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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on Menu and Endpoints.
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn to set up URL patterns. We will also learn about Menu management.
00:15 To record this tutorial, I am using

Ubuntu Linux Operating System Drupal 8 and Firefox Web browser. You can use any web browser as per your choice.

00:29 In this tutorial, we will talk about the process of creating proper URL paths for our website.
00:36 Endpoints and aliases- Endpoints are URL paths which display a particular content.
00:45 By default, in Drupal, the endpoint of a node is node/[node:id].
00:53 Sending this to a server will display the contents of the node. A number in the ID is not human readable
01:02 that is, we cannot easily associate a particular content with say, node/278162

A human readable endpoint is available by creating an alias.

01:19 Alias is an alternate URL path for the same content. We can use either the original or any one of several aliases for displaying the same content.
01:34 For example, node/278162 and content/drupal-camp-mumbai-2015.
01:47 Both return the same content. The second one is easy to remember.
01:54 Let us now create URL patterns that will apply to all the contents we have.
01:59 Setting up URL paths require three modules.
02:04 Those three modules are the Pathauto, Token and CTools.
02:13 Please go ahead and get the Pathauto installed on your machine.
02:18 Come back to the Pathauto project page. Here, you will notice that Pathauto requires Token and CTools.
02:27 Install Token and CTools. Once you have installed these modules, turn them on.
02:37 Once we have done that, we are ready to go.
02:40 Click on Configuration. Down here, on the left hand side, under the SEARCH AND METADATA section, you will see URL aliases.
02:52 By default, there are no URL aliases available.
02:58 Click on the Patterns tab. Click on the Add Pathauto pattern button.
03:05 Click on the Pattern type drop-down.
03:09 Here we can create separate patterns for Forum, Content, Taxonomy term and User.
03:17 For example, I will select Content.

In the Path pattern field, we have to provide the pattern template.

03:27 Template variables are called as tokens. They are dynamically generated for each entity.
03:36 Token module provides these variables. When you see Browse available tokens in any input form, you can insert predefined tokens.
03:49 Click on the Path pattern box where you want to insert a token.
03:55 Type "content/". Then click on the Browse available tokens link.
04:02 A popup window opens up to show the "Available tokens".
04:07 Suppose we want a pattern like content/[title of the page], the token for the title of the page is under the Nodes section.
04:18 Click on the right arrow button of the Nodes section.
04:23 Choose the token [node:title] which will be replaced by the Title of the page.
04:32 This will insert [node:title] at the cursor location in the form box.
04:38 If this does not happen, make sure to click on the box and position the cursor as required.

Then select the token again.

04:49 Under Content type, we can select to which entity type this pattern should be applied.
04:56 Let us select all the types so that this pattern is default for all of them.
05:04 This setting can also be overridden for a particular type.

Example: we can create usergroup/[node:title] and apply it only for User Group.

05:18 In the Label field, type "Content Title". Then click on the Save button. Here, we can check the new pattern we just created.
05:31 This pattern will be applied to generate URL aliases for all newly added contents. But it will not create the URL aliases for existing contents.
05:45 To apply it for the existing contents, click on the Bulk generate tab. Select Content type and click on the Update button.
05:58 It is started generating the URL aliases. It can take a while depending on the number of existing contents.
06:08 Now click on the List tab. We can see that the URL aliases for our content.
06:15 Each node on our site has a system path of /node/nodeid.
06:24 The newly generated URL alias is there in the first Alias column.
06:30 We can see that all the aliases follow the same pattern. You have to do this each time you create a new Content type.
06:41 Use the following thumb rules to create patterns-

Use lower case words Do not give space between words.

06:52 Separate words by hyphen and not underscore

Use meaningful, human readable words in the URL for search engine optimization (SEO)

07:07 Use date tokens for contents classified by time.
07:12 There are more options available to control the URL alias pattern in the Settings tab.

Here we can see the default Separator, length etc.

07:26 We also see that, by default, several common words are removed from the pattern.

This is to keep the endpoint compact and meaningful.

07:38 To summarize -

Pathauto and Token modules allow us to set up URL patterns,

07:46 delete aliases and bulk generate aliases at any time.
07:52 From now onwards, every new node will use the patterns that we have established.
07:59 Now, we will talk about the Menus.
08:03 We have been adding menus to our site, in a random order, mostly based on the Views and basic pages.
08:10 Now, let’s see how we can manage the menu system.
08:15 Go to Structure, scroll down and click on Menus.
08:21 We have a number of different menus here that come with Drupal, by default.

We have six menus, to be exact.

08:31 We are interested in the Main navigation menu. So, click on Edit menu.
08:38 Here, we will be able to click and drag and re-order our Menu links.
08:44 Let’s drag Home and Upcoming Events to the top.
08:49 You can re-order these, in any way you want. Once done, click Save.
08:56 Now we have got Events and Upcoming Events.

Let’s click and drag Events to the top and then drag Upcoming Events to the right.

09:07 This will create a sub menu.
09:10 That’s pretty simple. Click Save and take a look at our front page.
09:15 Notice that now we have got four menus.
09:19 Where did our 'Event' sub-menu go?
09:23 Please remember, not all themes in Drupal support sub-menus or drop-down menus. 'Bartick theme is one of them.
09:32 For now, go back to Structure > Menus and edit the Main menu.

Drag Upcoming Event back over here and click Save.

09:44 What if we need a link to a particular node or to a particular section of our site?
09:51 For instance, if I wanted a menu link for my Forums, I would first go back to the site.
09:58 Go to the Forums page and copy the actual URL which is just /forum.
10:05 Then come back over and click on Edit menu and then on Add link.
10:12 Give it a title called "Forum" and paste the copied link.
10:17 If you are looking for a specific piece of content, just type a letter like ' F' or 'G'.

All the nodes that start with that letter, will show up.

10:28 Say, for instance, if we type an 'a' , all the nodes that have 'a' in the title, will show up.
10:38 We can just select the one we are looking for and it will tell us that its node id number 1.
10:46 If we want an internal path, such as the ability to add a node, then it would be /node/add.
10:56 If we want to link it to the Homepage, it will be front.

But we want /forum here which is a link to the Forum.

11:08 Click Save and now we have a link to the Forum.
11:14 Click Save. Let’s just double check if that works and indeed it does!
11:21 So, play around a little bit to understand it better.

With this in our menu system, it will be easier to create Menu item for a View or a Content Type.

11:34 With this, we come to the end of this tutorial.
11:38 Let us summarize.In this tutorial, we learnt about:

Setting up URL Patterns Menu management.

11:59 This video is adapted from Acquia and OSTraining and revised by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
12:09 The video at this link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project. Please download and watch it.
12:17 The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates. For more details, please write to us.
12:26 Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, Ministry of Human Resource Development and NVLI, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
12:39 This is Calvin Nikhil Tomy, signing off. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14