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Features in a wiki page 1.zip


Title of script: Features in a wiki page

Author: Swetha

Keywords: Wiki Page,User page, features in page

Date: 5 October 2010

Revised on: 12th February, 2012

Part 1

Visual Cue Narration
Show slide 1
  • Spoken tutorial on Features in a wiki page
  • Script by Swetha on 5th February 2012
  • Created by Swetha
  • Talk to a Teacher
  • National Mission on Education through ICT
On behalf of IIIT-Hyderabad, this is Lavanya welcoming you to the spoken tutorial on Features in a Wiki page
Show slide 2 title 'Agenda'

• User page

In this tutorial, We will see what a user page is
Show slide 3 title 'Agenda'

• Features in a page
– Edit box
– Summary of the page

and the different features available in a page like the Edit box, Summary of the page
Show slide 4 title 'Prerequisites'

User account in wiki

You need to have an account created in wiki. If you do not have an account, please create an account and also learn to login to wiki to proceed further. You can refer to the tutorial on 'Creating user accounts'in the Mediawiki tutorial series.
Show slide 5 titled 'User Page' A User page is a page which is created when a person registers on Mediawiki
Show slide 6 titled 'User Page' A user page can be used as a starting point to add information in the wiki. When a user creates an account in a wiki, a 'User page' for that user is created.They can create their profile page. They can add the details that they wants to share with the other users of the wiki.
Show slide 7 titled 'User Page' User page is created with the name as your account user name.
Show slide 8 Please login to wiki using your credentials at EnhanceEdu Mediawiki Sandbox
Login with your credentials. Open browser.Please login with your user name and password.I am already logged in with my credentials. We are right now on the Main page.
Show the link to the user page. (account name next to the user icon on the top right hand side of the page. Let us first see what a user page is.You can edit your user page by clicking on your name which is next to the user icon. If there is no data added to the User page, the link is displayed in red color. Otherwise it is displayed in blue color.
Click on the user page link Click on the user page link.When visiting the User page for the first time. It shows the following

"There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or edit this page. "

Editing wiki pages is easy. Simply click on the "edit" tab or the "create" tab at the top of a wiki page. Please remember that only the user page when visited for the first time will have the "create" tab. All other pages will have "edit" tab. You can select "edit this page" or create tab if you are using this page for the first time to start editing this page. I am clicking on Create tab.

Clicking on "create" tab brings us to a new page with a text box. In this box, you can type in the text that you want to add, using wiki markup to format the text. You can also add other elements like images and tables.
Stay on the same page. let us see what are the different edit features in a wiki page. Any wiki edit page will have the following in the page which help in editing/saving the wiki page.
  1. Edit box
  2. Summary of the page
  3. Save Page
  4. Show preview
  5. Show Changes
  6. Cancel

We will now see Edit box and Summary of the page features in this tutorial and the rest of the features are covered in Part 2 of this tutorial.

Add your profile information in the 'User page'. Add Name, Organization. Name:<<Name>> Organization:<<Org>> Let us create the profile page. We can add the Name, details of the organization we study in/work for. In the Edit box, Type Name: Your name
Organization: Organization.Scroll down and Click on Save Page button to the save the editing.
Scroll down and save the page Now, our name and organization details are added to our user page.
We have seen what a user page is and how to add information in our profile page. Now, we will see Summary feature.
Stay on the same page When you have finished editing, you can write a short edit summary in the small field below the edit-box.

Edit summary is displayed in the 'history'. This helps identifying the versions and what changes are made in that version.

Scroll down to show the Summary text box in the wiki page. The summary box is below the edit box and above the Save Page button.We can write the summary after each edit.Lets see where the summary is displayed.
Add Qualification to the page. Type 'Qualification: <<your qualification>>'. Write 'Added my qualification' in the summary box and click on the save page button. Let us add qualification to the page and write the summary.Type 'Qualification: <<your qualification>>'. Write 'Added my qualification' in the summary box and click on the save page button.
Click on the history tab in the page. Let us see how the summary is displayed in the history of the page. Please click on the history tab of the page.
You are on the history page We are now on the history page. We can now see the different versions of the page with the time stamps when the editing is done. You can see the summary at the end of the line.

This helps in understanding what changes were made in different versions of the page.

Go back to the user page by clicking on the "page" tab in history page. In summary,Edit option allows user to edit the page
A short edit summary written in the summary text area of the page reflects in the history of th e page.
Show slide 9 titled Acknowledgements

Spoken Tutorial Project http://spoken-tutorial.org Talk to a Teacher project National Mission on Education through ICT http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro

The Mediawiki tutorials are created as part of the SPOKEN TUTORIAL PROJECT, an initiative of the ‘Talk to a Teacher’ project. The project is coordinated by http://spoken-tutorial.org. Funding for this work has come from the National Mission on Education through ICT, launched by MHRD, Government of India. For more details pls watch http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro

This brings us to the end of the tutorial on Features in a wiki page. The script for this tutorial was written by Swetha and this is Swetha from IIIT-Hyderabad. Thank You.

Part 2

Resources for recording

Features in a wiki page 2.zip


Visual Cue Narration
Show slide 1
  • Spoken tutorial on Features in a wiki page-2
  • Script by Swetha on 5th October 2010
  • Created by Lavanya
  • Talk to a Teacher
  • National Mission on Education through ICT
On behalf of IIIT-Hyderabad, this is Lavanya welcoming you to the Part 2 spoken tutorial on Features in a Wiki page
Login to wiki and go to your user page. Please Open browser. Login to MediaWiki sandbox with your user credentials and go to user page. I am already on my user page.
In this tutorial, we will see Save Page, Show Preview, Show changes and Cancel features of the page.
Show Slide 2 titled 'Save Page' First, lets see the Save Page feature. We have to save the editing done on the page for it to be persistent.
Show Slide 3 titled 'Save Page'

The edits that are done on a wiki page are categorized into two.

  1. Minor Edit
  2. Major Edit
Show Slide 4 titled ' Minor Edit' An edit is called a minor edit when only superficial differences exist between the current and previous versions. For example, typographical corrections, formatting and presentational changes, rearrangement of text without modification of content, etc.
Show Slide 5 titled 'Minor Edit' An edit of this kind is marked in its page's revision history. A lower case, bolded "m" character (m) is displayed.
Show Slide 6 titled 'Minor Edit' By default, all the edits are major edits. You can mark an edit as a minor edit by checking the check box next to the 'This is a minor edit', above the Save page button.
Lets see the demonstration of the minor edit in wiki
In the wiki page,change the name to Uppercase. Select the check box of 'This is a minor edit'. lets write the Name field in uppercase. Since it is a change in formatting, it is a minor edit. Let us select the check box of Minor edit. I have selected it and i will save page by clicking on the save page button.
Click on the history tab and Show the version which has 'm' in bold. Lets click on the history tab to see how minor edit is displayed in history. We are right now on the history page.Now, the different versions of the page are displayed. The current version of page is displayed on the top. Notice that it has the letter 'm' in bold. With this we can know that only minor changes are done to the wiki page. Lets go back to the wiki page by clicking on the page tab of the history page.
To see how the page looks with your edits, press the "Show preview" button. The preview mode does not save changes that you have made. If you are satisfied with the preview of the page, you can save edit or continue with further editing on the page.

Lets see the demonstration

Write your hobbies (Hobbies: Coin collection) in the user page and click show preview button Lets write some more content in the page and see how its previewed. Please add your hobbies to the page. Type Hobbies: your hobbies. Please click on the 'Show Preview' button on the bottom of the page next to the 'Save Page' button.
Scroll up and show the preview and the warning. In the preview mode, The following warning message is displayed on top of the page.
 Remember that this is only a preview. Your changes have not yet been saved!
Show the Show changes button on the bottom page. To see the differences between the page with your edits and the previous version of the page, press the "Show changes" button.
Add Favorite sports to the page and delete the qualification from the page and Click the 'show changes' button Let us try it with an example. Please add your favorite sport in the wiki page.Delete the qualification. Please click the 'show changes' button.

On top the wiki page, the comparison with the previous version and the current text is displayed in two columns.Text added or deleted is displayed in red color.

+ symbol denotes addition of information
- symbol denotes deletion of information.

If no changes are made to the text, the columns for comparison does not have any text denoting the changes.

Scroll and show the Cancel link in the bottom of the page Now lets see how to use the Cancel link.

To cancel any editing done to the page, we can click the cancel link. It cancels the current action on the page and displays the previous version of the page(latest version of the saved page).

Type some text "this is a trail" and press the cancel link Please type the text - "This is a trail" and press the cancel link. Notice that the text we just wrote is not saved in the wiki page.
Show Slide 7 titled 'Summary' In summary, To see how the page looks with your edits we can use "Show preview" feature
Show Slide 8 titled 'Summary' To see the differences between the page with your edits and the previous version of the page we can use the "Show changes" feature.
Show slide 9 titled 'Summary' We can also cancel the editing done on a page by clicking on the cancel link.
Show slide 10 titled References we have used the wikipedia and mediwiki.org for reference.
Show slide 12 titled Acknowledgement

Spoken Tutorial Project http://spoken-tutorial.org Talk to a Teacher project National Mission on Education through ICT http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro

The Mediawiki tutorials are created as part of the SPOKEN TUTORIAL PROJECT, an initiative of the ‘Talk to a Teacher’ project. The project is coordinated by http://spoken-tutorial.org. Funding for this work has come from the National Mission on Education through ICT, launched by MHRD, Government of India. For more details pls watch http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro

This brings us to the end of the tutorial on Features in a wiki page. The script for this tutorial was written by Swetha and this is Lavanya from IIIT-Hyderabad. Thank You.

Contributors and Content Editors
