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Time Narration
00:02 Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on LibreOffice Base.
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn how to
00:09 enter and update data in a form.
00:12 In the last tutorial, we learnt how to add form controls to a form.
00:19 In this tutorial, let us learn how to enter data and update data using a form.
00:27 Before doing this, let us make just three more modifications to our form design.
00:36 Let us first invoke the LibreOffice Base program, if it's not already open
00:51 and open our 'Library database'
00:54 by clicking Open under File menu.
00:58 Now we are in the Library database.
01:02 And, we will open the 'Books Issued to Members' form.
01:07 To do this, let us click on the Forms icon on the left panel and then right-click on the 'Books Issued to Members' form on the right panel
01:20 and then click on Edit.
01:24 We are now in the Form Design window.
01:28 Here, let us first resize the form, so it looks compact and less imposing.
01:36 To do this, we will decrease the height and length of our form window.
01:43 We will do this by clicking, dragging and dropping on the top and sides of the form window.
01:51 Next, let us change the font of the heading on our form.
01:57 Let us change the font to Arial Black and Size 12 from the Formatting toolbar at the top.
02:12 Finally, let us look at the Tab Order of the form controls.
02:19 This helps us to use keyboard tab keys to navigate across the form controls in a particular order.
02:29 Say, for example, from the top to the bottom.
02:33 This is called the tab order.
02:37 Now, Base automatically sets the tab order of the form controls from top to bottom in a form.
02:47 But since we removed a couple of text boxes and added two new list boxes and four buttons, we may have mixed up the tab order.
03:00 So, we will set it right now.
03:05 In the Form Design toolbar, usually found at the bottom of the window, we will browse through the icons
03:16 and find the icon with the tool tip that says 'Activation order'.
03:25 Let us click on this icon.
03:29 Now, we see a small pop-up window with 'Tab Order' as its title.
03:38 To order these form controls, we can either click, drag and drop the items.
03:46 Or we can use the 'Move up' or 'Move down' buttons.
03:52 So, let us set the tab order as shown in the image here. <pause>
04:04 We are done. So, let us click on the OK button to save these changes.
04:12 Okay, now let us save our form by pressing Control S
04:19 and then we will close the form window.
04:24 And finally, we are done with our Form design.
04:29 Now, let us test our form.
04:33 In the main Base window, let us open the 'Books Issued to Members' form by double-clicking on it.
04:42 Now, the form is open in data entry mode.
04:47 Notice the heading that says 'Form to track Books issued to Members'.
04:54 And here, we see book titles and member names instead of 'bookIds' and 'memberIds'.
05:03 Also, this is the first record of the BooksIssued table; we see that 'An Autobiography' is highlighted against the Book title.
05:15 And 'Nisha Sharma' highlighted against the Member name.
05:21 And we also see the rest of the fields.
05:25 Now we can traverse through all the records by using the Form Navigation toolbar icons at the bottom.
05:45 Let us go to the second record now.
05:49 Here we see that the member Jacob Robin has borrowed the book 'Macbeth' and let us assume now that he is returning the book.
06:01 So, let us update this information into this record.
06:07 For this, we will type in the actual return date, for example- 7/7/11
06:17 and check the Checked In field.
06:21 To save this information, we will press the Save Record button that we put there.
06:30 Notice that the button is greyed out, meaning now it is disabled from use.
06:38 But if we edit this record again then the button gets enabled again.
06:45 Okay, now let us test the Undo changes button.
06:50 For this, let us edit the record by clicking on the book title 'Conquest of Self' and then typing in 5/7/11 in the Actual Return Date field.
07:06 Notice that both the Save record button and the Undo changes button are enabled for use.
07:15 Now, let us click on the Undo Changes button and see what happens.
07:22 The changes we did last, have been undone. Notice that 'Macbeth' is highlighted instead of 'Conquest of Self' and the Actual return date is 7/7/11.
07:37 Good, let us now click on the Delete Record button, meaning- we are trying to delete this second record.
07:47 Base is cautious about deletes, so it asks for a confirmation by alerting us.
07:55 For now, let us go ahead and click on the Yes button.
08:02 We can see that the record is indeed deleted; gone from the screen and in its place we see the next record.
08:13 Finally, let us add a new record by clicking on the last button on the form which is New record.
08:22 Let us type some values.
08:26 Since the IssueId is an auto generating field, we will skip it.
08:33 And here, let us add data as shown in the image.
08:42 To save the entries, click on the Save Record button.
08:47 There we go. We have tested the form by entering and updating data.
08:54 Here is an assignment- Design a form to show the member's information.
09:00 Make the form look compact.
09:03 Make the font bold.
09:07 Add Save and New record buttons.
09:10 This brings us to the end of this tutorial on Form Data in LibreOffice Base.
09:17 To summarize, we learned how to:
09:20 enter and update data in a form.
09:23 Spoken Tutorial project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project, supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
09:34 This project is coordinated by More information on the same is available at the following link.
09:44 This script has been contributed by Priya Suresh,DesiCrew Solutions. And this is Soundharya, DesiCrew Solutions, signing off.

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Contributors and Content Editors

Gaurav, Minal, PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14