directory is “c:\xampp\htdocs”.
05:36 Right-click on the folder account and select Copy.
05:40 Go to My Computer, C drive, xampp and htdocs.
05:47 Then right-click and select Paste.
05:50 Now the account folder is pasted in the Web Server's root folder.
05:55 Let us start to configure FrontAccounting.
05:58 Open the web browser and type:
06:01 localhost/account
06:04 or localhost:8080/account,
06:09 depending on your port configuration.
06:12 Then press Enter.
06:14 We can see the FrontAccounting webpage.
06:17 It also says Step 1: System Diagnostics.
06:22 This means that we have successfully installed the software packages with the Comments as OK.
06:30 Click on the Continue button.
06:33 In the “Database server settings” page, enter the following details-
06:38 Server host as localhost,
06:42 Database Name as frontacc,
06:46 Database user as root.
06:49 Leave the password as blank since XAMPP in Windows doesn’t have any password, by default.
06:57 Then click on the Continue button.
07:00 In the “Company Settings” page, enter the following:
07:04 I will type the CompanyName as ST Co. Pvt. Ltd.
07:10 Admin Password as spoken.
07:13 You can give any password of your choice.
07:17 Re-enter the password.
07:19 Remember this password.
07:21 This is the login-password that you need to use to login each time.
07:25 We can see two options for the “Charts of Accounts”.
07:30 I will select “Standard new company American COA”.
07:35 Select the Default Language as English.
07:38 Click on Install.
07:40 The installation will take some time to complete.
07:44 Once completed, we will see a new window.
07:48 It says the Frontaccounting ERP has been installed successfully.
07:53 Click on “Click here to start”.
07:56 This will take us to the FrontAccounting login page.
08:00 Login with the following details-
08:02 Username as admin,
08:05 password as spoken
08:08 and then click on Login.
08:11 Now, we are in FrontAccounting admin panel.
08:14 This brings us to the end of this tutorial.
08:17 Let us summarize.
08:20 In this tutorial, we have learnt to:
08:23 install XAMPP,
08:25 create a database for FrontAccounting,
08:28 and install FrontAccounting in Windows.
08:31 The video at the given link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.
08:36 Please download and watch it.
08:39 We conduct workshops and give certificates to those who pass our online tests.
08:45 For more details, please write to us.
08:48 Spoken Tutorial project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.
08:55 More information on this mission is available at this link.
09:00 This script has been contributed by Praveen.

And, this is Nirmala Venkat from IIT Bombay, signing off.

09:06 Thanks for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Jyotisolanki, Ranjana, Sandhya.np14