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Time Narration
00:02 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Non-static block in java.
00:06 In this tutorial we will learn

00:08 About non-static block
00:10 When a non-static block executed?
00:13 Simple example of non-static block
00:16 And Why we need constructors?

00:18 Here we are using
  • Ubuntu version 11.10
  • Java Development Environment jdk 1.6
  • And Eclipse IDE 3.7.0

00:26 To follow this tutorial you must know
00:29 How to create a constructor in Java using Eclipse
00:33 If not, for relevant tutorials please visit our website which is as shown,


00:38 Now we will see what a non-static block is.

00:42 Any code written between two curly brackets is a non-static block.

00:46 We can see the syntax here.
00:51 When is a non-static block executed ?
00:54 A non-static block is executedfor each object that is created.
00:58 It executes before the constructor's execution.

01:04 It can initialize instance member variables of the class.

01:08 Any other execution like calculation could also be given in the block.

01:14 Now, let us switch to Eclipse and try to use a non-static block.
01:22 I have already opened a class named NonStaticTest in Eclipse.

01:28 I also have a created a class named A .

01:33 Now inside class A , I will first create a variable of type int.

01:38 So type int a semicolon, then press Enter

01:46 Within curly brackets type System dot out dot println within brackets and double quotes Non static block of an instance of Class A semicolon.

02:12 Then type System dot out dot println within brackets and double quotes The value of a is plus a semicolon.

02:32 Now we will declare a constructor.
02:35 So type public A opening and closing brackets, open the curly brackets press Enter.

02:51 Then type System dot out dot println within brackets and double quotes Constructing object of type A semicolon.

03:10 Then type System dot out dot println within brackets and double quotes The value of a is plus a semicolon.

03:35 Now save this file.
03:44 Inside class NonStaticTest in Eclipse let us create an object of the class A.

03:53 So type A space a1 equal to new space A opening and closing brackets semicolon

04:08 Next line we will create one more object of class A.
04:12 So type A space a2 equal to new space A opening and closing brackets semicolon.

04:25 Now Save and run the file. So press Ctrl &S and Ctrl &F11 keys

04:32 We get the output as follows:
04:35 As we can see when the first object is created, the non-static block is executed.

04:45 non-static block of an instance of class A and the instance variable 'a' is initialized to 0.

04:53 Only after that the constructor is executed. Constructing object of type A

05:02 And here the instance variable is again initialized to 0.

05:07 Then again when the second object is created, the non-static block is executed.

05:16 This process is repeated.
05:20 We can have multiple non-static blocks in a class.

05:25 In this case they execute in the sequence in which they appear in the class.

05:30 We can try that now.

05:34 Include one more block after the first one in class A.
05:43 So again type inside curly brackets.

05:47 System dot out dot println within brackets and double quotes Second Non static block of an instance of Class A semicolon.

06:08 Then type System dot out dot println within brackets and double quotes The value of a is plus a semicolon.

06:30 Now save this file ,press Ctrl & S key simultaneously then press Ctrl & F11 to run the program.
06:44 We get the output as follows.
06:48 we see that after the first block is executed, the second is executed.

06:58 Only then the constructor is executed.
07:07 Now you might feel why do we need constructors.

07:10 The answer is we don't need the default constructor.

07:15 But the non-static block cannot be parameterized.

07:18 You cannot have objects taking values from out side.

07:22 So non-static block is not a substitute for constructor.
07:27 So let us summarizes
07:29 In this tutorial we learnt :

07:32 About non-static block and how to use this block.

07:35 For self assessment,
07:36 create a class named B.
07:39 Create a non-static block and a constructor as shown in the tutorial.
07:44 Create an object of class B in the class NonStaticTest already created.
07:49 Check the output.

07:51 To know more about the Spoken Tutorial Project
07:53 Watch the video available at
07:56 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project
08:00 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it

08:03 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
08:06 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
08:08 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test
08:12 For more details, please write to

08:18 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
08:22 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
08:28 More information on this Mission is available at

08:37 Thus we have come to the end of this tutorial.
08:40 This is Arya Ratish from IIT BOmbay signing off. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Arya Ratish, Devisenan, Gaurav, PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14, Sneha