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Visual Cue Narration
Slide 1 Hello and welcome to the spoken tutorial on Importing Mesh files in OpenFOAM
Slide 2 : Learning Objectives In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
  • import Mesh files
  • from a meshing software
  • in OpenFOAM.
Slide 3  : Pre-requisite As a pre-requisite, the user should know how to generate a Mesh in software

like -Gambit, Ansys ICEM , CFX, Salome etc.

Slide 4: System Requirement To record this tutorial I am using
  • Linux Operating system Ubuntu version 12.04.
  • OpenFOAM version 2.1.1
  • ParaView version 3.12.0
Slide 5:. Using blockMesh, we can easily make simple geometries.

For example- pipe, box, etc.

Narration, no visual cue It is difficult to create complex geometries using blockMesh.

But OpenFOAM supports importing mesh from third party meshing software.

There are commands available in OpenFOAM, to import these mesh files.

We will now learn how to import these files

Slide 7 : geometry for the case
Point over the square cylinder
point over its length and height
point on inlet velocity

Here is the geometry of our case.

We have a square cylinder

  • length 1m and height 1m.
  • Inlet velocity is 1 m/s
  • We are solving this for a Reynolds Number (Re) = 100
  • The domain chosen is 40 by 60
  • The Boundary conditions are as shown in the diagram
Slide 8 : This is the mesh file generated in a meshing software
Go to the OpenFOAM > xyz-

2.1.1>run>tutorials>incompressible >icoFoam

In your OpenFOAM working directory,

go to the icoFoam solver and click on it

Create a folder : cylinder Create a folder by the name cylinder
Type cd (space) .. Go one level back
Copy 0 and system folder from

cavity folder in icoFoam

Copy the 0 and system folders from the cavity case.
Paste it in cylinder folder Then paste it inside the cylinder folder.
No constant folder Note that you do not need the constant folder.
Point over the .msh file on the


On my desktop, I have a Fluent mesh file with a .(dot) msh extension

It is named as cylmesh.msh

Copy-and-paste >> cylinder folder. Copy-and-paste this file in the cylinder folder in icoFoam.

Our setup is now ready

Ctrl+Alt+t keys simultaneously Open a command terminal and press Enter.
In the terminal window >> type run >> press Enter. Type run and press Enter.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Rahuljoshi