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Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Introduction to KTouch.

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Introduction to KTouch.

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Learning Objectives

In this tutorial you will learn about

KTouch and the KTouch interface

Type accurately, quickly, and efficiently

On a computer keyboard that has the English alphabet keys

You will also learn to

type without having to look down at the keyboard every time you type

In this tutorial you will learn about KTouch and the KTouch interface.

You will learn how to type:

Accurately, quickly, and efficiently, on a computer keyboard that has the English alphabet keys.

Without having to look down at the keyboard every time you type.

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What is KTouch?

KTouch is a typing tutor

Teaches you to type using an online interactive keyboard

You can learn typing at your own pace

And gradually increase your typing speed

Along with your accuracy

KTouch also has lectures or typing samples

In various levels of difficulty

For you to practice with

What is KTouch?

KTouch is a typing tutor.

It teaches you how to type using an online interactive keyboard.

You can learn typing at your own pace.

You can gradually increase your typing speed and along with it, your accuracy.

KTouch also has lectures or typing samples, in various levels of difficulty, for you to practice with.

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Systems Requirements

KTouch 1.7.1

Ubuntu Linux version 11.10.

Here, we are using KTouch 1.7.1 on Ubuntu Linux 11.10.

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Install KTouch

Install KTouch using Ubuntu Software Centre

For more information on Ubuntu Software Centre

please refer to the Ubuntu Linux Tutorials on


You can install KTouch using the Ubuntu Software Centre.

For more information on Ubuntu Software Centre, please refer to the Ubuntu Linux Tutorials on this website.

Let’s open KTouch.
First, click Dash Home, which is the round button, on the top left corner of your computer desktop. First, click Dash Home, which is the round button, on the top left corner of your computer desktop.

The Search box appears. The Search box appears.
In the Search box, next to Dash Home, type KTouch. In the Search box type KTouch.

Point to the KTouch icon.

Click on the KTouch icon.

The KTouch icon appears beneath the Search box.

Click on it.

Point to the KTouch window. The KTouch window appears.
Alternately, you can open KTouch using the Terminal.
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Terminal Key

To open a Terminal press the CTRL and ALT and T keys together

To open KTouch, in the Terminal type the command: ktouch and press Enter

To open a Terminal press the CTRL and ALT and T keys together.

To open KTouch, in the Terminal, type the command: ktouch and press Enter.

Switch back to the KTouch interface. Now, let’s familiarize ourselves with the KTouch interface.
Point to the Main menu that comprises the File, Training, Settings, and Help menus. The Main menu comprises the File, Training, Settings, and Help menus.
Point to Start New Session at the top left hand corner. Click Start New Session to start a new session to practice typing.
Point to Pause Session, which is next to Start New Session. Click Pause Session to pause while typing.
Point to Lecture Statistics, which is next to Pause Session. Click on Lecture Statistics to know your typing progress.
Point to the Level button on the KTouch window. Level indicates the level of complexity, in terms of the number of keys used when typing.
Point to Speed. Speed indicates the number of characters that you can type per minute.
Point to Correctness. The Correctness indicator displays the percentage correctness of typing.
Point to New Characters in This Level. The New Characters in This Level field displays the characters that you need to practice at the selected level.
Point to the Teacher’s Line. The Teacher’s Line displays the characters that have to be typed.
Point to the Student’s Line. The Student’s Line displays the characters that are typed by you using the keyboard.
Point to the keyboard. The Keyboard is displayed in the centre.
Point to the first line in the keyboard.

The first line of the keyboard displays numerals, special characters, and the Backspace key.
Point to the Backspace key at the right hand corner of the keyboard’s first line. Press the Backspace key to delete typed characters.
Point to the second line of the keyboard. The second line of the keyboard comprises alphabets few special characters, and the Tab key.
Point to the third line of the keyboard. The third line of the keyboard has alphabets, the Enter key, colon, semicolon, and Caps lock keys.
Point to the Enter key at the right hand corner of the keyboard’s third line. You press the Enter key to go to the next line while typing.
Point to the Caps Lock key. Press the Caps Lock key to type in capital letters.
Point to the fourth line of the keyboard. The fourth line of the keyboard comprises alphabets, special characters, and shift keys.
Point to the big up arrow keys at the left hand corner and right hand corners of the third line. Press the shift key together with any other alphabet key to type capital letters.
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Shift Key

Press the Shift key with any other key

to type a character given at the top of the key

Eg - The key with the numeral 1 has the exclamation mark ! on top

To type the exclamation mark, press the Shift key together with 1

Press the Shift key with any other key to type a character given at the top of the key.

For example, the key with the numeral 1 has the exclamation mark on top.

To type the exclamation mark, press the Shift key together with 1.

Switch to KTouch.

Point to the fifth line of the keyboard.

Point to the CTRL, ALT and Space bar.

The fifth line of the keyboard comprises the Ctrl, Alt, and Function keys.

It also contains the space bar.

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KTouch keyboard, Laptop keyboard, and Desktop keyboard

Now let us see if there are differences between the KTouch keyboard, laptop keyboard, and desktop keyboard.
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Display the image of the desktop keyboard and laptop keyboard as given below and also title them.

Desktop Keyboard


Laptop Keyboard


Notice that the KTouch keyboard and the keyboards used in desktops and laptops are similar.
Now, let’s see the correct placement of our fingers on the keyboard.
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Display an image similar to the one attached below with callouts for the different fingers.

Callouts for the different Fingers


Point to each finger with the cursor.

Look at this slide.

It displays the fingers and their names.

Fingers, from left to right, are named:

Little finger,

Ring finger,

Middle finger,

Index finger and


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Left Hand Keys

Ensure that the little finger is on alphabet A

Ring finger is on the alphabet S

Middle finger on alphabet D

Index finger on alphabet F

On your keyboard, place your left hand, on the left side of the keyboard.

Ensure that the little finger is on alphabet ‘A’,

Ring finger is on the alphabet ‘S’,

Middle finger on alphabet ‘D’,

Index finger on alphabet ‘F’.

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Right Hand Keys

Ensure that the little finger is on the :/; key

Ring finger on the alphabet L

Middle finger on the alphabet K

Index finger on the alphabet J

Now, place your right hand, on the right side of the keyboard.

Ensure that the little finger is on the colon/semi-colon key.

Ring finger on the alphabet ‘L’.

Middle finger on the alphabet ‘K’.

Index finger on the alphabet ‘J’.

Use your right thumb to press the space bar.
Point to the text “This is a small default text...” The first time you open KTouch, the Teacher’s Line displays default text.
This text lists instructions on how to select the lecture and begin the typing lessons.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we shall skip typing the default text and select a lecture.
However, you can pause this tutorial, and type the default text.
Now, let us select the lecture to begin the typing lessons.
From the Main menu, select File, click Open Lecture. From the Main menu, select File, click Open Lecture.
Point to the Select Training Lecture File – ‘KTouch’ appears.

Browse the flowing folder path


The Select Training Lecture File – ‘KTouch’ dialog box appears.

Browse the flowing folder path


Select english.ktouch.xml and click Open. Select english.ktouch.xml and click Open.
Point to the Teacher’s Line. Notice, that the Teacher’s Line now displays a different set of characters.
Switch back to the Ktouch interface. Now, let us start typing.
Point to level one. By default, the Level is set to 1 and the Speed is set to zero.
Point to the New Characters in This Level field. The New Characters in This Level displays the characters we will learn in this level.
Point to the Student’s Line. Notice that the cursor is in the Student’s Line.
From your computer’s keyboard, type the characters in the Teacher’s Line.

Type them exactly as it is displayed in the Teacher’s Line including capitals and spaces.

Do not complete typing the entire line. Don’t type the last word in that line and then Pause.

Use your computer’s keyboard and type the characters displayed in the Teacher’s Line.

Remember to type the words exactly as displayed in the Teacher’s Line, including capitals and spaces.


Now, point to the Student’s Line. Notice, as we type, the characters are displayed in the Student’s Line.
Point to Speed. Look at the Speed field now.

As you type, the number increases or decreases based on the speed of your typing.

If you stop typing, the speed count decreases.

Type the number 7 and 8. Now, let’s type the numbers seven and eight, which are not displayed in the Teacher’s Line.
Point to the Student’s line where the colour has changed to red. The Student Line has become red.

Why? That’s because we have mistyped or made an error in typing.

Delete the wrongly typed characters and type the text correctly and completely. Let’s delete it and complete the typing.
Complete a line that is displayed in the Teacher’s line and press Enter. When you reach the end of the line, press the Enter key, to move to the second line.

Point to the Teacher’s Line.

Point to the Student’s Line.

Notice, that the Teacher’s Line now displays the next set of characters to type.

The Student’s line is cleared of the typed text.

Let’s check how accurately we have typed.
Point to the Correctness field. The Correctness field displays the percentage of correctness of your typing.

For example, it may display 80 percent.

We have completed our first typing lesson!
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Lower speeds It is a good practice to first learn to type accurately at lower speeds Learn to type accurately, without mistakes Then increase the typing speed

It is a good practice to first learn to type accurately at lower speeds. Once, we learn to type accurately, without mistakes, we can increase the typing speed.

Point to Start New Session. Let’s begin a new typing session.

Click Start New Session.

Point to Start from First Level. In the Start New Training Session – ‘KTouch’ dialog box, click Start from First Level.

Point to the Teacher’s Line. What do you see?

A set of characters are displayed in the Teacher’s Line.

Point to the Student’s Line. The Student’s Line is cleared of all characters and is blank.

In the Student’s Line, start typing the characters displayed in the Teacher’s Line.

Type 5 characters and stop typing.

Let’s start typing.
While practicing, you may want to pause and restart later.

How do you pause your session?

Click Pause Session. Click Pause Session.

Point to the Speed field. Notice that the speed does not decrease.

Recall, that it decreased when we stopped typing without pausing the earlier session.

Resume typing and complete the line shown in the Teacher’s Line. To resume typing, type the next character or word, displayed in the Teacher’s line.
Point to the Correctness field. Once we complete typing, we can check the Correctness field.

It displays the accuracy of typing.

Pause typing.
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1. The KTouch interface 2. Place our fingers on the key board 3. Type by looking at the Teachers Line 4. And completed our first typing lesson .

This brings us to the end of this tutorial on KTouch.

In this tutorial we learnt about the KTouch interface. We also learnt how to: Place our fingers on the key board. Type by looking at the Teacher’s Line. And completed our first typing lesson.

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Assignment Open KTouch. Complete the typing lesson in level 1. Practice typing with this level. Remember to use the correct fingers for the keys.

Here is an assignment for you.

Open KTouch. Complete the typing lesson in level 1. Practice typing with this level. Remember to use the correct fingers for the keys.

Show About Slide

About the Spoken Tutorial Project

  • Summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.
  • If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
The video available at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.

If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.

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About the Spoken Tutorial Project

  • We conduct workshops using spoken tutorials.
  • We also give certificates for those who pass an online test.
  • Please contact us for more details.
We conduct workshops using spoken tutorials. We also give certificates to those who pass an online test.

Please contact us for more details.

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  • Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project,
  • supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
  • More information on the same is available at,
Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project, supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. This project is co-ordinated by spoken hyphen tutorial dot org. More information on the same is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro
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About the Contributor

  • This tutorial has been contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • www.desicrew.in
  • Thanks for joining.
This tutorial has been contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Thanks for joining

Contributors and Content Editors
