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Resources for recording Inserting Pictures and Objects

Time Narration
00:00 Welcome to the tutorial on LibreOffice Impress - Inserting Pictures and Objects.
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn how to: * Insert pictures and objects into a presentation.
00:12 Format the pictures and pbjects
00:15 Hyperlink within and outside the presentation and insert Tables.
00:20 Here, we are using:

Ubuntu Linux 10.04 and LibreOffice Suite version 3.3.4.

00:29 In a web-browser address bar, type the URL shown on the screen.
00:34 This will display an image.
00:37 Now, right-click on the image and choose the Save Image As option.
00:41 A dialog-box will open.
00:43 In the Name field, ‘open source -bart.png’ is already displayed.
00:51 I will choose the location as Desktop and click on the Save button.
00:59 Let's open our presentation ‘Sample-Impress’ which we had saved earlier.
01:04 We will now see how to add a picture into this presentation.
01:09 Click on Insert from the Main menu and then click on Picture.
01:14 Now, click on From File option.
01:17 A dialog-box will open.
01:19 Choose the folder from which you want to insert a picture.
01:23 I will choose the Desktop folder.
01:26 Now, choose the picture we want to insert and click on the Open button.
01:31 The picture gets inserted into the slide.
01:35 Let's undo the changes.
01:37 Let me demonstrate another way to insert pictures.
01:41 Insert a new slide after the slide titled ‘Overview’ by clicking on Insert and Slide.
01:50 Click on the Title text-box and change the title to ‘OpenSource Funny’.
01:56 Notice a small box with 4 icons in the centre. This is the Insert toolbar.
02:03 From the Insert toolbar, click on the Insert Picture icon.
02:08 Choose a picture and click on the Open button.
02:12 Notice that the inserted picture covers almost the whole slide.
02:17 You can change the shape and size of the image by first clicking on it and manipulating the control points.
02:27 In a similar manner we can also insert other objects like charts and movie-clips into our presentation.
02:35 Explore all these possibilities.
02:38 Now let's learn how to hyperlink.
02:41 Hyperlinking allows you to easily move from slide to slide or open a web-page or a document from the presentation.
02:49 First, we will look at how to hyperlink within a presentation.
02:54 Insert a new slide after the slide titled "Overview".
03:02 Click on the title and type: "Table of Contents".
03:07 Click on the Body text-box and type the titles of the succeeding slides as follows:
03:13 "Open Source Funny"

"The Present Situation" "Development up to present" "Potential Alternatives" "Recommendation".

03:24 Select the line of text "Development up to present".
03:28 Click on Insert and Hyperlink.
03:31 This will open the hyperlink dialog-box.
03:34 On the left pane, select Document. Then click on the button to the right of the field ‘Target in document’.
03:48 The list of slides present in this presentation opens up.
03:53 Select the slide titled "Development up to present" from the list.
03:58 Click on the Apply button and then click on the Close button in this list.
04:04 Again, click on the Apply button and then click on the Close button in the Hyperlink dialog-box.
04:12 Click anywhere in the slide.
04:14 Now, when you hover your cursor over the text, the cursor turns into a pointing finger.
04:20 This means that the hyperlinking was successful!
04:24 Clicking on the hyperlinked text takes you to the relevant slide.
04:29 To hyperlink to another document, let's go back to the "Table of Contents" slide.
04:35 Now, add another line item: "External Document".
04:40 Select the line of text and click on Insert and then on Hyperlink.
04:45 In the left pane, select Document.
04:48 Click on the folder icon to the right of the 'Document Path' field.
04:55 Select the document which you want to hyperlink.
04:58 We will choose 'resume.odt' which we created in the Writer series and click on the Open button.
05:07 Click on the Apply button and then click on the Close button in the Hyperlink dialog-box.
05:14 Click anywhere on the slide.
05:17 Now, when you hover your cursor over the text, the cursor turns into a pointing finger.
05:22 This means that the hyperlinking was successful!
05:26 Now, clicking on the hyperlinked text takes you to the relevant document.
05:31 In our case, it takes us to "resume.odt". <PAUSE>
05:36 Hyperlinking to a web-page is similar.
05:40 Insert a new slide at the end of the presentation.
05:43 Change the title to "Essential Open Source Software".
05:48 In the Body text-box, type: "Ubuntu Libre Office".
05:53 Select the second line of text and click on Insert and then on Hyperlink.
06:00 On the left pane, select Internet.
06:03 In the Hyperlink type, select Web.
06:07 In the Target field, type: ‘’.
06:16 Click on the Apply button and then click on the Close button in the Hyperlink dialog-box.
06:23 Click anywhere on the slide.
06:26 Now, when you hover your cursor over the text, the cursor turns into a pointing finger.
06:32 This means that the hyperlinking was successful!
06:37 Now, clicking on the hyperlinked text takes you to the relevant web page.
06:44 Lastly, tables are used to organize data into columns and rows.
06:49 Let’s now learn how to add a table in LibreOffice Impress.
06:54 Select the slide entitled "Development up to the present", from the Slides pane.
07:00 From the Layout section on the Tasks pane, select Title and 2 Content icon.
07:07 Select the text in the left side text-box
07:14 and reduce the font size to 26.
07:17 In the right side text-box, click on the icon Insert Table from the Insert toolbar in the centre.
07:25 By default, Number of columns is displayed as 5 and Number of rows is displayed as 2.
07:33 We will change the Number of columns to 2 and the Number of rows to 5.
07:41 Click on the OK button.
07:44 Let's elongate the table so that the text is readable.
07:49 Enter data into the table as shown-
07:51 "Implementation Year and % "
07:56 "2006" "10%"
07:59 "2007" "20%"
08:02 "2008" "30%"
08:05 "2009 "40%"
08:08 Now, let's change the font of the header row to bold and center the text.
08:17 To change the color of the table, first select all the text.
08:22 Then from the Table Design section, on the Tasks pane, select a Table Style. I will select this one.
08:30 See how the Table looks now.
08:33 This brings us to the end of this tutorial.
08:37 To summarize- in this tutorial, we learnt how to: * Insert Pictures and format them
08:43 Hyperlink within and outside the presentation and insert Tables.
08:49 Try this comprehension test assignment.
08:53 Create new presentation.
08:55 Insert a picture on the 3rd slide.
08:58 On the 4th slide, create a table of 2 rows and three columns.
09:03 In row 2, column 2 of the table, type: ‘slide 3’. Hyperlink this text to the 3rd slide.
09:14 Watch the video available at the following link.
09:17 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.
09:20 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
09:25 The Spoken Tutorial Project team: Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials.
09:30 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test.
09:34 For more details, please write to:

contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org.

09:41 Spoken Tutorial project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project.
09:46 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
09:53 More information on this mission is available at:

spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro.

10:05 This tutorial has been contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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Contributors and Content Editors

Madhurig, Minal, Nancyvarkey, PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14