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Title: Adding Door Handles and Materials

Author: Arthi Varadarajan

Keywords: blender 4.1, car parts, modeling, door handles, material properties, video tutorial.

Visual Cue Narration
Slide Number 1

Title Slide

Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on Adding Door Handles and Materials in Blender 4.1.
Slide Number 2

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn to,
  • Model the door handles
  • Add materials to the car and its parts
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System and Software Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using
  • Mac OS version 14.5
  • Blender version 4.1

It is recommended to install Blender version 4.1 or higher.

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To follow this tutorial,
  • The learner must be familiar with editing objects in Blender.

If not please access the Blender tutorials on this website.

Show Blender

Select Car.blend >> Open

Let us open the car file which we created earlier.

Find the Car-animation folder. Select Car.blend and Open.

We will add door handles and materials to the car.

Video Editor: numpad 1

Press Shift key and right click outside the car.

Point to the 3D cursor

First let us create the door handles.

Press numpad 1 to go to Front view.

Press Shift key and right click outside the car, above the light as shown.

Now the 3D cursor is shifted here.

Add menu >> Mesh >> Cube

Properties >> Object

Go to the Add menu. Click on Mesh and select Cube.

To change the dimensions of the cube, go to Object Properties.

Scale >> X value to 0.2, Y & Z to 0.04 In Scale, set the X value to 0.2, Y and Z values to 0.04. Press Enter.

Observe the change in the object.

Video Editor: Tab

Video Editor: Ctrl and R

Loop cut and Slides >> Number of Cuts to 2

Press Enter

Let us zoom in and work further.

Press Tab key to go to Edit mode.

Press Ctrl and R keys together to show the loop cut.

Double click and add the loop cut vertically.

In the Loop cut and Slide option, change the Number of Cuts to 2. Press Enter.

Tool box >> Scale

Drag the red handle

Go to the Toolbox. Click on Scale.

Drag the red handle and move the lines towards the corner of the object as shown.

Select box tool

Face Selection mode >> Select corner 2 faces

Click on the Select box tool.

Select Face Selection mode. Hold the Shift key and select the corner 2 faces.

Video Editor: numpad 7

Video Editor: E

Extrude Region >> set the Z value to 0.1

Press numpad 7 to go to Top view.

Press E to extrude the faces outside and click.

In the Extrude Region, set the Z value to 0.1. Press Enter.

Video Editor: Tab Press Tab key to go to Object mode.

Now the door handle is made.

We can place it on the door.

Video Editor: R

Video Editor: Z

Video Editor: -90

Video Editor: G

We need to rotate the handle.

Press R and Z and -90 and press Enter.

Press G and move the door handle to the front door as shown.

Video Editor: numpad 1

Video Editor: G

Video Editor: X

Press numpad 1 for Front view.

Press G and X to adjust the position of the handle.

Video Editor: Shift and D

Video Editor: G

Video Editor: Y

Next let us duplicate the handle for other doors.

Press numpad 7 to go to Top view.

Press Shift and D keys together to duplicate the handle.

Now press G and Y to move the duplicated handle to the back door.

Video Editor: Ctrl and J We shall now duplicate this for the other side doors.

Hold the Shift key and select both the handles.

Press Ctrl and J keys together to group them.

Video Editor: Shift and D

Video Editor: R

Video Editor: Y

Video Editor: 180

Video Editor: G

Video Editor: X

Press Shift and D keys together to duplicate them.

To rotate the handles press R, Y and 180. Press Enter.

Now press G and X to move them to the other side doors.

Go to User perspective view

Observe that the handles are placed on the other side of the car.

Go to the User perspective view to check the position of the handles.

Select the Car

Video Editor: Z

Next let us add material to the Car.

Select the Car.

Press Z and select Material Preview to view the changes clearly.

Properties >> Materials >>

Click on New >> Car

Go to Properties. Click on Material. Click on New.

Change the name to Car and press Enter.

Surface field >> Glossy BSDF

Base color >> Select a blue shade

Click on the Surface field. Select Glossy BSDF from the list.

This gives a glossy effect to the object. Click on the Color field. Color wheel opens.

I will select a blue shade. Observe the change in the Car.

Click on the + icon >> New

Change the name to Glass

Surface field >> Glass BSDF

Next let us create a glass material for the windows.

Press Tab to go to Edit mode. Hold the Shift key and select the 6 glasses.

In the Material properties, click on the + icon.

Click on New. Change the name to Glass. Press Enter.

Click on the Surface field. Select Glass BSDF.

Material properties >>

Select Glass >> Assign

Click on Assign.

Observe the changes in the windows.

Video Editor: Tab

Video Editor: Ctrl and J

Material properties >> New

Change the name to Light

Press Tab to go to Object mode.

Let us add material to the lights. Select all the 4 lights.

Press Ctrl and J keys together to group them together.

In the Material properties, click on New. Change the name to Light. Press Enter.

Surface field >> Emission

Increase the Strength value to 10

Click on the Surface field. Select Emission. This gives a glowing effect to the object.

Increase the Strength value to 10.

Observe the change in the lights.

Select the radiator

Materials properties >>

Click on New

Change the name to Black

Surface >> Glossy BSDF

Next we will add materials to the radiator.

Select the radiator.

In the Material properties, click on New.

Change the name to Black and press Enter.

Change the Surface to Glossy BSDF.

Color >> black Click on the Color field. Change the color to black as shown.

Observe that the material is added to the radiator.

Select the door handles >> Click on the dropdown of the Material icon We will add the same material to the door handles and wheel.

Select all the door handles. Press Ctrl and J keys to group them.

Click on the dropdown of the Material icon to the left of the New option.

Select Black material

wheel >> Black material

The materials which we are adding will be listed here. Select Black from the list.

Select the wheel and add the same material.

Video Editor: Tab

Video Editor: numpad 3

Let us add material to the wheel drum.

Press Tab key to go to Edit mode.

Press numpad 3 to go Side view.

Select the faces in the front region of the wheel as shown.

Material properties >> +

Click on New

Change the name to Drum>> Assign

Surface to Glossy BSDF

In the Material properties, click on + icon.

Click on New.

Change the name to Drum. Press Enter.

Change the Surface to Glossy BSDF.

Click on Assign.

Video Editor: Tab

Show the other side wheels

Press Tab key to go to Object mode.

Now the materials are added to the car and its parts.

Video editor: Ctrl and J Hold the Shift key and select the car, lights, radiator and door handles.

Press Ctrl and J keys together to group them.

Video editor: Ctrl and S Press Ctrl and S keys together to save the file.

With this we have come to the end of this tutorial.

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Let’s summarize.

In this tutorial, we have learnt to

  • Model the door handles
  • Add materials to the car and its parts
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As an assignment, please do the following:
  • Create door handles for the jeep model
  • Add materials to the jeep

Your completed assignment should look like this.

Slide number 7

About the Spoken Tutorial Project

The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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Answers for THIS Spoken Tutorial

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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For any general or technical questions on Blender, visit the FOSSEE forum and post your question.
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The Spoken Tutorial project was established by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
This is Arthi from IIT Bombay signing off.

Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Arthi, Madhurig