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Tutorial; Installing and Running OpenFOAM

Script and Narration : Rahul Joshi

Keywords: Video tutorial,CFD.

Visual Cue
Slide 1:

Hello and welcome to the spoken tutorial on Installing and running OpenFOAM and paraView.

Slide 2: Learning Objectives In this tutorial I will show you

how to install and run


Paraview and

How to solve a lid driven cavity.

Slide 3:

System Requirement

To record this tutorial

I am using Linux Operating system Ubuntu 10.04

OpenFOAM version 2.1.0

ParaView version 3.12.0

Note that OpenFOAM does not run on Windows platform.

Also Note OpenFOAM v 2.1.0 is compatible with linux version 10.04 and above.

Slide 4


To practice this tutorial you should have some basic knowledge of

Computational Fluid Dynamics.

And Linux Commands.

Slide 5

About OpenFOAM

Let me introduce you to OpenFOAM

It is an Open Source

Computational Fluid Dynamics Software.

It contains a wide range of solvers for solving CFD problems of


as well as


Slide 6:

About paraView

Now let me introduce you to Paraview:

It is used for visualizing results obtained in OpenFOAM.

Slide 7: OpenFOAM and paraView can also be installed through Synaptic package manager

Synaptic Package Manager

For Synaptic Package Manager go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager

Type your password.

In the Search Box type OpenFOAM

you can see openfoam as well as paraView.

Mark both of them for installation

Click on mark and then Apply

Installation may take some time.

OpenFOAM and Paraview are installed.

Slide 7 For more details on Synaptic Package Manager

please visit our website on this URL :

Demo and slide 8:

Alternately you can also install OpenFOAM and paraView from openfoam website on this url:

Let me open up the browser

In the browser URL type :

Press Enter

Scroll Down and go to Ubuntu Deb pack

Let me zom this

Go to Ubuntu deb pack installation

Click on it

Let me zoom out

Scroll down

Demo From the first point of installation copy the command line and paste it in the terminal window.

To open up a the terminal window press Ctrl,Alt and t keys simultaneously on your keyboard


go to Application > Accessories > Terminal

Open up a terminal window

Now copy this command line and paste it in the terminal window

Note that in place of 'lsb_release -cs' replace it with the name of Linux version you are using.

Switch back to the browser

Above installation you can see different ubuntu versions and the code names,

as i am using Linux 10.04 i will replace lbs_release -cs by lucid.

Open up a terminal window

I will replace this by lucid

Press enter

Note that Installation here is incomplete if you follow the steps in the

sequence 1-2-3-4 you will be done through with the installation.

I have already installed OpenFOAM through Synaptic Pacakage Manage some while ago.


Configure the software and test its working

Now we need to configure the installed software

To do this we need to edit the bash file.

Open a new command terminal.

In the command terminal type : 'gedit ~/.bashrc'

This opens up the bash file,

Let me drag this to the capture area

scroll down to the bottom of the bash file.

Now switch back to the browser

Scroll down and go to user configration

Look at the second point

Copy this line

And paste it at the botttom of the bash file

Save it and Close the bash file.

Now we need to test the installed application.

To do this open up a new command terminal terminal

Let me drag this to the capture area

In the command terminal type 'icoFoam (Note that F here is capital) space -(dash) help'.

Press enter

A usage message will appear.

You are now ready to start with openFoam


Set up working Directory

Now let me show you how to set up a working directory.

Create a project or a user directory by the name run.

Open a new command terminal.

Let me drag this to the capture area again

In the Command Terminal type : 'mkdir (space) -p (space) $FOAM_RUN'

(Please note FOAM and RUN are in capital)

Press Enter

Copy the tutorial directory from openfoam distribution to run directory:

By typing in the terminal 'cp (space) -r (space) $FOAM_TUTORIALS (space) $FOAM_RUN ' (Press Enter)

(Please note TUTORIAL and FOAM are in capital)

Both the directories are now created.

For view the directories go to Places > Home Folder > OpenFOAM.

You can see ttt-210, Click on it

Run and tutorials

Close this

Now let me switch back to the slides.

From source code If some errors occurs during downloading OpenFOAM and Paraview

form Synaptic Package Manager or Ubuntu Deb pack from website

then you can download and install Openfoam and paraview from the source pack installation:

For source pack installation

Go to the Download page of openfoam website

Now let me zoom this

Scroll down and click on Source Pack Installation

Now scroll down and Go to Packs

Download these 2 tar files and save them.

I have already downloaded and saved these tar file

After this go to your home directory

To do this go to Places > home folder

Let me drag this to the capture area

In your home directory create a folder by any name of your choice

Let me put this as abc

Copy the downloaded files in the folder you just created.

To do this , copy these two tar file

And paste it into the folder you just created

Unzip or Untar these two files in the same folder.

Extract here, this make take a couple of minutes

After this open a new command terminal

In this go to your home folder

type ls and press enter

Now go to the same folder where you have untared the two tar files

Now type cd space abc and press enter.

To view the contents inside abc type ls and press enter

Now go back to the Download page of OpenFOAM website

for source pack installation

Follow the steps given below for ubuntu distribution for OpenFOAM and Paraview.

We need to compile OpenFOAM and Paraview here

It may take about 4 to 5 hours but this method always works .

Slide 9 :


Let us see how to Solve a problem in OpenFOAM with an example

Let me take “Lid Driven Cavity” as an example.

It is a 2D problem where the upper plate moves with a certain velocity a

and other three sides of the plate are fixed.

Display Slide 10 : The type of Solver I am using here is for incompressible flow

Called as -icofoam


Running the first example in openfoam

Now Open a new command terminal again

Let me drag this to the capture area

Type the path for the lid driven cavity problem

Note that this problem has already been set up in OpenFOAM

in the command terminal Type 'run'.

This will direct you to the run directory of OpenFOAM -Press Enter

Now type cd (space) tutorial (Press Enter)

cd (space) incompressible (Press Enter)

cd (space) icoFoam (Note that F here is capital) (Press Enter)

cd (space) cavity (Press Enter)

To view the content inside cavity type ls and press enter

You can see three files : 0,constant and system.

Now we need to mesh the geometry

Meshing can be done blockMesh utility of OpenFOAM

In the \ terminal window type blockMesh (Note here that M is capital)

(Press Enter)

Meshing has been done

Now run the solver 'icoFoam' by typing in the terminal icoFoam

(Note here that F is capital) and Press Enter.


Using paraView

The iterations running can be seen in the terminal window.

Here we notice we have completed the solving point.

To visualise these results let us open the paraview window.

To open paraView, type “paraFoam” in the terminal.

(Note that 'F' is capital here) and press Enter

This open the paraview window

On the left hand side,

In the object inspector menu,

Click Apply to view the geometry.

You can see the Lid Driven Cavity

To see the boundary conditions, scroll down the object inspector menu

and go to Mesh Parts:

Uncheck Internel Mesh and click Apply

The geometry disappear.

Now for viewing the moving and fixedwalls

Check both the boxes and click Apply

Now uncheck the Moving wall checkbox and click Apply

You can now see the fixedwalls and the moving wall which just now disappeared.

Thus we are done with running openfoam and paraview.

In future we will come across more tutorials on solvers and post- procesing the OpenFOAM results

Let me switch back to the slides

Slide 11:


In this tutorial we learnt how to install

OpenFOAM and Paraview through Synaptic Package Manager and the website

solved a lid driven cavity.

Slide 12:


As as Assignment,

install OpenFOAM and Paraview

This brings us to the end of the tutorial

Slide 13 & 14 about Spoken tutorials Watch the video available at this URL:

It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.


Slide 15


Spoken Tutorials are part of Talk to a Teacher project,

It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.

More information on the same is available at the following URL link

About the contributor This is Rahul Joshi from IIT BOMBAY signing off.

Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Chandrika, Rahuljoshi