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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Arrays in Perl.
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn about
00:09 Index of an array
00:11 Length of an array
00:13 Accessing elements of an array
00:16 Looping over an array
00:18 Sequential Array
00:20 And Array Slicing
00:22 Here I am using Ubuntu Linux12.04 operating system and Perl 5.14.2
00:30 I will also be using the gedit Text Editor.
00:34 You can use any text editor of your choice.
00:37 You should have basic knowledge of Variables, Comments & Data Structures in Perl
00:43 Knowledge of loops and conditional statements will be an added advantage.
00:48 Please go through the relevant spoken tutorials on the spoken tutorial website.
00:54 Array is a simple data structure which contains elements of any data type.
00:59 Array index starts from zero always.
01:03 In Perl, it is not necessary to declare the length of an array.
01:08 Array length expands/shrinks as and when elements are added/removed from it.
01:15 The syntax for declaring an array is -
01:18 @myArray equal to open bracket 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma single quote abc single quote comma 10.3 close bracket semicolon
01:31 The last index of an array can be found with this command -
01:35 $#myArray
01:38 Let us understand this using sample program.
01:42 Open the terminal and type
01:44 gedit arrayIndex dot pl space ampersand
01:50 and press Enter.
01:52 This will open arrayIndex dot pl file in geditor
01:57 Type the piece of code that is displayed on screen
02:02 Here we have declared & defined an array which contains 5 elements.
02:07 As array index starts from zero, the last index value will be 4
02:14 i.e number of elements, which is 5, minus 1.
02:18 Press Ctrl+S to save the file.
02:22 Now switch to terminal and execute the Perl script
02:26 Type perl arrayIndex dot pl
02:30 and press Enter.
02:32 The output will be as displayed on the terminal
02:37 Now, let us see how to get length of an array in Perl.
02:41 There are many ways by which we can find the length of an array.
02:46 Index of an array + 1 i.e. $#array + 1
02:53 Using PERL inbuilt scalar function; i.e. scalar open bracket @array close bracket
03:02 Assign array to a scalar variable i.e. $arrayLength = @array
03:09 Let us look at an illustration of array length using a sample program.
03:14 Switch to the terminal and type -
03:18 gedit arrayLength dot pl space ampersand
03:24 Press Enter.
03:27 Type the following piece of code, as shown on the screen-
03:32 Here we have declared & defined an array which contains 5 elements.
03:38 So, output will display 5.
03:41 Highlighted, are various ways to find the length of an array in Perl.
03:47 Please note We have concatenated the output in the print statement using comma.
03:53 Press Ctrl + S to save the file.
03:57 Now let us execute the script.
03:59 Switch to terminal and type-
04:02 perl arrayLength dot pl and press Enter.
04:07 The output will be as displayed on the terminal.
04:12 Now, let us understand how to access individual elements in an array.
04:18 Indexing is used to access elements of an array.
04:22 Let us look at an example for accessing elements of an array at -
04:27 First Position
04:28 Last Position
04:29 Any position
04:32 Switch to the terminal and type -
04:35 gedit perlArray dot pl space ampersand
04:42 and press Enter.
04:45 Type the following piece of code as shown.
04:49 Please note-
04:50 myArray is declared with @ (at the rate) sign.
04:54 But, to access an array element we need to use $ (dollar) sign.
04:59 To access the element at any position, we need to pass index to an array
05:07 Here, to access the first element of myArray ,
05:11 zero is passed as index.
05:16 To access the last element of myArray , we have passed the last index of myArray.
05:24 Recall, we had learnt about this earlier.
05:28 Press Ctrl + S to save the file.
05:30 Switch to the terminal and execute the script as -
05:36 perl perlArray dot pl
05:41 and press Enter.
05:43 The output will be as shown on the terminal
05:47 Now, let us understand, how to loop over each element of an array.
05:52 There are two ways of looping over an array-
05:56 Using for loop
05:58 Using foreach loop
06:01 Let's learn how to use these loops to iterate over an array using a sample program.
06:07 For this, switch to the terminal and type
06:11 gedit loopingOverArray dot pl space ampersand
06:17 And Press Enter
06:20 Type the piece of code as shown on the screen
06:24 Here, we are printing each element of array by iterating the index.
06:31 The for loop will execute till the value of i variable reaches the last index of an array.
06:38 Here, foreach loop will be executed for each element of an array.
06:46 Once the array reaches its last element, it will exit the foreach loop.
06:53 Please Note: If you are not aware of for and foreach loops,
06:58 please go through the relevant spoken tutorials on spoken tutorial website.
07:04 Now, Press Ctrl + S to save the file.
07:07 Then switch to the terminal and execute the script as -
07:12 perl loopingOverArray dot pl
07:15 and press Enter.
07:19 The output will be as displayed on the terminal.
07:24 In Perl, we can declare a sequential array as-
07:28 @alphaArray = open bracket a dot dot d close bracket semicolon
07:37 i.e alphaArray will contain elements 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd'
07:44 Similarly, @numericArray equal to open bracket 1 dot dot 5 close bracket semicolon is same as

@numericArray equal to open bracket 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma 4 comma 5

08:03 Perl also provides array slicing.
08:06 This is nothing but extracting part of an array and dumping it into a new array.
08:13 @array = 19 comma 23 comma 56 comma 45 comma 87 comma 89 close bracket semicolon
08:27 @newArray = @array open square bracket 1 comma 4 close square bracket semicolon
08:38 After slicing, the newArray will look like
08:42 @newArray = open bracket 23 comma 87 close bracket semicolon
08:51 Let us summarize.
08:52 In this tutorial, we have learnt to-
08:55 Find index of an array
08:57 Find length of an array
08:59 Access elements of an array
09:01 Loop over an array
09:03 Sequenial Array
09:05 Array Slicing using sample programs.
09:07 Here is assignment for you -
09:10 Declare an array of rainbow colors
09:13 Print 4th element of this array
09:16 Print Length and last index of this array
09:19 Loop over each element of an array using for & foreach loops
09:25 Declare array as @myArray = open bracket 1..9 close bracket semicolon and then create an array of odd numbers from above array using array slicing.
09:41 Watch the video available at the following link
09:44 It summaries the Spoken Tutorial project
09:48 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it
09:53 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
09:58 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
10:02 For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org
10:09 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
10:13 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
10:20 More information on this Mission is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro
10:31 Hope you enjoyed this Perl tutorial.
10:35 This is Amol signing off.
10:37 Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Gaurav, PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14