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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Installing Eclipse on Linux.
00:06 In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Eclipse on Ubuntuand on

Redhat operating systems.

00:15 For this tutorial, we are using Ubuntu 11.10.
00:20 To follow this tutorial, you must be
00:22 connected to the internet and must have knowledge of using terminal in Linux.
00:28 You must also have the root access or the sudo permission.
00:32 If you do not know what is a root or sudo, do not bother,
00:36 you can proceed through the tutorial.
00:39 If you are on a network that uses a proxy, then you must have access to the proxy.
00:45 If not, for relevant tutorials please visit our website as shown.
00:51 We shall now install Eclipse on Ubuntu using the commands shown and
00:55 also learn about the minor changes required to do the same on Redhat.
01:05 Now let us open the terminal.
01:07 Press Control, Alt and t .
01:10 This launches the terminal in Ubuntu.
01:18 If you are on a network that uses proxy, you will have to set it on the terminal.
01:23 If you do not know what a proxy is, you may not be on a network that uses one.
01:28 So you can skip this step.
01:30 For those who are using proxy, will have to set it.
01:34 There are two types of proxies.
01:36 One requires a username and password while the other doesn’t.
01:40 Find the type of proxy you are using, from the concerned person.
01:45 On the terminal, type: sudo SPACE HYPHEN s
01:52 When prompted, type the password.
01:57 Note that as you type password, there is no feedback in the form of asterisk (*) or other symbols. Hit Enter.
02:06 Notice that the prompt symbol has changed from 'DOLLAR' to 'HASH'.
02:14 Now type: export SPACE

http UNDERSCORE proxy EQUAL TO http://tsuser:tspwd@

02:47 In this command, tsuser is the username for proxy authentication and tspwd is the password.
02:55 Please change these values to suit your need.
02:59 is the host address of the proxy and 8080 is the port number.
03:07 Change these details also to suit your need. Press Enter.
03:14 In some cases the network does not require authentication.
03:18 In such cases the username and password part can be left blank.
03:22 Since my proxy does not require authentication, I am going to remove those details.
03:28 Press up arrow to get the previous command and remove the username and password and
03:35 hit Enter.
03:36 These commands set the http proxy. We know how to set the https proxy.
03:44 Press up arrow to get the previous command and type 's' to change http to https and hit Enter.
03:54 We have now successfully set the proxy.
03:58 Press Ctrl + D to return to the normal prompt.
04:02 Type clear and hit Enterto clear the screen.
04:11 Now we shall install Eclipse.
04:14 Type: sudo SPACE apt HYPHEN get SPACE update.
04:25 This command fetches a list of all the available software, hit Enter.
04:33 Depending on your internet speed, it takes a while to fetch the list of software.
04:45 The operation is complete when the terminal returns to the 'DOLLAR' prompt($). Type clear and hit Enter to clear the screen.
04:55 Type: sudo' space apt hyphen get space install space eclipse and hit Enter.
05:10 This command fetches and installs the eclipse software on the system.
05:15 Notice the line that reads, Need to get 10.8 Mb.
05:22 Depending on your system this number will be different and
05:27 depending on your internet speed, the time required to fetch the packages will be different.
05:30 At the prompt of 'Y' or 'N' type y and hit Enter.
05:39 All the required packages are downloaded and unpack into the system.
05:59 The installation is complete when the terminal returns to the Dollar prompt.
06:05 Now let us verify if eclipse is installed and is available on the system.
06:10 Press Alt+ F2, in the dialogue box type eclipse and hit Enter.
06:22 This launches the eclipse application. If Eclipse has not been installed, it will not open the application.
06:31 We get Workspace Launcher prompt. click OK to proceed.
06:40 And we get “Welcome to Eclipse” page. This means Eclipse has been successfully installed on the system .
06:53 The process for installing Eclipse on Debian ,Kubuntu and Xubuntu is same as that on Ubuntu.
07:04 The process of installing Eclipse on Redhat is similar to that on Ubuntu.
07:08 The only difference is the commands used for fetching and installing.
07:13 For fetching the list of software, use sudo SPACE yum SPACE update.
07:19 For installing eclipse, use sudo SPACE yum SPACE install SPACE eclipse.
07:27 The process for installing Eclipse on Fedora, Centos and SUSE linux is the same as that on Redhat.
07:37 This brings us to the end of the tutorial .
07:39 We have seen how to install Eclipse on Ubuntu and similar Operating Systems and on Redhat and similar Operating Systems.
07:49 As an assignment for this tutorial-
07:52 Find out more operating systems that have similar installation procedure for Eclipse.
07:58 To know more about the Spoken Tutorial project, watch the video available at the following link.
08:04 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.
08:07 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
08:12 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team:
08:13 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials,
08:16 gives certificates to those who pass an online test.
08:19 For more details, please write to contact AT spoken HYPHEN tutorial DOT org.
08:26 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project.
08:30 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
08:36 More information on this Mission is available at spoken HYPHEN tutorial DOT org SLASH NMEICT HYPHEN Intro
08:42 This tutorial has been contributed by TalentSprint. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Gaurav, Kavita salve, PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14, Sneha, Vasudeva ahitanal