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Title of script:Overview of BOSS Desktop

Author: Nancy Varkey

Keywords: BOSS OS,Overview, Desktop, Synaptic Package Manager

Visual Cue Narration
Title slide Welcome to this spoken tutorial on BOSS Desktop.
Learning Objectives In this tutorial, we will get familiar with the BOSS Desktop environment.
System Requirements Here, I am using BOSS Linux 3.4.2 with wide Indian language support & packages.

Let me minimize the slides.

Goto desktop What you are seeing here, is the BOSS Desktop.
Move the mouse to the main menu You can see the main menu on the top left hand side corner.
Click on main menu To open this menu, press Alt+F1 keys simultaneously on your keyboard.

Alternately, click on Applications menu.

The Applications menu contains all the installed applications in a categorized manner.
In this Applications menu, let us get familiar with some important applications.
Goto Applications->Accessories->Calculator. So let's go to Applications->Accessories->Calculator.
Mouse-over calculator Calculator helps perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations.
Open on calculator. Let's open the calculator by clicking on it.

Let us try some simple calculations.

Type 5*(into)8 and press = Type 5*(into)8 and press = sign
Instead of pressing = sign, you can also press the enter key
Click on close button Now exit this calculator by pressing the close button.
Click on desktop. Now let's look at another application.
Click on Application-> Accessories For that go back to Applications then go to Accessories.
Goto Gedit Text Editor and click on it. In Accessories, let's open gedit Text Editor by clicking on it.
Be on Gedit Text Editor So what you see right now on screen is the gedit Text Editor.

Let me type some text here and save it.

Type “Hello World” Type Hello World

To save the file, I can press Crtl+S or go to File and then click on Save.

Click on File->save So let me go to File and then on Save.
“Save as” dialog comes up The Save As dialog box opens up.

It prompts for filename and location in which the file has to be saved.

Type “hello.txt” as file name. Select Desktop as location. So, let me type the name hello.txt and for location I will select the Desktop.
Click on Save. Click on Save button.
Click on 'X' button gedit text editor. Let's close this gedit window now and check whether our file is saved on the Desktopor not.
Move to the Desktop and select thehello.txt file. Now come to the Desktop and you can see the file hello.txt here.

So, our text file has got saved successfully.

Double click on hello.txt file Let me open this file by double-clicking on it.

Here is our text“Hello World”.

We can type in multiple local languages, too, in the gedit text editor.

Let us see how to do so.

press (CTRL + SPACE BAR) In gedit Text Editor press CTRL + SPACE BAR

You can see a small box at the bottom right hand side.

Click on it.

Click on Hindi

Click on Inscript.

Select Hindi.


I will type “hello world”.

You can see the text has changed to Hindi Inscript.

Click on Hindi Phonetic >>type“welcome” Now I will select Hindi then i will select Phonetic.

I will type“welcome”using phonetics.

And you can see the word “welcome”typed in Hindi.

Click on Save Click on Save to save the changes.
Close the gedit text editor Let's close this text editor and let's see another important application from Accessories i.e Terminal.
Click on Applications->Accessories-> terminal. So let's move back to Applications ;Accessories and then Terminal.
Place your cursor on terminal Terminal is called command line because you can command the computer from here.

In fact, it is more powerful than the GUI.

Type ls and press enter Now let's type a simple command to get a feel of Terminal.

So let's type 'ls' and press Enter.

Output on the terminal You can see it lists all the files and folders in the current working directory.
Here it is displaying files and folders from the Home folder.

We will see later in this tutorial what the Home folder is.

Show the list of Linux tuts on

Terminal commands are explained well in the subsequent Linux spoken tutorials in this series.
Click on 'X' button Let us close the Terminal now.

Come to Desktop Now let's move on to another application i.e Iceweasel Web Browser.

This is the default web browser on the BOSS Operating System.

Click on Applications-> Internet->Iceweasel Web Browser Click on Applications ; Internet ; Iceweasel Web Browser.
As browser opens.... Iceweasel is the re-branded version of; Firefox.
Using this browser, you can access your emails or search for some information on the net.
In Iceweasel >> PressF6 Let's go to the google site.

The short-cut key to go to the address bar is F6. Or you can click here to the address bar.

Type"" >>press Enter. I will type
Scroll with the mouse As I type,Iceweasel may suggest a few possibilities.

You may choose one of these...

... or continue to type the complete address and press Enter.

We are now in the google search page. Let us type spoken tutorial in the search bar.
Mouse-over the page to show gmail opened The spoken tutorial website is listed as the first option. Let's click on it.

This will open the spoken tutorial home page.

Click on Close button So let's close this and move on.
Click on applications->Office. Now, let's click on Applications and then on Office.
Mouse-over LibreOffice Writer,Calc and Impress one after another. In this Office menu, we have LibreOffice options like Writer,Calc and Impress.

These are the word processor, spreadsheet and presentation components of LibreOffice Suite. The Spoken Tutorial website has spoken tutorials on these topics. We suggest that you explore them.

Goto Applications-> Sound & Video Next, under Applications, let's explore Sound &Video menu.
Scroll the list This option lists the various player options available in BOSS OS.

You can use any of these options to play your video or audio files.

Now let's see some other important things.
Click on Places Let's go to Places menu this time.
Mouse-over home folder >> click on it The first option here is the Home folder.

Let's open it.

Every user has a unique Home folder in BOSS OS.
In the Home folder We can say that the Home folder is our house where we can store our files and folders.
Linux tutorials on Unless we permit, others cannot see them.

More information on file permissions is available in the Linux spoken tutorials available on the spoken tutorial website.

Click on Desktop, Documents, Videos, Downloads one by one In our Home folder, we can see other folders such as Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music,etc.
Click on desktop folder In Linux, everything is a file.

Let's open the Desktop folder by double-clicking on it.

Select hello.txt file Hey, we can see that the same hello.txt file what we saved from gedit text editor is here.

So this folder and the Desktop are the same. Let me close this folder now.

Let's learn to change the Desktop theme now.
Right hand side corner >> point to spoken Go to the right hand side corner and click on the username displayed there.

In my case, the username is spoken. So, I will click on spoken.

Click on spoken Now, click on System Settings option.
The System Settings dialog box opens up.
Click on Background Click on Background icon.
Click on yellow sunflower. Choose any background from the list displayed.

It will appear as your new background.

Click on 'X' to close the box. Close this dialog box.
Click on Applications >> System Tools Now, we will come to the System Tools option available under Applications menu.
This menu has many important options, which help you to manage your desktop and the various applications.
Click on System tool Administration and Synaptic Package Manager. Click on Administration and Synaptic Package Manager.
Type in the admin password. It will immediately prompt you for the admin password for authentication.

Type in your admin password and click on Authenticate button.

Slide Details on how to use Synaptic Package Manager is available in a separate tutorial in this series.
Last slide This bring to the end of this tutorial.

In this tutorial we learnt about

  • the BOSS Desktop,
  • the main menu
  • and many important features of BOSS Linux OS.
Acknowledgement slides Watch the video available at the following link.

It summarizes the spoken tutorial project.

If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.

Workshop slides The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops using spoken tutorials,

gives certificates to those who pass an online test.

For more details, pls write

Mission slides Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project.

It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt of India.

More information on this mission is available at the following link:

This is Ashwini Patil from IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Ashwini, PoojaMoolya