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Author: Nancy Varkey Keywords: Netbook, FOSSEE Netbook

Visual Cue
Title Slide Hello and welcome to the spoken tutorial on How to use the low cost FOSSEE Netbook, piloted at IIT Bombay.
Learning Objectives Slide In this tutorial we will learn about
  • the desktop of the FOSSEE Netbook
  • some of the programs that it comes with
  • and how to update its operating system with newer releases
Name: FOSSEE Netbook We refer to it as the FOSSEE Netbook, because,
  • The FOSSEE Team came up with suitable specifications for it
  • Tweaked the operating system
  • Came up with a software distribution
  • And provides updates and training.

The operating system is derived from the latest release of Ubuntu Linux.

What is a FOSSEE Netbook? Slide The FOSSEE Netbook
  • Is a low cost laptop piloted at IIT Bombay
  • Manufactured to its specifications by Basics Comtech Pvt. Ltd.
  • Has been designed for education and research
  • Costs about Rs. 5,000 plus customs, taxes, etc.
System Requirement Slide To record this tutorial, I am using
  • a FOSSEE Netbook,
  • FOSSEE distribution of the GNU/Linux Operating System
  • and Kazam screen recorder version 1.4.5
Let's now have a look at the FOSSEE Netbook.
Pic of Netbook This is what the FOSSEE Netbook looks like.
Circle the items on the screen as per narration It -
  • is about 700gms in weight.
  • Has a 10 inch display and a touch-pad.
  • has a front camera and two built-in speakers.
Zoomed pics as per narration It has 2 regular USB ports, 1 mini HDMI port, 1 Lan port.
Zoomed pics as per narration It has individual headphone and mic jacks for audio support.
Zoomed pics as per narration It also has an SD card slot that can support upto 32GB.
Other features Slide * It has a 5000 mAH battery
  • It gives about 4 to 8 hours of backup, depending on the program used
  • It has 1GB RAM and 8GB ROM
  • It also has wi-fi and bluetooth support.
First show Slide then switch to the website on browser For more details about the hardware specifications, visit
Slide For recovery/update/re-installation of FOSSEE OS, user should do the following.
  1. Prepare the sdcard with instructions provided in
  2. Poweroff the FOSSEE Netbook
  3. Insert the sdcard in the slot and then long press the Power key
  4. The screen should show a text message "Entering recovery mode..."
  5. Select the appropriate option shown in the next screen
On the desktop What you see here, is the Desktop of the FOSSEE Netbook with the FOSSEE OS.
Point to the 6 icons quickly By default, you will see some icons on the Desktop.
As with any computer, double-clicking on any icon, will open the related application.
Point to Network connection icon Here, at the bottom right, is the Network connection icon.

Currently it says “No network connection”.

Let's learn how to connect to a network.
Click on Network connection icon >> point to the available connections. For wi-fi connections, simply click on the icon.

A list of already available connections are displayed.

You can connect to any one of them, provided you know the wi-fi network password.

Click on MTNL-Nancy I will choose one of the available networks on my machine.
Type the network password >> click on Connect button. Then type the password and click on Connect button.
Point to the Network icon >> mouse-over Notice the Network icon in the System Tray.

The icon has now changed.

It mentions the name of the network that I am now connected to.

At this point, pause the recording and have all the required Spoken Tutorial series tabs open in the browser.

Then minimize the browser window.

Move the mouse to the bottom left corner of the desktop. Let's now turn our attention to the bottom left corner of the Desktop.
Mouse-over on the Start Menu Here we find the Start Menu, which is the Main Menu.
Scroll up-and-down the list The Start Menu lists all the available software and applications, in a categorised manner.
Mouse-over slowly on each category Click each category to know which software or applications are listed.

Let us look at some of them.

Click on Education >> Point to Geogebra. Education category has all of these applications listed.

Here we have Geogebra.

This is an outstanding free software to learn the concepts of algebra and geometry.

It is especially useful to students from 6th grade onwards.

Switch to Geogebra tab on browser The Spoken Tutorial project has created excellent tutorials to learn Geogebra.

These are available through, free of cost.

You can see what this link looks like in the browser window.

View of all available languages for Geogebra series. And you can also see that these tutorials are available in many Indian languages.

There are many more such free software on the Netbook, with Spoken Tutorials on this page.

I will show them shortly.

Click on Education >> Point to Jmol. Let’s come back to the Start menu.

Let’s see another software - Jmol.

This is useful for viewing chemical structures like molecules, bonds, etc. in 3D.

Switch to Jmol tab on browser The Spoken Tutorial website has tutorials on Jmol, in many languages.
Click on Graphics In the Start menu, let’s look at another category, say - Graphics.
Point to GIMP, Inkscape and XFig.

Here you can see GIMP, Inkscape and XFig are available.
Switch to GIMP tab on browser There are many spoken tutorials on GIMP,...
Switch to Inkscape tab on browser ….Inkscape,
Switch to XFig tab on browser and XFig on the Spoken Tutorial website.
You can use these tutorials to learn how to use these graphic software.
Click on Internet Let’s look at Internet category now and these are the options available here.
Point to Firefox Web Browser Here we have Firefox Web Browser.
Switch to Firefox tab on browser

View of all available languages for Firefox series.

And here are the spoken tutorials to learn how to use Firefox.

Once again, these are available in many Indian languages.

Click on Office >> Point to each component Under the Office category, we have the entire LibreOffice Suite -
  • Writer
  • Calc
  • Impress
  • Base
  • Draw
  • Math
Switch to LibreOffice Suite tab on browser We have tutorials to learn the entire LibreOffice Suite on the Spoken Tutorial website.
Click on Programming Let’s move to the Programming category.
Point to iPython Here we can see iPython
Switch to Python tab on browser There is a Python series on the Spoken Tutorial website.
Point to Scilab We also have Scilab here.
Switch to Scilab tab on browser Once again, we have tutorials on how to learn Scilab on the Spoken Tutorial website.
Point to Code Blocks and Geany. We have some IDEs, too, like Code Blocks and Geany.
No change on screen Spoken Tutorials for these are not yet available.

But if you do an Internet search, you will find useful learning material on these also.

Point to Sound & Video >> click on it Let us look at the applications available under Sound & Video.
Point to Audacity So, we have Audacity, which is used to record audio tracks….
Switch to Audacity tutorial tab on browser ….and here are the tutorials to learn to use Audacity.
Click on Preferences >> point to Desktop, Keyboard, Monitor, Network Preferences has options to customise the Desktop, Keyboard, Monitor, Network etc.
Click on Customise look and feel Let's click on Customise look and feel option.
Point to Widget >> Scroll down the list We are in the Widget tab, by default.

Here one can change the default theme of the displayed windows.

Click on 1 or 2 themes Choose the theme you prefer from the given list.
Point to the other tabs >> Don’t close the window. We will learn about all the other tabs and their options in detail, in later tutorials.
Switch back to the Start Menu

Click on Logout >> point to shutdown, lock the screen and logout.

Logout is the option to use to either shutdown, lock the screen or logout.
Click Cancel Let me click on the Cancel button.
Point to the icon next to Start >> Click on it The icon next to the Start menu is a shortcut to the Desktop.

Let’s click on it.

It iconifys all the open windows and displays only the Desktop.
Point to the icons on the Desktop Now, on the Desktop, let us look at some of the icons.
Point and click on the Terminal icon. Here we have the Terminal.

This is the command line interface.

Switch to BOSS Linux tab on browser To learn how to use the Terminal, please refer to the BOSS Linux spoken tutorial series.
Point to the File Manager icon >> click on it >> close it The File Manager functions like the My Computer option in Windows OS.

You can navigate to any folder or file, from this window.

Point to the Software Center icon >> click on it >> close it The Software Center helps to install all the software that we want.
Point to the Language Support icon >> click on it >> close it Language Support lists all the languages supported by the FOSSEE OS.
Point to readme.pdf >> click and open it >> scroll to the bottom Notice a file readme.pdf on the Desktop.

Pls open this file and read it. It will give you a brief overview of the Netbook.

With this, we come to the end of this tutorial on How to use the FOSSEE Netbook.
Slide The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Pls watch it.

Slide The Spoken Tutorial project team -
  • conducts workshops
  • and gives certificates on passing online tests.

For more details, write to us.

Slide Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Govt of India.

More details on this mission is available on this link.

Previous Slide This is Nancy Varkey for IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors
