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Time Narration
00:01 Paralok, ngi pdiangsngewbha iaphi sha ka spoken tutorial halor ka Basics of redirection.
00:07 Ha kane ka jinghikai, ngin ia pule shaphang:
00:10 Ka input bad ka output ha ka Bash
00:12 Redirection bad file descriptors
00:15 standard input standard output
00:18 standard error da ka jingiarap jong katto katne ki nuksa.
00:22 Ban bud ia kane ka jinghikai, phi dei ban don ia ki jingtip jong ka Shell Scripting ha ka BASH.
00:28 Lada phim don, te na ka bynta ki jinghikai kiba iadei, sngewbha leit sha ka website jong ngi kumba la pyni
00:34 Na ka bynta kane ka jinghikai, nga pyndonkam da ka:
00:36 Ubuntu Linux 12.04 Operating System bad
00:40 GNU BASH version 4.2
00:43 Sngewbha kynmaw, ka GNU Bash version 4 lane kaba kham shajrong lah ai jingmut na ka bynta kane ka jinghikai.
00:50 Ha ka GNU/Linux ngi lah ban phah ia ka output sha ka file lane read ia ka input na ka file.
00:58 Man ka Shell command kidon la kijong ki inputs bad outputs.
01:03 Input bad output lah redirect da kaba pyndonkam ia ka notation ba kyrpang ba lah intepreted da ka Shell.
01:11 Ban pynkylla ia ka default path jong ka input lane output la khot ka redirection.
01:18 Ha ka GNU/Linux baroh kidei ki file, kynthup ia ka hardware.
01:24 Ki values kiba shait pynphai barabor kidei:
01:27 '0' na ka bynta input kata ka keyboard
01:31 '1' na ka bynta ka output kata ka screen
01:34 '2' na ka bynta ka error kata ka screen.
01:38 0, 1, 2 kidei ki POSIX numbers bad la tip ruh kum ki file descriptors (FD).
01:46 U re-director u pyndonkam ia ki POSIX numbers ban iakren bad u nongpyndonkam lane bad kawei pat ka program.
01:54 Standard input: standard input kadei ka default input method.
02:00 La pyndonkam da baroh ki commands ban read ia ka input.
02:04 La pynithuh ia u da u zero (0).
02:07 Ba la tip ruh kum stdin (Standard input).
02:13 Ka default standard input kadei ka keyboard.
02:17 Less than symbol udei u input redirection symbol.
02:22 Ka syntax kadei- command space less than symbol space filename.
02:30 To ngan plie ia ka file kaba kyrteng ka redirection dot sh.
02:34 Nga lah type katto katne ki code ha kane ka file.
02:37 Kane kadei ka shebang line.
02:41 Type: sort space less than symbol space file dot txt.
02:48 Kane kadei ka nuksa jong ka input redirection.
02:52 Ia ka input la shim na ka file file dot txt.
02:57 sort command ka leh ia ka sorting jong ki numbers kiba don ha ka file dot txt.
03:04 Nion ha Save.
03:06 To ngin ia run ia ka file redirection dot sh.
03:10 Plie ia ka terminal da kaba pyndonkam Ctrl, Alt bad T keys ha kajuh kapor na ka keyboard jong phi.
03:18 Shwa ia kata, to ngin ia peit ia ki contents jong ka file dot txt.
03:23 Type: cat space file dot txt.
03:27 Shon Enter.
03:30 Phi lah ban iohi ia ka file kaba don ia ki series jong ki numbers.
03:35 Mynta type: chmod space plus x space redirection dot sh.
03:43 Shon Enter.
03:45 Type: dot slash redirection dot sh
03:48 Shon Enter.
03:51 Ngi lah ban iohi ia ka output ha ka terminal hadien ba ngi lah dep sort.
03:56 Ki numbers lah sort ha ka order kaba kiew.
04:00 Phai biang sha ka slides jong ngi.
04:03 Standard output: standard output lah pyndonkam da baroh ki commands ban pyni ia ka output.
04:10 Ka default output lah pyni ha ka screen.
04:14 La pynithuh ia u da u number one (1).
04:17 Ba la tip ruh kum u stdout (Standard output).
04:23 ( > )Greater than symbol udei u output redirection symbol.
04:28 Ka Syntax kadei command space greater than symbol space filename.
04:35 To ngan leit biang sha ka file jong ngi ka redirection dot sh.
04:41 Comment ia u lain ba ha shwa kata u sort.
04:45 Hapoh jong u, type ls space greater than symbol space ls underscore file.txt
04:55 Kane kadei ka nuksa jong ka output redirection.
04:59 Ka jingmih na u 'ls' yn sa buh ha ka ls_file dot txt .
05:06 Ka 'ls' command ka lis ia ka jingtip shaphang ki files ha kawei ka directory.
05:14 Mynta, save ia ka file bad leit sha ka terminal.
05:19 To ngan clear ia ka prompt. Nyngkong, to ngin type 'ls' bad ngin peit ia ka jingmih.
05:28 Mynta shon ia u up-arrow key lai sien.
05:33 Kynmaw ia ka command ba hashwa dot slash redirection dot sh.
05:38 Bad shon Enter.
05:41 Mynta to ngin ia check lada ka output ka wan ne em ha ka rukom badei.
05:46 Type: gedit space ls underscore file dot txt bad shon Enter.
05:56 Mynta ngi lah ban iohi ia ka output ha kane ka file. Te ka redirect jong ngi kalong kaba jop.
06:03 Phai biang sha ka slides jong ngi.
06:06 Standard error: standard error kadei ka default output error.
06:12 La pyndonkam ia ka ban thoh ia baroh ki jingbakla ha ka system.
06:16 La pynithuh ia u da u number two (2).
06:20 Kaba la tip ruh kum stderr (Standard error).
06:25 Ka jingmih na ka default standard error ka paw ha ka screen lane ha ka monitor.
06:32 Two greater than symbol (2>) kadei ka error redirection symbol.
06:36 Ka syntax kadei command space 2 greater than symbol space error dot txt.
06:44 To ngan phai biang sha ka file redirection dot sh.
06:49 Ngin ia comment ia ka lain ba hashwa. Kata ka 'ls'.
06:54 Hapoh jong u, type: rm space backslash tmp backslash 4815 dot txt space 2 greater than symbol space error dot txt.
07:11 Ka error output ka lah redirected sha kaerror dot txt file.
07:17 Mynta, nion ha Save bad phai sha ka terminal.
07:22 Ngin ia type ia ka command ban iohi nyngkong ia ka jingbakla.
07:26 Type: rm space back slash tmp back slash 4815 dot txt
07:36 Shon Enter.
07:38 Ka error kaba paw kadei ka-
07:40 rm: cannot remove slash tmp slash 4815 dot txt: No such file or directory.
07:49 Mynta ngin ia execute ia ka file jong ngi.
07:53 Shon ia u up-arrow key
07:55 Bad kynmaw ia ka command ba hashwa dot slash redirection dot sh.
08:01 Shon Enter.
08:03 Mynta to ngin ia check lada ka error ka lah redirect ne em.
08:07 Type: gedit space error dot txt bad shon Enter.
08:15 Mynta ngi lah ban iohi ia ka error kaba redirect sha ka file error dot txt
08:22 Da kane ngi lah poi sha kaba kut jong kane ka jinghikai.
08:26 To ngin ia batai kyllum.
08:28 Ha kane ka jinghikai, ngi lah pule shaphang:
08:31 Ka input bad ka output ha ka Bash
08:35 Redirection bad file descriptors
08:38 standard input da kaba pyndonkam da u '<' (less than) symbol
08:42 standard output da kaba pyndonkam da u '>' (greater than) symbol
08:47 standard error da kaba pyndonkam da u '2>' (2 greater than symbol).
08:52 Kum ka kam na ka bynta jong phi-
08:54 Thoh ia ka program ha kano kano ka language kum ka C, C++, Java
08:59 Bad redirect ia ka output lane error sha ka file kaba thymmai.
09:04 Lane, shna ia ka text file da ki katto katne ki contents kum ka kyrteng bad jaka sah jong phi.
09:11 Redirect ia ki contents sha ka file kaba thymmai.
09:15 Peit ia ka video kaba don ha ka link ba lah ai harum.
09:19 Ka kyllum lang ia ka Spoken-Tutorial project.
09:23 Lada phim don ia ka bandwidth kaba biang, phi lah ban shu download bad peit ia ka hadien.
09:28 Ka kynhun jong ka Spoken Tutorial project:
09:30 Ka pynlong ia ki workshops da kaba pyndonkam da ki spoken tutorials.
09:34 Ka ai certificates sha kito kiba pass ha ka online test.
09:38 Na ka bynta ki jingtip ba bun, sngewbha thoh sha ka
09:46 Spoken Tutorial project kadei shi bynta jong ka Talk to a Teacher project.
09:50 La kyrshan ia ka da ka National Mission on Education lyngba ka ICT, MHRD, Sorkar India.
09:58 Kham bun ki jingtip halor kane ka mission kidon ha ka link ba lah ai harum.
10:04 Ia kane ka script la noh synniang da ka FOSSEE bad ka kynhun jong ka Spoken-Tutorial.
10:10 Ma nga i Meboreen na Shillong, nga pynkut ia kane. Khublei shibun.

Contributors and Content Editors

Meboreen Mary