Joomla is a Content Management System (CMS) and helps one store content (text, documents, photos, videos etc) on websites. It can be used for building websites of all kinds - corporate, personal, eCommerce, charity, educational, travel, news, magazines etc. Joomla 1.0 was released in September 2005 and the Joomla developer community keeps adding features with every release. It is a free and open source software (FOSS) which makes it one of the most popular CMS.
A major advantage of using a CMS is that it requires no technical knowledge to manage a website. It has powerful extensions and plugins that can help a user create galleries, polls, searches, chats, forums and many other utilities easily without requiring any technical development skills.
Basic Level
1. Overview of Joomla
- Explain the concept of Content Management System
- Introduce Joomla as a CMS
- Software and hardware requirements for running Joomla
- OS and Joomla version to be used for the series
- Overview of the key features that will be demonstrated in the Joomla series
2. Installing Joomla on localhost
- Install Joomla on Linux machine
- Cross verify the installation
3. Common mistakes and uninstalling Joomla
- Explain the common mistakes that happen when installing Joomla
- Demonstrate solutions to those mistakes
- Explain how to uninstall Joomla
4. Creating Articles in Joomla
- Explain about Article Manager in Joomla
- Create a new Article
- Edit and existing Article
- Make a copy of an article
- Delete an article
5. Article Options in Joomla
- Explain about status of an article
- Explain about various publishing options
- Explain about the global options for articles
6. Formatting Article in Joomla
- Demonstrate basic formatting for an article
- Explain about styling an article text
- Demonstrate how to insert lists, page breaks and read more link.
7. Categories in Joomla
- Explain about Category Manager
- Explain how to create and edit categories
- Explain how to create sub-categories
- Explain how to assign articles to a category
- Explain how to move or copy articles to a different category
- Explain the difference between deleting and unpublishing a category and how to perform the two operations
8. Menus in Joomla
- Explain menus and their importance in Joomla
- Explain about Menu Manager
- Explain how to create menu items and submenus
- Demonstrate how to change the default homepage
- Explain how to unpublish menu items