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Time Narration
00:01 Hello and Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Maintenance and Repair of the Biogas plant.
00:10 In this tutorial, we will learn different techniques to maintain and repair- the Biogas plant and the Biogas burner
00:27 Periodic partial and complete cleaning of the Biogas plant is a must.
00:36 This will ensure that the Biogas plant runs smoothly.
00:43 It will also ensure efficient working of the Biogas plant for many years.
00:52 Let us first look into the maintenance section.
00:58 So, how often should one carry out maintenance of the Biogas plant?
01:07 Maintenance should be carried out on a daily basis by doing the following-
01:16 Always, mix the bio-waste with water in the proper ratio.
01:25 This will ensure- smooth flow of the bio-waste from the mixing tank into the digester tank.
01:36 If adding plant waste, crush and chop the leaves up to 1-4 cms.
01:49 Do not feed too much straw into the digester tank as it is difficult to be digested.
02:00 Sticks and branches of trees should also be avoided.
02:08 Soap, oil, chemical, insecticide and pesticides should not be added.
02:18 Soil, sand or stone should also not be added.
02:26 As they will accumulate at the base of the digester and hinder gas production.
02:34 Quantity of bio-waste to be supplied depends upon the size of the plant.
02:42 Too much bio-waste should not be fed into the digester.
02:47 This will lead to shorter retention time- i.e. bio-waste will be in the digester tank for lesser time and fermentation won’t be completed.
03:04 Hence, bio-waste will come out in the slurry tank without being digested.
03:12 If less bio-waste is fed into the digester, then gas production will be low.
03:22 Water condensation should be checked regularly.
03:27 As water in the pipeline will block the passage of gas.
03:33 Do so, by lifting the gas pipe so that the water can run back into the digester tank.
03:45 Also keep a check that the slurry is being pumped out smoothly into the slurry tank.
03:55 Ensure that the slurry is being emptied out of the slurry tank when it is full.
04:04 No inflammable items like- lighter and/or cigarettes should be brought near the outlet pipe of the dome.
04:17 Another important thing to be done is that- Slurry in the digester tank should be completely removed once in three years.
04:33 This is usually done by the mason himself.
04:40 As shown, keep the mixing tank and the slurry tank covered.
04:48 This is done to ensure proper hygiene and to avoid breeding of mosquitoes near the plant.
04:59 Let us now look into the Repair section.
05:06 Repair of Biogas burner should always be done by a qualified technician.
05:15 What you see here is a Biogas burner with the flame.
05:22 To start repairing, first switch off the inflow of gas by turning off the knobs on- the hose pipe and at the burner
05:39 Doing so is very important.
05:43 What you see here is the burner without the flame after the knobs have been turned off.
05:52 Wait for few minutes and light the burner to ensure that gas inflow has stopped.
06:03 Now remove the hose pipe connected to the burner.
06:09 Do so by loosening the Vohj clip tightened on the hose pipe connected to the burner.
06:19 Once it is loosened, pull out the hose pipe.
06:25 Now place the hose pipe near your ear to check for the sound of gas.
04:36 No sound means no gas inflow and the repair work can be carried out safely.
06:47 Now we start dismantling the burner.
06:53 Next we will remove the debris in the burner.
06:59 As shown in the image, blow air through the hose-burner connector.
07:09 This will also help to check if air is reaching smoothly to the flame ring.
07:19 Slightly tap the burner and then turn it upside down.
07:26 You can see the debris fallen from the burner.
07:33 In case of hard debris which cannot be removed by blowing air, a dry scrubbing pad can be used.
07:47 To clean the flame ring, use a pin and insert it into the holes for cleaning.
07:58 A ring with clean holes will ensure- smooth flow of gas and fuller flame
08:09 A clean ring will look like this.
08:15 Apart from what is mentioned, periodic inspection of the plant is necessary.
08:24 Inspection will help to locate cracks on the surface of the digester tank.
08:33 Otherwise, the generated Biogas can escape into the atmosphere through these cracks.
08:43 Hence, these cracks need to be sealed quickly.
08:51 Once in 3 years, the mason also repaints the inner wall of the digester tank
09:03 This is done by using White cement and synthetic resin adhesive mixture
09:14 This mixture will also help to seal cracks, if present.
09:23 To make this mixture use the following- 2 Ltrs of water
09:33 250 gms of Synthetic Resin Adhesive and 2 kgs of white cement
09:49 Mix these thoroughly and use.
09:54 Let us summarize: In this tutorial we learnt about different techniques to maintenance and repair the Biogas plant and the Biogas burner.
10:13 This video was created by- Spoken Tutorial Project with inputs from Rural-ICT team, IIT Bombay.
10:26 More information on these projects can be found at these links.
10:35 This is Bella Tony along with the animation team of the Spoken Tutorial project signing off.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14