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00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Creating a simple custom module.
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn to- Create a basic module
00:11 Add a basic controller and
00:13 Add a routing file
00:15 To record this tutorial, I am using Ubuntu Linux 16.04
00:21 Drupal 8 , Firefox web browser and Gedit text editor
00:27 You can use any text editor and web browser of your choice.
00:32 To practise this tutorial, you should have basic knowledge of Drupal.
00:38 If not, for relevant Drupal tutorials, please visit the link shown.
00:43 To create a custom module in Drupal, you should be familiar with

Object oriented programming terminology

00:51 Programming in PHP
00:53 Namespacing in PHP and
00:55 Symfony 2
00:57 For details of pre-requisites, please see the “Additional reading material” link of this tutorial.
01:04 We have already learnt about contributed modules earlier.
01:08 Now we will learn to create a simple custom module.
01:12 This module will create a custom page showing “hello world”.
01:17 Here is the workflow of this module.
01:20 The Request is what we request to the website.
01:24 Router determines what should be done with the request.
01:29 The controller builds the response for the given request.
01:33 The View creates the response.
01:36 The response is what the website returns.
01:40 Here is the file structure of the custom module which we are going to create.
01:45 Let us start creating the files required for a custom module.
01:50 Open your File browser.
01:52 Go to the folder where we have installed Drupal locally.
01:57 Now go to apps -> drupal -> htdocs -> modules folder.
02:03 We have to always create our custom modules inside this modules folder.
02:09 Let’s create a folder and name it as custom.
02:13 This will separate our custom modules from the contributed modules.
02:18 Inside this custom folder, we will create a folder called hello_world.
02:25 This folder name is the machine name.
02:28 It will be used by core Drupal, to refer to this module.
02:33 There are some rules to follow when naming a custom module.
02:37 It must contain only lower-case letters, underscores but no spaces.
02:43 It must be unique and cannot have the same short name as any other module or theme
02:50 It cannot have any reserved terms such as src, lib, vendor, templates, includes, fixtures, etc.
03:00 Switch back to our file browser
03:03 Inside this hello_world folder, we will create a file called hello_world with info.yml extension.
03:13 The name of the info.yml file and the name of the module folder should be the same.
03:20 Yml is the file extension of YAML.
03:24 YAML is a unicode based data serialization standard for all programming languages.
03:31 It is a human-readable language.
03:34 This info.yml file is to tell Drupal about our module.
03:40 In this file, we will store the metadata of our module.
03:44 So type the following metadata.
03:47 Let's save this file.
03:49 This is the title of our module which will be shown on the extend page.
03:54 This is a small description of our module.
03:58 This is what category our module will be listed under on the extend page.
04:04 This is to tell Drupal that we are making a module.
04:08 The core key specifies the version of Drupal core that our module is compatible with.
04:15 Here name, type and core keys are required. Other keys can be ignored.
04:21 Next, we will create a file called hello_world with module extension.
04:28 For this demonstration, we are not going to add any functionality in this file.

But we just need to create this file.

04:37 In this file, type the following.
04:39 Let us save the file.
04:41 These are the two files Drupal requires to create a module.
04:46 Now we will install this module in our website.
04:50 Open our local Drupal website.
04:53 Before installing the new module, we will clear the cache first.
04:58 To do that, click on the Configuration menu.
05:01 Under Development, click on the Performance option.
05:05 Now click on the Clear all caches button.
05:08 You can see that the caches are cleared.
05:11 It is compulsory to clear the caches every time we modify our website.
05:17 Now to install the module, click on the Extend menu and scroll down.
05:23 Under Custom, you can see the Hello World module which we created just now.
05:28 Click on it to select.
05:30 Click on the Install button at the bottom.
05:33 Our custom module is enabled now.
05:36 Next, we have to add the router file.
05:40 This is to tell Drupal where the module can be accessed from.
05:44 The router determines what should be done with the request.
05:48 The router also checks if the access is permitted.
05:53 Switch back to our File browser.
05:55 Now we will create the routing file called hello_world.routing.yml
06:03 Type the following inside the routing file. Let us understand the code.
06:08 This line is the route.
06:10 This indicates what path will be used to access our module.
06:15 This is to tell Drupal where to get the content from.
06:20 Here content is the function which we will create in the controller file.
06:25 This is to ensure only users who can access content, will be able to see our Hello World page.
06:33 Next we should add the functionality about what this module is going to do.
06:38 This is done by adding a controller.
06:41 What is a controller? Controller is a PHP function.
06:46 It takes information from the HTTP request and constructs and returns an HTTP response.
06:54 Switch back to our File browser.
06:56 To add a controller, we should create a folder named src here.
07:02 Inside the src folder, we should create another folder named Controller.
07:07 Inside this Controller folder, we will create the controller file called HelloController.php
07:15 Inside this file, type the following.
07:18 Now save the file.
07:20 The namespace allows to place a bunch of code under a name, to avoid naming conflicts.
07:28 This use statement will import the ControllerBase class.
07:32 We have a class HelloWorldController with the function content.
07:38 It will return the markup text when the routing system invokes the page.
07:43 Now switch to the web browser.
07:46 Click on the Back to site button.
07:48 Add hello in the address bar as a request to the web browser.
07:53 This is the path we created in the routing file to access our module.

Now press Enter.

08:00 We can see our custom page which we created just now. This is the response.
08:07 Likewise, we can create other simple custom modules in Drupal 8.
08:13 With this, we come to the end of this tutorial.
08:16 Let us summarize. In this tutorial, we have learnt to-

Create a basic module, Add a basic controller, Add a routing file

08:27 As an assignment, create a custom module for “About us” page of your website.
08:33 The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

08:41 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

08:49 Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, Ministry of Human Resource Development and NVLI, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
09:00 This is Priya from IIT Bombay signing off. Thanks for joining.

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