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Time Narration
00:02 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Default constructor in java.
00:07 In this tutorial, we will learn:
00:10 * About the default constructor.
00:12 * And to create a constructor.
00:15 Here we are using:
  • Ubuntu version 11.10
  • Java Development Environment jdk 1.6 and
  • Eclipse 3.7.0
00:26 To follow this tutorial, you must know
00:29 how to create a class and the object of the class in java using eclipse.
00:34 If not, for relevant tutorials, please visit our website which is as shown.

00:42 Constructor is used to initialize the instance variables.
00:46 It is called at the creation of new object.
00:50 Let us now see how a constructor is defined in java.
00:55 So, in the eclipse, I have already created a java file
01:02 In the Student class we will declare two variables.
01:07 So type int roll_number semi-colon and String name semicolon.
01:20 Now let us create a method.
01:22 So, type: void studentDetail().
01:33 Within curly brackets, type: System dot out dot println roll_number;
01:50 Then System dot out dot println name;.
02:03 Now in main method we will call this method.
02:08 So, let us create an object and call the method.
02:14 So, type: Student object name stu equal to new Student().
02:28 Then stu dot method name i.e studentDetail.
02:41 Save and Run the program.
02:46 We see the output 'zero' and 'null'.
02:49 So, the int variable roll_number has been initialized to its default value 'zero'.
02:56 And the String name has been initialized to its default value 'null'.
03:02 If we do not define a constructor then a default constructor is created.
03:08 Default constructor has no parameters.
03:11 It initializes the instance variables to their default value.
03:16 Now let us define a constructor.
03:18 So, type: Student S capital parenthesis and curly brackets.
03:30 Remember, the Constructor has the same name as the 'class name' to which it belongs.
03:38 Constructors are also similar to methods but there are some important differences.
03:44 Save and Run the program.
03:48 We see the same output.
03:51 This is because the constructor that we defined is same as having no constructor.
03:58 But here, no default constructor is created because we have defined a constructor.
04:06 Now, let's give values to our variables.
04:11 So, inside the constructor type: roll_number equal to ten semicolon.
04:25 And name equal to within double quotes Raman.
04:35 Now Save and Run the program.
04:43 We see in the output that the roll_number is ten and the name is Raman.
04:50 So, the constructor initializes the instance field.
04:55 Now, let us see some differences between method and a constructor.
05:01 Constructor does not have a return type.
05:05 whereas method has a return type.
05:10 Constructor is called using the new operator.
05:16 whereas the method is called using the dot operator.
05:21 So, these were some differences between constructor and method.
05:29 So, in this tutorial, we have learnt:
05:32 * About the default constructor.
05:34 * To define a constructor.
05:36 * And Differences between method and constructor.
05:41 For self assessment,
05:42 create a class Employee with variables and a method to display variables.
05:47 And create a constructor for the class Employee.
05:52 To know more about the Spoken Tutorial Project,
05:54 watch the video available at [1].
06:00 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.
06:03 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
06:06 The Spoken Tutorial project team:
06:08 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials.
06:11 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test.
06:14 For more details, please write to
06:20 Spoken Tutorial project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project.
06:24 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
06:29 More information on this mission is available at:


06:38 This brings us to the end of the tutorial.
06:40 Thanks for joining.
06:42 This is Prathamesh Salunke, signing off. Jai Hind.

Contributors and Content Editors

Gaurav, PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14, Sneha