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Visual Cue
Title slide Hello and welcome to this spoken tutorial on how to apply for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana.
Slide: Learning Objectives

Image in centre


Make words appear from the left and place under the image

  • Premium
  • Benefits
  • Claim Amount

Now show the main character and bank graphic

[[Image:]] [[Image:]]

In this tutorial we will learn about the
  • Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
  • and its premium, benefits and claim amount.

We will also learn how to

  • become a member of the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
  • and auto-debit our Savings bank account towards the payment of annual premium.


[[Image:]]Animate PMSBY from the image above and form the abbreviation below the image

Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is called PMSBY, in short.

Let us now understand the details of the scheme.


Change the text 2 lacs in numbers 2,00,000

Remove the words at just

Show the below images for first bullet point



[[Image:]]Change the text 2 lacs in numbers 1,00,000

Remove the words at just

Show the below images for second bullet point

[[Image:]] [[Image:]]

PMSBY is a one year renewable Accidental Death Insurance policy under which:
  • the sum assured is Rs. 2,00,000 (Two lakhs), in case of accidental death or loss of both eyes/limbs of the insured member
  • the sum assured is Rs. 1,00,000 (One lakh), in case of loss of one eye/limb of the insured member


In previous image, zoom/enlarge the above text

Now show “Includes all administrative charges” below it

The annual premium of Rs. 12 /- is inclusive of all administrative charges of the
  • participating bank,
  • life insurance company
  • and other statutory bodies.

Continue previous image and text.

Now show “NO Service Tax” below it

Currently, no Service tax is applicable on this scheme.

However it may be applicable

  • on the premiums, as notified by the Central and/or State Government
  • from time to time
  • as per the provisions of the prevalent tax laws.


[[Image:]] [[Image:]]

PMSBY scheme
  • will be administered by an insurance company in partnership with a bank
  • and be guided by the scheme rules
  • as specified by the Government of India from time to time.


Show calendar flipping till May 2016

Show a stamp of RENEWAL


The insurance cover under this product will start from 1st June 2015 and shall be renewed annually.
Text on screen

Highlights of PMSBY scheme



Show partial image of the form

The key highlights of the PMSBY are:
  • Protection at an affordable cost
  • Instant processing: Minimal medical examination required
  • Easy enrolment: Enrolment based on a simplified proposal form

Benefits of PMSBY scheme

Words appear on screen

Death benefit


[[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]]

Zoom and make the above images small

Words appear on screen

Cover period

Make an huge umbrella appear above the image

Show the below text under the image

1st June -------to------ 31st May

Next, show the text

Income Tax benefits & exemptions

as a rubber stamp impression

Let us look at some of the benefits of the scheme.

  • Death Benefit:
    • In the accidental death or loss of eyes/limbs of the insured member during the period of cover
    • the sum assured will be paid to the beneficiary or insured member, as applicable.
  • Cover period:
    • is for one year from 1st June to 31st May.
  • Tax Benefits:
    • Income Tax benefits/exemptions are as per the applicable Income Tax laws in India.

Text on screen

Termination of PMSBY

as a rubber stamp impression

First bullet point



Show progression of age like this image


Make the number begin at 18 years without red crossmark

Increment the counter

Make it stop at 70 and put red cross mark

Now shrink the size of all of the above images to stamp-size

Second bullet point

[[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]]


Now shrink the size of the above image to stamp-size

Third bullet point

Show calendar with May 2016 and advance it to June 2016

Circle 1 June 2016

Show Rs.12 and put a crossmark

Show main character with sweat falling from forehead.

Fourth bullet point

Show image of bank and show the text in rubber stamp impression Account closed

Show main character with sweat falling from forehead.

Fifth bullet point

Show image of bank and show the account balance decreasing from Rs.2,500 to Rs.0

Show 0 zooming in and out

Show main character with sweat falling from forehead.

The insurance cover for a member will be terminated if:
  • the age of the insured member becomes 70 years on next annual renewal date
  • on accidental death or loss of eyes/limbs of the insured member
  • on non-payment of premium on the stipulated renewal date
  • on closure of designated account with the bank
  • or on insufficient balance in the account to pay the premium.

Text on screen

Eligibility of PMSBY


Make the number begin at 18 years without red crossmark

Increment the counter

Make it stop at 65 and put green checkmark

All Savings Bank account holders, between the age of 18 to 65, in participating banks, are entitled to join PMSBY.
Text on screen

Terms of PMSBY

Show 2 different bank image (similar to the ones we used earlier)

Show main character in centre

Show arrow pointing to Bank1

On arrow show PMSBY

Show arrow pointing to Bank2

On arrow show PMSBY

Show red crossmark on Bank1 and green checkmark on Bank2

* The account holder should not be insured under PMSBY under any other Savings Bank account.
  • In case the same is found to exist,
    • the first subscription of premium received by the insurance company/companies will be valid
    • and will be restricted to Rs. 2 lakhs as per first subscription
    • and the premium paid through all subsequent subscriptions will be liable to be forfeited.

Image of bank Let us learn how to join PMSBY, if we have a Savings Bank account in any bank.
If you don’t know how to open a Savings Bank account, see the relevant tutorial in this series.
Blur the name of the bank in the pic



To join PMSBY, we need to get the PMSBY Consent-cum-Declaration form from the nearest bank.
Image of PMSBY form

Blur/erase the name of the bank in this form.

The form looks like this.
Red box around Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana The Title of the form says Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana.
Red box around small table and fields above it In the very first section of the form, we see a few fields with details to be filled and a small table below.
First of all we have to fill the Agency/BC Code here.
Red box around Savings Bank account No.

Image of Pass book.

Keep on one side and show form again with no. filled as


Then we will fill the Savings Bank account number, as given in our Savings Bank account passbook.
Red box around Date of entry into scheme Next, we have to tick the month from when we want to avail the scheme.

So, I will tick July.

Red box around Name of the account holder

Image of Pass book.

Keep on one side and show form again with name filled as

Radha Tiwari

Now, we will fill the Name of the account holder, as given in our Savings Bank account passbook.

This will be the name of the insured member for this scheme.

So here, you can fill your own name.

I will write Radha Tiwari. You have to write your name here.

Red box around


Show text

Geeta Niwas, Bolakodi Post, Barkapur, 229001,

Uttar Pradesh

And the address as shown here.

Red box around Date of Birth

Show text


Next, we have to fill our Date of Birth, as given in our Savings Bank account passbook.

So, I will write 10/02/1980 as my date of birth.

Red box around E-mail Id field

Show text

Next we have to fill our email-id here.
Red box around Mobile No., Aadhar Number fields

Show text in resp fields



Our mobile no. and Aadhar no., are to be filled in the respective places, as shown.
Red box around

Whether suffering from any disability. If yes, details thereof

The next information that we need to furnish is whether we are suffering from any disability.

So, we have to write either Yes or No, depending on whether or not we have a disability.

If Yes, then we have to provide some more details.

For eg: Deaf in left ear, polio in right leg, etc.

Red box around

Name, address and relationship

Then we will fill the name of the nominee or the beneficiary of this scheme, in case of death of the insured member.

Here you can fill the name of any relative.

For eg: daughter, son, husband, mother, father, brother, sister, etc.

Along with name, we have to provide address and relationship details also.

Show text

Asha Suryakant Tiwari

Geeta Niwas, Bolakodi Post, Barkapur, 229001,

Uttar Pradesh

Next line


So, in this space, I will fill my daughter’s name - Asha Suryakant Tiwari.

And the address as shown here.

I will fill relationship as Daughter.

Red box around Name and address of Guardian If the nominee is not a minor, skip this blank.
Show text

Shanta Misra

Shantidham, Behind Parimal Trust Primary School,

Cherai Post,

Jaunpur, 222002

Uttar Pradesh

If the nominee is a minor, we have to provide the name and address of the guardian.

So, I will fill Shanta Misra as the name.

And the address as shown here.

Red box around information text Below this table, we will find the terms and conditions of the consent, listed in detail.

Read these carefully.

Basically, it states that the account holder gives permission to that particular bank

  • to deduct Rs.12 /- annually
  • towards premium payment of PMSBY.

Here we have to fill the details of the Insurance Company, as given by our bank.
Red box around Date: and Signature verified

Show text

22 07 2015

Show signature

Lastly, write the date here.

I will write 22 07 2015 as this is date on which I am filling this form.

And then sign in the space provided here.

Image of filled form This completes the filling of the PMSBY form.
[[Image:]] Now submit this to the bank officer for verification.
Image of filled form

Zoom into Acknowledgement Slip

Show it filled

Shri/Smt Radha Tiwari

A/c no. 11229944567

Aadhar no. 223344556677

Signature of officer

Seal of bank

The Acknowledgement slip cum certificate of insurance will be separated from the form and handed-over to us.
Image of filled Acknowledgement slip This is a very important slip and should be kept very safely.
[[Image:]] Now, we have become active members of the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana.

Image of Acknowledgement Slip This slip is
  • to be produced in the unfortunate accidental death or loss of eyes/limbs of the insured member
  • by the beneficiary or guardian of the minor beneficiary
  • or by the insured member himself/herself
  • in order to claim the insured amount of Rs.2,00,000 or Rs.1,00,000 as applicable

[[Image:]] Every year our Savings Bank account will be auto-debited by Rs. 12 /-

In my case, this will happen on 22 July every year.

Bank Passbook image with debited amount shown We can check our passbook every year in the month of June and note this annual deduction.

How to discontinue

If we wish to discontinue being a member of PMSBY, we just have to inform the bank, in writing, to do so.

Our instruction will be adhered to from the next renewal date.

[[Image:]] [[Image:]] So, this is how we can join PMSBY and ensure that we and our loved ones are secured through this policy.
Summary slide

Show a collage of Learning Objectives slide

Let us summarise.

In this tutorial, we learnt about the

  • Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
  • and its premium, benefits and claim amount.

We also learnt how to

  • become a member of the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
  • auto-debit our Savings bank account towards the payment of annual premium
  • nominate the beneficiary
  • and discontinue from the scheme

Slide The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
  • creates audio-video tutorials on various informative and general awareness topics
  • and conducts training programmes, too.

For a complete list of topics, please visit

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Previous slide Hope this tutorial was helpful.

This is Nancy Varkey along with the Animation Team from IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, PoojaMoolya