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Show Slide 1 Welcome to the spoken tutorial about

Setting Preferences in LibreOffice Draw.

Show Slide 2

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set the following preferences:
  • Properties
  • Create Versions
  • View in color/grayscale/black-and-white
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System Requirements

Here we are using
  • Ubuntu Linux version 10.04 as our operating system and
  • LibreOffice Suite version 3.3.4.
Switch to the file 3DObjectsChart which is already open. Let us open the file 3DObjectsChart that we had saved earlier.

And go to page 1.

Suppose we want to add descriptions to this file for later reference.
From the Main menu, select File >> click Properties To do so, from the Main menu, select File and click Properties.
Properties dialog box appears You will see the Properties dialog box.
Click the General tab. Click the General tab.

All information that is relevant to the file is listed here.

Please note:

You can only view the file details here. You cannot make any changes.

Click the Description tab. Next, click on the Description tab.

Here you can enter the Title, Subject, Keywords and Comments as per your requirement.

This information can be used as reference later.

Enter in the Title field type 3D Objects Chart. In the Title field, let us type 3D Objects Chart.
Enter in the Subject field type 3D Objects Comparisons. In the Subject field, we will type 3D Objects Comparisons.
In the Key words type 3D, 3D Effects. In Keywords, we’ll type 3D and 3D Effects.
Finally, in the comments field let us enter the comment Learning about File Properties. Finally, in the Comments field, let us type Learning about File Properties.
It is a good practise to type information that is relevant to the Draw file.
Show Slide 4
Set your own properties such as
In addition to the properties present in the Description tab, you may want to set your own properties.

For example, you may want to know:

  • The date on which the document was prepared
  • The editor of the document
  • The client for whom the document was prepared, etc.

Draw has features that help you customize this information.

Switch to the Draw file.

Properties dialog>> click Custom Properties. >> Point to the fields Name, Type and Value.

In the Properties dialog box, click Custom Properties.

Here you will see three fields: Name, Type and Value.

Click the Add button.

Point to the drop down-boxes under each field.

Let’s click the Add button at the bottom-right.

You will now see drop down-boxes under each field.

Click on Name drop-down >> Select Date Completed. Let us click on the Name drop-down and select the option Date Completed.
In the Type drop-down >> select Date Time. In the Type drop-down, we will select Date Time.
Point to the Value field that indicates date and time. The Value field, will now indicate date and time.
Point to the date field Let us not change the date.
In the time field, enter 10:30:33. In the Time field, let us enter 10:30:33.

Now we can know the date on which the document was prepared.

Click on Add button

Let us add another field now.

Click Add. You will see a second list of drop-down boxes.

Click Add >> second list of drop-down boxes >> select Checked by in Name, In the Name drop-down, let us select Checked by.
For the Type field >> select Text. For the Type field, we will select Text.
In Value >> type the text “ABC” In Value, type the text “ABC”.
Click OK. Click OK.

That’s how you add your own properties to a Draw file. <Pause>

Now, let’s learn how to delete a property that we created.
Go to the Main menu, select File >> click Properties Go to the Main menu, click on File and select Properties.
In the Properties dialog box >> click Custom Properties. In the Properties dialog box, click Custom Properties.
Point to the first property Checked by. Let us delete the first property Checked by.
Click the Remove property button on the right. Click the Remove Property button on the right.

The property is deleted.

Click OK. Click OK.
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Save Multiple Versions

We can save multiple versions of the Draw file, too!

This feature is called Versions.

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For example,
  • You may add objects on the first day and save it.
  • The next day you may modify the drawing.
  • You may want to have a copy of both
    • the original drawing
    • and the modified drawing.
Go to the Draw file. Let us save the file using the Versions option.
Go to File >> click Versions From the Main menu, go to File and click Versions.
Versions dialog box appears You will see the Versions dialog box.
Click Save New Version >> Click on the Save New Version button.
Insert Version Comment dialog appears >> type Version One. You will see the Insert Version Comment dialog box

Let’s type the comment Version One.

Click OK >> click Close. Click on OK and then click on Close.
Select the text Geometry in Two D Shapes and Three D Shapes >> change the colour of the text to blue. Now let us change the text in the title Geometry in Two D Shapes and Three D Shapes.

Let’s change the colour of the text to blue.

Now, let us save the file using the Versions option.
From Main menu >> Go to File >> Versions From the Main menu, go to File and click on Versions.
Click Save New Version. Click on the Save New Version button.
Insert Version Comment dialog appears. The Insert Version Comment dialog appears.
Type Version Two. Type the comment Version Two.
Click OK. Click OK.
Point to the two versions listed. There are now two versions listed here - Version One and Version Two.
Point to Version One We know that Version One is the file with the black coloured title font.
Point to Version Two And Version Two is the file with the blue coloured title font.
Select Version One >> click Open. Let us select Version One and click on Open.
Point to the title We can see the version with the black coloured title font.


You can enable automatic saving of versions, every time you close a Draw file.
Main menu >> Go to File >> Click Versions To do so, click on File and then click on Versions.
Point to Always save a version on closing >>

Check this box

Notice a check-box option which says Always save a version on closing.

Check this box.

Click Close.

This will ensure that every time you close the Draw file, a new version will be saved.

Click Close. <Pause>

Show Slide 5

Viewing Preferences

You can also set the viewing preferences for your Draw file.

You can view your drawing in

  • Color
  • Gray scale or
  • Black and White
Switch to the Draw page. By default, we view the Draw file in colour.

Let us change the view to Gray Scale.

From the Main Menu >> select View >> click Color/Grayscale >> Click Gray Scale. Click on View, click Color/Grayscale and select Gray Scale.
You will see that the objects are now displayed in grey.


Now let’s change the view to Black and White.
From the Main Menu >> select View >> click Color/Grayscale >> Click Black and White. From the Main Menu, select View, click Color/Grayscale and select Black and White.
You will see that the objects are now displayed in black-and-white.


You can switch the view back to colour again.
From the Main Menu >> select View >> click Color/Grayscale >> Click Color. To do so, click on View, click Color/Grayscale and select Color.
The drawing is again displayed in colour.
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This brings us to the end of this tutorial.

In this tutorial, we learnt to set the following preferences in Draw:

  • Properties of a Draw file
  • Create versions of a Draw file
  • View the drawing in color/grayscale/black-and-white
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Spoken Tutorial Workshops The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
  • Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
  • Gives certificates to those who pass an online test

For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org

Acknowledgment Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project

It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India

This tutorial has been contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Desicrew, Nancyvarkey