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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on the fourth part of MySQL and php tutorials.
00:08 In the last tutorial, I used "mysql_query()" function to insert some values into our table.
00:21 I made a mistake here by putting the date as current date which isn't my date of birth.
00:26 I was able to update here. I was also able to specify where I wanted to update
00:32 using a unique id key, I was able to specify exactly where I wanted to update.
00:40 So we've already seen the "update" in mysql code.
00:46 This is very useful.
00:48 This query and code is the one that is mostly used while working with tables or if you're working with mysql in general.
00:59 The next thing I show you is how to get data from your table and how to display it really well.
01:07 So, I will call this "update data" so that we know what that is.
01:12 Here, we will say "extract data".
01:15 That's a good word to use.
01:18 Now, again we will say "$extract" and we will create a variable.
01:23 This again is mysql_query and here is some code.
01:28 This is slightly more complicated than using these single line queries.
01:37 We use single line queries here but we could have some code after this in order to display properly.
01:44 First I will create another record in the table.
01:47 So, we don't need this "current date" function anymore.
01:51 I need this "$write" to be shown. Let's create some new value.
01:57 I'll say 'Kyle', 'Headen' and I'll set a date of birth here. This one is month. So that is the 7th and let's say here, 24th.
02:12 So, now we got the date of birth.
02:14 Now we've got male and then we've got "Kyle Headen" and we are again inserting this into our database.
02:23 Let's refresh.
02:25 Here I'll create another new value.
02:28 I'll say 'Emily', 'Headen' and I'll just leave the date of birth as it is, for now.
02:34 This will be "Female" because I'll extract these records at one point.
02:39 Refresh this again.
02:41 So, we've created 3 records here.
02:44 I'll comment this "$write". Backup my database.
02:48 I'll click on Browse in this specific table and you can see that I've got 3 records.
02:54 Each one of these is called a "record of data".
02:58 We can see this id has also automatically incremented.
03:04 We've got the data that we specified and everything that we need.
03:08 Ok, so we are extracting data here and I will uncomment this.
03:13 Our mysql query is going to start with "select".
03:17 This will be either specific records or we can use asterisk (*) to get all the data we need.
03:24 Now I'll use an asterisk (*).
03:27 What you could do is type "select firstname".
03:30 But usually, when you have table, you will need most of the data and it'll take longer to do.
03:36 Depending on the source of the table, this won't take very long.
03:40 So you already have a couple of records or fields.
03:45 But for now I'll say select asterisk (*), which is a star.
03:50 We can say select star and then we say FROM.
03:54 Again we say, the specified table which is "people".
03:57 Here, we can say WHERE and how can you ummm...... filter for the data you want.
04:05 So I can say "SELECT star (*) FROM people WHERE firstname= "Alex'".
04:11 This query will return only one value because we can see that if we open up here, there is only one record with "Alex".
04:22 We can do this by using another really useful function called "mysql numrows" and what I can do is echo this out.
04:32 I'll say "echo mysql_num_rows". This is the reason we have given these variables here to be stored in.
04:43 Here we can just type "extract".
04:46 Our "extract" variable holds our query and our function here tells us how many rows are there in the query that is given out.
04:55 Presuming that we gave firstname as "Alex", it'll show when we refresh.
05:01 However you get 1.
05:03 Lets change this. Lets put something that's common to two people in this database.
05:09 That would be the "gender".
05:11 So that'll be "Male" or "Female" . Here we can say "WHERE gender = M" and when we refresh, we get two records.
05:24 So we can tell how many records we are getting out.
05:28 This is really useful for saying how many people in my database are male, for example.
05:34 And we can see how many males or females are registered to our website.
05:40 So you can store registered information inside here.
05:44 What we can also do is order the records.
05:47 So I'll say "ORDER BY id" and we can choose descending that is "DESC" and we can choose ascending, which is "ASC".
05:58 But for now I'll take this out because we haven't actually echoed out our data yet.
06:03 We haven't displayed out our data to the users that has been selected.
06:08 So there is no point in using that at the moment.
06:11 Now, here I'll say select star (*) from "people" because I want to select all the data from this table here.
06:21 So I can manipulate and show it to the user the way I want.
06:25 I'll create something here called "numrows"; "numrows =" that.
06:30 I'll use a "while" loop. This will use a specific function which is "mysql_fetch_assoc".
06:43 It puts this into an associative array.
06:46 If you don't know what an associative array is, check out "Arrays" tutorial.
06:51 Coming back, "WHILE the row= mysql_fetch_aasoc" or associative is what I will say and this is inside the "extract" query.
07:06 We are selecting "row" as array name and we are selecting this as an array for all the selected data.
07:15 I'll stop here. In the next tutorial I'll show you how to echo out this data.
07:21 I'll probably explain this a bit more in detail.
07:25 This is Juanita Jayakar dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project.

Contributors and Content Editors

Krupali, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14, Sneha