Visual Cue | Narration |
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Categories in Joomla. |
Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Categories in Joomla. |
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Learning Objectives: Same as narration |
In this tutorial, we will learn about:
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Learning Objectives continued: Same as narration |
We will also learn how to:
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Versions and OS |
This tutorial is recorded using:
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Prerequisites |
Switch to the browser with Joomla Control Panel open. |
Let’s switch to the Joomla control panel. |
Click on Article Manager | Click on Article Manager in the left menu. |
We currently have 2 articles - Vitamin A and Benefits of Sodium. | |
In order to understand categories in Joomla, let’s create a few more articles. | |
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Assignment1 Create Articles: *Vitamin B *Benefits of Nutrients *Fish *Green Vegetables |
Pause this tutorial and do this assignment.
*Vitamin B *Benefits of Nutrients *Fish and *Green Vegetables |
Scroll down to highlight all the articles. | We now have 6 articles in Article Manager:
*Vitamin A *Vitamin B *Benefits of Sodium *Benefits of Nutrients *Fish and *Green Vegetables |
The 2 articles on Vitamins are similar in content.
So, we should group them together. | |
Categories in Joomla helps to organize the articles in a logical order. | |
Click on Categories
Click on Content → Hover over Category Manager |
Click on Categories in the left menu.
Alternately, click on Content Menu at the top and then on Category Manager. |
Highlight Search and Search Tools | Notice that the Category Manager has a similar layout as that of the Article Manager.
It has a Search box and Search Tools button to filter the Categories. |
Highlight Uncategorized. | By default, we have one category called Uncategorized.
Recollect that all our articles appeared as Uncategorized. |
Click on New | To create a new category, click on the New button on the top left. |
The only mandatory field to create a category is the Category Title. | |
Write Vitamin in the title textbox | I will write Vitamin as the title in the title textbox. |
Click on Save and Close | Click on Save and Close. |
Highlight the new category | You can see that the new category has now been created. |
Click on Vitamin | To edit or rename a category, click on the title of the category. |
Edit Vitamin to Vitamins | I will rename the title to Vitamins. |
Click on Save and New
This time let’s click on Save and New button. |
Type Minerals in the title textbox.
Select Nutrients in Parent drop-down |
We are prompted to add a new category.
Let’s type Minerals as the title. |
Click on Save and Close | Then click on Save and Close. |
Now, Minerals and Vitamins are nutrients that our bodies need.
Let us put them in a broader category Nutrients. | |
Click on New.
Write Nutrients in the title textbox. |
Click on New and type Nutrients as the title. |
Click on Save and Close. | Then click on Save and Close. |
Let us put Vitamins and Minerals under the category Nutrients.
A category under another category is called subcategory. | |
Click on check-box next to Vitamins and Minerals | Select the two categories by clicking the check-box to the left of the status column. |
We can batch process these 2 categories.
Batch processing means working on things in groups. | |
Click on Batch | Click on Batch button in the toolbar at the top. |
A new window with the title Batch Process the Selected Categories opens.
It has many options. | |
Select Nutrients in Select Category for Move/ Copy drop-down | For now, we are only going to change the parent category of these categories.
So, select Nutrients in the Select Category for Move/ Copy drop-down. |
Highlight Copy and Move. | There are 2 radio buttons below the drop-down, namely:
1. Copy 2. Move Copy will make a copy of the selected categories in the selected category. Move will move the category from their previous category to the selected category. |
Click on Move radio button >> Click on Process. | Let's select Move and then click on Process. |
Highlight the - | Notice a hyphen in front of Vitamins and Minerals categories. This indicates that they are subcategories of the main category Nutrients. |
Show Slide 7.
Assignment 2. |
Pause the tutorial here and do this assignment.
Notice that this is another way to assign categories and subcategories to a parent category. |
Highlight the category tree. | Now, we have a Category tree.
There are 2 main categories:
Under Nutrients. we have 3 sub-categories:
Now, let us learn how to organize various articles under different categories. | |
Click on Articles | From Category Manager, click on Articles in the left menu. |
Click on check-box next to Vitamin A and Vitamin B. | Select the two vitamin articles by clicking the check-box to the left of the status column. |
Click on Batch | Click on Batch button in the toolbar on top. |
A new window with the title Batch Process the Selected Articles opens. | |
Select Vitamins in Select Category for Move/ Copy drop-down | Select Vitamins in the Select Category for Move/ Copy drop-down. |
Click on Move radio button >> Click on Process. | Let's select Move and then click on Process button. |
Highlight the category | Notice that the category for our articles Vitamin A and Vitamin B has changed |
Let us change the category of Benefits of Sodium to Minerals.
| |
Click on Benefits of Sodium | Click on the title Benefits of Sodium. |
Select Minerals in category drop-down.
Click on Save and Close |
In the Category drop-down on the right, select Minerals, then click on Save and Close. |
Highlight the category | Note that the category of Benefits of Sodium has been changed to Minerals. |
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Assignment 3. |
Pause the tutorial here and do this assignment.
Now it’s time to check all these changes on the Digital India webpage.
Before that, ensure that Show Category is set to Show for the articles. | |
Click on Options | Click on Options button in the toolbar at the top right corner. |
Select Show in Show Category.
Select Yes in Link Category. |
Set Show Category to Show and Link Category to Yes. |
Click on Save and Close. | Click on Save and Close. |
Click on Digital India | Now, click on the Digital India link at the top right. |
Highlight the Category in the articles. | Notice that the articles have different Category names in their header. |
Click on Nutrients | Click on the Category Nutrients in the article header of Benefits of Nutrients. |
Scroll down to highlight the article and subcategories. | Observe that it lists one article and 2 subcategories –
Vitamins and Minerals. This is how we had organized the categories. |
Highlight Subcategories | Note that the category Carbohydrates is not visible here.
A category having neither articles nor subcategories is an empty Category. And hence it is not visible on the webpage. |
Can we relax this restriction?
Let us see how to change the settings to get the empty categories displayed. | |
Switch to Article Manager webpage | Switch to the Article Manager webpage. |
Click on Categories. | Click on the Categories in the left menu to go to the Category Manager. |
Click on Options button. | Click on Options button in the toolbar on right. |
Highlight the title. | Note that the Category Manager Options page is the same as Article Manager Options.
Even the title says Article Manager Options. |
There are tabs in this page to control the settings of articles, categories, menus etc. | |
Click on Category tab. | Click on the tab Category. |
The tab will show the settings of the page which shows all articles under a particular category. | |
Scroll down. Highlight Empty Category
Select Show. |
Scroll down to see the option Empty Category.
Set this as Show. |
Click on Save and Close | Click on Save and Close |
Switch to ‘Digital India’ webpage. Press F5 | Switch to the ‘Digital India’ webpage and refresh it. |
Highlight Carbohydrates | Look, the Carbohydrates subcategory is now visible. |
Switch to Category Manager webpage | Go back to the Category Manager webpage. |
Point to Carbohydrates | The subcategory Carbohydrates does not have any articles under it. |
Point to Unpublish and then to Delete. | We can either:
Let’s understand the difference between the two options. |
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Unpublishing a Category |
When we unpublish a category:
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Deleting a Category |
When we delete a category:
Switch to Article Manager | Come back to the Category Manager. webpage
Since we are not using the category Carbohydrates, let's unpublish it for now. |
Select Carbohydrates | Locate the category Carbohydrates from the ‘Categories’ Manager page.
Now select it by clicking the check-box to the left of the Status column. |
Click on Unpublish | Click on the Unpublish button in the toolbar on top. |
Highlight the message | Immediately, a success message appears. |
Highlight the status | Observe that the status of the category Carbohydrates has changed to Unpublished. |
Let us go back to the Digital India webpage and verify this. | |
Switch to the Digital India webpage. Click F5 | Switch to the Digital India webpage and refresh it. |
Notice that the category Carbohydrates is no longer visible.
This is because it has been unpublished. | |
Let us summarize. | |
Switch to Slide 11:
Summary: Same as narration |
In this tutorial, we learn about:
Switch to Slide 12:
Same as narration |
We also learnt how to:
Slide 13, 14, 15 & 16:
Assignment 4: |
Here is an assignment for you:
Assignment 5: |
Hint: Use the filter to see Trashed categories. |
Assignment 6: |
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(About Spoken Tutorial Project) |
The video at the following link, summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.
Please download and watch it. |
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(About Spoken Tutorial Project) |
The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
For more details, please write to us. |
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(Acknowledgement) |
Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.More information on this mission is available at the link shown. |
This is Priyanka signing off. Thank you for joining. |