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Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Installing Joomla on local server

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Installing Joomla on local server
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Learning Objectives

  • Download Joomla
  • Create database
  • Permissions
  • Install Joomla
In this tutorial, we will learn to:
  • Obtain Joomla
  • Create database
  • Permissions and
  • Install Joomla
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Systems Prerequisites

To install Joomla in your system, you should have a system supporting:
  • Apache 2.x + or IIS 7+
  • MySQL 5.0.4 + and
  • PHP 5.2.4 +

Please note that MySQL 6 and higher versions are currently not supported.

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Installation of Apache, MySQL and PHP

You can either install these separately or together, using a web-server distribution like
  • WAMP or

Web-server distributions give you Apache, MySQL and PHP bundled in one.

Refer to the PHP & MySQL spoken tutorials, for more details on XAMPP installation.

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Versions and OS

For this tutorial, we will be using:
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Joomla 3.4.1
  • Apache, MySQL and PHP obtained through XAMPP 5.5.19
First of all, let me check if XAMPP is installed on my machine.
Open terminal by pressing Ctrl+T Lets open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T keys.

Alternately, click on the “Terminal” icon in the launcher bar.

Type sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start Start XAMPP by typing sudo space slash opt slash lampp slash lampp space start
Enter the administrative password at the prompt. Enter the administrative password when prompted and press Enter.
Switch to browser http://localhost Now, switch to the browser, and type http colon double slash localhost
Select English For the very first time of installation, you have to select language.

So, here let us select English.

In the left menu >> click on phpinfo() In the menu on the left of the screen, click on phpinfo().
Type Ctrl+F >> type DOCUMENT_ROOT in the search window >> Press Enter Now press Ctrl + F keys and search for DOCUMENT underscore ROOT.
Point to "Apache Environment". It will be found in the table "Apache Environment".
Value of DOCUMENT underscore ROOT will be either
  • slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs or
  • slash var slash www
Point or highlight /opt/lampp/htdocs. In my machine, it is slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs.
Please note this path.

We are going to install Joomla here.

Download Joomla (Browser)

First let us download Joomla.

So, go to the official website of Joomla, which is www dot joomla dot org.

Point to the Download button >>Click on it. Click on Download button on this webpage.
We will be redirected to another webpage.
Point to the “Download Joomla 3.4.1 Full Package, ZIP”>>Click on it. Here, we see a button that says “Download Joomla 3.4.1 Full Package, ZIP”.

Click on that button.

Click on Save File >> then on OK Immediately, a small dialog box will open.

Here click on Save File option and then click on OK.

This will download Joomla.

At the time of making of this tutorial, latest stable version is 3.4.1.

The content covered in this tutorial is suitable for 3.4.x version.

Switch to the Downloads folder >> Point to the file I have already downloaded this file and it is in my Downloads folder.
Extracting Joomla Next, we have to create a new folder named joomla in DOCUMENT underscore ROOT.
In the terminal window, type

sudo mkdir /opt/lampp/htdocs/joomla

Go to the terminal window.

So, at the prompt, type

sudo space mkdir space slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs slash joomla

and press Enter.

Type admin password Enter your admin password, if prompted.

You will have to do so whenever prompted, as we proceed.

We now change directory to Downloads.
Click on the folder window. To see the required path, come to the folder window.
Move the cursor on Downloads in the Home folder >> see the tool-tip. Move the cursor on Downloads folder in the Home folder and see the tool-tip.

On my system it is, slash home slash fossee slash Downloads

Switch to the terminal >> Type

cd /home/fossee/Downloads

So, in the terminal, I will type the command:

cd space slash home slash fossee slash Downloads

and press Enter.

You will have to type the path shown on your system.

Now we will extract the contents of the zip file into the joomla folder.

sudo unzip -d /opt/lampp/htdocs/joomla

At the command prompt, type:

sudo space unzip space name of the Joomla file space hyphen d space slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs slash joomla slash

and press Enter.

Press Ctrl + L Let me clear the terminal by pressing Ctrl + L.
Go to DOCUMENT_ROOT>> Type cd /opt/lampp/htdocs To specify the permissions of the folder joomla, we will go to DOCUMENT underscore ROOT.

Type, cd space slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs

and press Enter.

Type ls To list the files in this directory, type ls and press Enter.
Type sudo chmod 777 joomla/ Let's give read, write and execute permissions to the owner and the group members of joomla folder.

So type - sudo space chmod space 777 space joomla slash

and press Enter.

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Creating database

Before we go ahead with the installation, we need to create a database for Joomla.

We will do this in phpmyadmin.

Phpmyadmin is the graphical user interface for MySQL.

It comes along with XAMPP installation.

Switch to the browser and type http://localhost Switch to the browser and type

http colon double slash localhost

Creating Database:

Click on phpmyadmin

On the XAMPP page, in the menu on the left, under Tools, click on phpmyadmin.
Click on Users >> click on Add User Click on Users in the top menu and then click on Add User.
Type Joomla-1 Enter a username, say, Joomla hyphen 1
Select Local from the dropdown From Host dropdown list, select Local.
In Password textbox >> Type joomla123 Enter a password in the Password text-box, say joomla123.

You can enter any password of your choice.

Re-type joomla123 Enter the same password in the Re-type textbox.
Point to the option Please do not respond to Generate Password prompt for now.
Point to Create a database with the same name and grant all privileges Under Database for user, we can see the option

Create a database with the same name and grant all privileges.

Click on it >> Click on Go button We will check that option and click the button Go at the bottom right of this page.
This will create a new database with the name Joomla hyphen 1 and with a user Joomla hyphen 1.
Make a note of the username, password and database names.

These will be required later to complete the Joomla installation.

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Rules and Naming Conventions

Please note:
  • Database name and username need not be the same.
  • To have different names, you can first create the database and then create a user for that database.
  • Also, as per naming convention, username should not have any spaces in between.
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Prerequisites completed

We are now ready to install Joomla.

We have XAMPP running and our database is ready.

And we have extracted Joomla into the folder joomla in DOCUMENT underscore ROOT.

(Switch to browser)


Go to the browser.

Type http colon double slash localhost slash joomla

Please note that joomla is the folder into which we extracted.

Press Enter Press Enter and you will see the Joomla installation page.
By default, we are in step number one, that is, Configuration.

Joomla can be installed in multiple languages.

Select English' >> click on Next button. We will select English (United states) here.

Click on Next button at the top right.

Click on Next button. We are now on the Main Configuration page.

Enter the sitename that you want your website to have.

I will have it as "Digital India".

Type "" in Email id. Email-id is a compulsory field.

Please enter a valid email-id here.

I will give the id as ""

Type admin as username. Next, enter the username that you want for the Joomla Administrative page.

I will enter the username as admin.

Type admin123 as password. Enter a password for the Joomla Administrator.

I will enter admin123 as my admin password.

Re-type the password in the confirmation box.

Select No option for Site Offline (Yes/No) Please select No option for Site Offline (Yes/No).

The site can be set online later on through the global configuration.

We will leave the description blank.
Click on Next Now, click on the Next button at the top-right.
Database (browser):

Select MySQL from DropDownList

So, we come to the Database Configuration page now.

Select "MySQL" as the Database Type.

Type localhost Enter "localhost" as the Host Name
Point to username, password and database name. Now, we have to enter the username, password and database names.

These are the ones we created earlier, in phpmyadmin.

Type Joomla-1 I will enter Joomla hyphen 1 as the username.

Type joomla123 Then joomla123 as the password

Type Joomla-1 and Joomla hyphen 1 as the database name.

Leave the Table Prefix as it is.

Select Backup >> Click Next In Old Database Process, select Backup.

This is to take backup of tables, with identical names as in the database, when Joomla is upgraded.

Click on Next button at the top right.

We are now in the Finalisation and Overview page.

Point to the button Install Sample data In the Finalisation section, locate Install Sample Data.

By default, one of the radio buttons will be selected.

The options listed here, will install some sample articles, menus, plugins etc. on the site.

These are useful for a beginner to understand Joomla.

Click None You may choose one of the options, when you are installing Joomla for the first time.

I do not wish to do so. So, I will choose the None option.

Scroll the page below and check the Overview information displayed here.
Click on the Install button. Now click on the Install button on the top-right.

This step may take some time.

Point to the message Now we will see the message "Congratulations! Joomla is now installed".

Point to Remove Installation Folder button. Under the message, there is a Remove Installation Folder button.

Click on it to remove the installation folder.

If we get an error in this step, we must remove the folder manually.

I got an error because I am not logged-in as linux superuser.

I don't have delete permission either.

Switch to terminal.

Type cd joomla

So, now let us switch to the terminal.

We will delete the installation folder manually from the joomla folder.

This is mandatory. So please do not skip this step.

Type cd joomla.

Type sudo rm -rf installation/ Then type

sudo space rm space hyphen rf space installation slash.

Press Enter.

Enter the administrative password, when prompted.

Switch to browser

Type localhost/joomla

After successful removal of the installation folder, switch to the browser.

Type localhost slash joomla

We have reached our website!

Since I did not install sample data, I do not see menus, articles etc., right now.
Type localhost/joomla/administrator/ Let's go to the administrator page from where we can administer our website.

So, go to localhost slash joomla slash administrator

Press Enter.

Type admin

Type admin123

Login with the administrator login and password.

I will type admin as username and admin123 as password.

As our website is installed, we have the administrator access.
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Let us summarize.

In this tutorial, we learnt to:

  • Install Joomla from Joomla website
  • Create database in phpmyadmin and
  • Install Joomla on local server
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Let's come to the assignment now.
  • Install Joomla with the sample data.
  • Uninstall Joomla and then
  • Install a fresh Joomla without sample data.
  • Compare the difference.
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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The video at this link, summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Project) Slide will be as given earlier

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
  • conducts workshops using spoken tutorials and
  • gives certificates on passing online tests.

For more details, please write to us.

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Spoken Tutorial Project is supported by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.
This script has been contributed by Priyanka and this is Ashwini Patil from IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Itspriyanka, Nancyvarkey