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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Simulating a PID controller using Xcos.
00:07 In this tutorial we will learn how to implement a PID controller in Xcos.
00:13 Ensure that Scilab is installed on your computer.
00:17 I am recording this tutorial on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit Operating System and using Scilab 6.0.0
00:27 As a pre-requisite, watch the tutorial Xcos Introduction.
00:32 This tutorial will make you comfortable with the Xcos environment.
00:37 Also, we will use the firstorder.xcos file created in that tutorial.
00:43 Hence, it is important that you practice the tutorial before continuing so that you have the file with you.
00:50 Some basic knowledge of PID controller is necessary.
00:54 Assuming that you have satisfied the pre-requisites, let us begin with the tutorial.
00:59 First of all, we will launch Scilab.
01:03 Then go to Applications and select Xcos.
01:08 Or in your Scilab console window, type Xcos and press Enter.
01:15 By doing this, two windows will open.
  1. Palette Browser and # An Untitled-Xcos window
01:23 On the Untitled-Xcos window, click on File and then click on Open.
01:30 Browse to the directory where the file firstorder.xcos is saved.
01:36 Choose that file and click on Ok.
01:40 Now, Double-click on the transfer function block.
01:44 Check that you are using the same transfer function as I am using.
01:49 For me, the numerator is 1 and denominator is 2 asteric s plus 1

Which is 2 multiplied by s plus one.

02:01 Click on Ok.
02:03 Double-click on the Step block.
02:06 Check that you are using the same step input parameters as I am using.
02:11 For me the Step time is 1, the Initial value is 0 and the Final value is 2.

Click on OK

02:20 Click on Simulation on the menu bar and choose Start to simulate the file.
02:27 Expect a similar plot which ensures that the file has no mistakes.
02:32 Switch to the Palette Browser.
02:35 Click on Continuous time systems category.
02:39 Drag and drop the PID block, which is here, inside the Xcos window
02:46 Click on the Signal Routing category.
02:49 Drag and drop the Mux block, which is here, inside the Xcos window.
02:55 Click on Mathematical Operations category.
03:00 Drag and drop the Summation block, which is here, inside the Xcos window.
03:07 Note that this block, by default, subtracts the second input from the first input.
03:14 We will use this default configuration of the summation block.
03:18 Click on the line joining the step input block and transfer function block.
03:24 Then press the Delete button to delete it.
03:27 Drag the step input block away from the transfer function block.
03:31 Click on the line joining the transfer function block and the cscope block.
03:36 Then press the Delete button to delete it.
03:40 Drag the cscope and clock input block away from the transfer function block
03:46 Place the PID block before the transfer function block.
03:50 Place the summation block before the PID block.
03:54 Place the Mux block between the transfer function block and cscope block.
03:59 Adjust the blocks, if required, so that they all come in a line.
04:04 Connect the step input block to the first input port of the summation block.
04:10 Note that this is the positive input port of the summation block.
04:15 Connect the output port of summation block to the input port of PID block.
04:21 Connect the output port of PID block to the input port of transfer function block.
04:27 Connect the output port of transfer function block to the lower input port of Mux block.
04:33 Connect the output port of Mux block to the input port of the cscope block.
04:39 Locate the line connecting the step input block and the summation block.
04:44 Connect the input port of Mux to that line.
04:48 Use the left mouse click to create line bends while making the connection.
04:54 Locate the line joining the transfer function block and the Mux block.
04:59 Connect the second input port of the summation block to that line. Use line bends wherever necessary.
05:08 Double-click on the PID block to open its parameter setting dialog box.
05:14 Here you can set the Proportional, Integral and Derivative gains.
05:18 Please note that the Integral gain should be considered as 1 by tau I, where tau I is the integral time.
05:28 We will use the default settings. Click on Cancel to use the default settings.
05:34 We are now ready to run the simulation.
05:37 Notice that we are using the step input block as a setpoint variable.
05:42 The PID controller will generate an input to the Transfer Function block.
05:47 It will be such that the output of the transfer function block matches the setpoint.
05:53 Click on Start simulation button available on the menu bar.
05:58 Expect a graphic window to open. It will have two variables plotted in a single plot.
06:07 The step plot is the setpoint which has a final value of 2.
06:12 The curved plot which is green in color, is the output of the transfer function which tries to meet the setpoint value of 2.
06:22 You can now change the PID settings and learn how they affect the output.
06:28 Pause the video here and solve the given exercises.
06:33 Implement a Proportional Controller only. That is, only P and not PID
06:40 Change the proportional gain such that the setpoint matches the output but without overshoots.
06:47 Include the output of the summation block in the plot.
06:51 You may use CMSCOPE to keep it separate.
06:55 Compare it visually with the output of the PID block
06:59 This brings us to the end of this tutorial. Let us summarize.
07:04 In this tutorial we learnt : To modify the firstorder.xcos file to implement a PID controller
07:12 Configure each block as per the simulation requirements
07:16 Setup the simulation parameters
07:19 The video at the following link, summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

07:26 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

07:34 Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?
07:37 Please visit
07:43 Choose the minute and second where you have the question
07:47 Explain your question briefly
07:50 Someone from our team will answer them
07:53 The Spoken Tutorial forum is for specific questions on this tutorial
07:58 Please do not post unrelated and general questions on them
08:03 This will help reduce the clutter
08:05 With less clutter, we can use these discussions as instructional material
08:11 Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.. More information on this mission is available at the link shown.
08:23 This is Rupak Rokade signing off. Thanks for joining.

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