Title of script: Getting started with Java: Installation
Author: arya
Keywords: video tutorial,install
Visual Cue
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Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Getting started with Java: Installation.
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Learning Objectives
In this tutorial we will learn
- To install the JDK using Synaptic Package Manager.
- Why Java?
- Types and applications of Java.
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System Requirements
Here we are using
- Ubuntu version 11.10 and
- Java Development Environment JDK 1.6
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To follow this tutorial you must be connected to the internet.
You must have Synaptic Package Manager installed on your system.
You must also have knowledge of using Terminal, Text Editor and Synaptic Package Manager in Linux.
If not, please see the Spoken Tutorial on Linux, available at spoken-tutorial.org.
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To run a java program we need to install the JDK, the Java Development Kit.
To learn more about JDK you could visit the following link:
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Now we will install the JDK using Synaptic Package Manager.
For this, you need to have root permissions.
You also need to know how to choose a repository.
These are explained in the pre-requisite tutorial on Linux mentioned earlier.
Switch to Desktop
Click on DashHome
Type Synaptic in the search box.
Now, on the left corner of your Desktop, you will find the Taskbar.
At the top you will find DashHome.
Click on DashHome.
In the search bar type Synaptic.
You will find Synaptic Package Manager here.
Click on Synaptic Package Manager.
You will be asked to type your password for Authentication.
So type your password and click on Authenticate.
Type jdk in the quick search box.
This opens the Synaptic Package Manager.
Now In the Quick Filter box type jdk.
We see a package named openjdk-6-jdk.
Right click on it and click on Mark for Installation.
Then click on Apply.
Right click on openjdk-6-jdk.
Click Mark for Installation
Click on Apply
You will be asked to confirm the list of marked changes.
So click on To be Installed and then click on Apply.
The installation will take a few seconds.
Now, we see that the option openjdk-6-jdk is in green colour.
Thus our installation is complete.
Now, let us verify the installation, For this open the terminal by presing Ctrl, Alt and T keys simultaneously
I already opened have my Terminal opened here.
At the command prompt type java space hyphen version and press Enter.
We see that the version number of the jdk has been displayed.
Depending on the version that you used your version number could be different.
So, we have successfully installed the jdk.
Open the code in TextEditor.
Now, let us run a simple Java program and see if it works.
I already have the following code saved in the file name TestProgram dot java.
Let me compile and run this code.
This code simply displays We have successfully run a Java Program on the Terminal.
So let us go back to the Terminal.
Remember that I have saved the file TestProgram dot java in the Home directory.
And currently I am in the Home Directory.
At the command prompt type javac space TestProgram dot java.
This is to compile the code.
Press Enter.
Now, let me run the code.
So type java space TestProgram and press Enter.
We get the output as We have successfully run a java program.
Thus, our installation has been perfect.
Now, let us go back to the slides.
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I will now explain why Java is useful.
1. Java is simple.
2. Java is object oriented.
3. It is platform independent.
4. It is safe.
5. Java has high performance.
6. Java is multi – threaded.
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We will now go through some types and applications of Java.
-JSP, or Java Server Pages: It is based on a code with normal HTML tags.
JSP helps in creating dynamic web pages.
-Java Applets: It is used to provide interactive features to web applications.
-J2EE or Java Enterprise Edition: Companies use J2EE.
It is useful to transfer XML structured documents.
-JavaBeans: JavaBeans is a reusable software component.
It can be used to build new and advanced applications.
-Mobile Java: It is used for various entertainment devices, such as mobile phone.
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So in this tutorial we learnt
- To install the JDK using Synaptic Package Manager.
- To compile and run a Java program.
- Benefits of using Java.
- Types and Applications of Java.
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About Slide
Watch the video available at http://spoken-tutorial.org/What_is_a_Spoken_Tutorial
- It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
- If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it
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About Slide
The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
- Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
- Gives certificates for those who pass an online test
- For more details, please write to contact@spoken-tutorial.org
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Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
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Contributor Slide
We come to the end of this tutorial.
Thanks for joining us.
This is Arya Ratish signing off.
Good bye and Jai Hind.