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Time Narration
00:01 Hello everyone and Welcome to this Spoken Tutorial on Assembly of the Biogas plant.
00:10 In this tutorial, we will learn how to assemble the following
00:16 Digester tank with the dome
00:18 Mixing tank and
00:21 Slurry tank
00:23 Please note that this is an activity of Day 3.
00:30 Let us start
00:32 Transfer the chicken mesh dome to the actual plant site.
00:38 Place the dome on the raised wall of the digester tank.
00:43 Once this is done, fix the main gas pipe of 1 inch diameter, on the top of the dome.
00:53 To do this-- Hold the pipe with the external thread on the top.
01:00 Insert the pipe between the holes of the 3 chicken layer(s) and rotate slightly.
01:10 Check if it is firmly placed.
01:13 The pipe will be fixed permanently in this position when the outer wall of the dome will be plastered.
01:24 Remember: the external thread on the gas pipe, will help fit the hose pipe firmly.
01:33 Notice the external thread at the top of the gas pipe.
01:38 An important thing to be done, next, is the following-
01:44 On the side of the dome adjacent to where the mixing tank will be placed-
01:51 Make a firm base, this base should be 4 feet and 5 inches higher than the dome for placing the mixing tank.
02:06 Next, on the side of the dome facing the base of the mixing tank cut chicken mesh
02:16 Use a scissor to cut the mesh and make a hole of 6 inches diameter.
02:27 Through this hole, one end of the inlet pipe will be inserted at an angle of 45 degrees.
02:38 Rest the other end of the inlet pipe at the base of the mixing tank and plaster it with cement mixture.
02:52 Bio-waste will reach the digester tank through this inlet pipe.
03:00 This is how the inlet pipe will look like from inside the dome.
03:09 Once the gas pipe is fitted, we need to plaster the dome from outside.
03:18 An interesting fact is that the dome is plastered twice and both coats of plaster have different ratio of sand and cement.
03:35 For first coat of plastering, use the following-
03:42 Sand- 200 kgs
03:45 Cement- 100 kgs
03:50 Liquid waterproofing material- 150 ml thoroughly mixed in 20 Ltrs of water and adequate amount of water
04:04 What you see here, is the mason using the first coat of plaster, on the dome.
04:13 Before entirely plastering the outer wall of the dome - the base of the Digester tank has to be plastered for the second time.
04:27 Ratio of cement mixture to be used is-
04:33 Sand -90 kgs
04:37 Cement -50 kgs
04:42 Liquid waterproofing material- 100 ml mixed in 15 Ltrs of water and
04:53 Adequate amount of water as mentioned earlier.
05:00 What you see here, is the mason adding Liquid waterproofing material to the cement mixture.
05:11 Remember - The thickness of the layer of the plaster should be about 3 inches only.
05:22 Next comes the attaching of the walls of the slurry tank with the dome.
05:30 Hole of the Slurry tank has to be 6 inches lower than the dome.
05:38 This will ensure free flow of slurry into the slurry tank.
05:47 Place the slanting wall(s) of the slurry tank at either sides of the entrance to the dome.
05:58 With the hook, interlock the excess chicken mesh at the base of the dome and at the edge of the slurry tank wall
06:12 Carefully, tighten the chicken mesh securely, so as to join the walls to the dome.
06:23 To seal the joints, use cement mixture with adequate amount of water.
06:34 Apply this mixture carefully so that there are no gaps at all.
06:44 Please note that at this point, we have used 3 of the 7 walls for the slurry tank.
06:57 The plastered dome should now be left for 6-8 hours for curing.
07:06 Leaving the dome for curing, we will now attach the mixing tank.
07:15 As mentioned earlier- Mixing tank will be placed 4 feet and 5 inches higher than the dome to avoid water logging.
07:29 The mixing tank is connected to the digester tank via the Inlet pipe.
07:37 Before placing, check the hole at the base of the mixing tank.
07:44 The hole should be placed just in front of the inlet pipe of 6 inch diameter.
07:52 Remember - This inlet pipe of 6 inch diameter has been already inserted inside the dome at an angle of 45 degrees.
08:08 For the hole of the mixing tank and the inlet pipe to be in line with each other, do the following-
08:20 Place three bricks around these two and plaster it with cement.
08:29 After plastering, leave it for curing overnight.
08:35 This is how it will look in a functional Biogas plant -
08:43 Now, plaster the entire outer dome wall for the second time and the inner wall of the dome.
08:57 Prepare the cement mixture as follows-
09:03 Sand- 180 kgs
09:06 Cement- 100 kgs
09:11 Liquid waterproofing material- 250 ml mixed in 20 Ltrs of water
09:21 And adequate amount of water
09:26 Spread this mixture evenly on the outer wall of the dome.
09:33 And on the inner wall of the dome, as well.
09:39 Smoothen out the plaster by using the wooden trowel.
09:46 Leave the whole structure for curing for 17 days.
09:54 This brings us to the end of Day 3
10:00 On day 4, we will do the following-
10:06 Dig two rectangular pits adjacent to the side walls of the lower tank.
10:15 The dimensions would be 1 foot and 5 inches of length, 1 foot and 5 inches of width and 2 feet of height
10:32 Dig another pit at the front of the lower tank as shown here
10:41 The dimensions would be, 10 inches of length, 28 inches of width and 2 feet of height
10:58 Lay foundation on both the adjacent sides and the front side of the lower tank using gravel, cement and sand mixture.
11:18 The gravel, sand and cement is mixed in the same proportion as mentioned previously.
11:30 Now, join the four walls of the upper slurry tank.
11:37 Plaster the edges of the walls with cement.
11:45 The wall with the hole should face the fields, this will help the slurry to flow out smoothly through the hole.
11:59 Coming back to the dome, Place approximately 25 jute gunny bags on the dome.
12:11 Twice a day, start spraying water on the dome.
12:18 Spray as much is required to wet the outer wall of the dome.
12:26 Jute bags placed on the outer wall help to retain the water.
12:35 This will keep the dome wet for longer hours.
12:43 Lastly, the entire dome should be covered with the plastic sheet held between 2- 4 pillars.
12:56 This plastic sheet will protect the dome from too much sunlight thereby avoiding too much drying of the dome
13:11 This brings us to the end of Day 4
13:17 On the 15th day of curing-
13:22 Make a mixture of 2 Litres of water,
13:29 250 gms of Synthetic Resin Adhesive and 2kgs of white cement.
13:41 Apply this mixture on the inside of the digester tank, to seal crack(s), if any.
13:52 At this point, the civil work of the biogas plant is completed.
14:00 We will now learn to connect the main gas pipe to the kitchen.
14:07 Connect the main gas pipe from the digester tank to the main gas control valve, as shown here.
14:22 The joint between the main gas pipe and gas control valve should be perfectly air-tight.
14:35 Otherwise, gas leakage from this joint cannot be stopped easily.
14:46 From the main gas control valve, we have to connect a gas conveyer pipe.
14:57 Once again, connect these using a straight joint and ensure it is air-tight.
15:11 The gas conveyer pipe extends all the way to the kitchen.
15:20 Inside the kitchen, connect the safety valve to the gas conveyer pipe using a straight joint.
15:33 Connect another straight joint on the other end of the safety valve.
15:43 Make sure that all the joints are air-tight.
15:50 Lastly, connect the rubber hose to the stove.
15:58 After all the connections are made, the biogas plant is ready for use.
16:09 After 17 days of total curing time, raw materials can be put into the biogas plant.
16:23 Initial production of biogas will take about 6 days.
16:31 After that, it will be a regular daily production.
16:38 Now how to check whether Biogas has been produced ? do the following
16:48 Ensure that both the safety valves are in open position for the gas to be conveyed.
17:00 Light the burner and check the flame for production of the biogas.
17:10 Another issue is water condensation , So how can water condensation can be avoided
17:23 The gas conveyer pipe from the dome towards the kitchen should be always in an upward direction.
17:35 If so, water accumulation inside the conveyer pipe is negligible.
17:44 This brings us to the end of this tutorial
17:50 Let us Summarize-
17:54 In this tutorial, we will learn how to assemble the following
18:02 Digester tank with the dome
18:06 Mixing tank and
18:09 Slurry tank
18:13 This video was created by Spoken Tutorial Project with inputs from Rural-ICT Project, IIT Bombay
18:25 More information on these projects can be found at this links
18:33 This is Bella Tony along with the Animation team from Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay signing off.

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Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14