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Title of the script: Installation of Osdag in Ubuntu

Author: Zahran Sajid

Keywords: Osdag, Installation, Ubuntu Linux, Terminal, Miniconda, sample design, Fin Plate, CAD model, conda, text editor, video tutorial.

Visual Cue Narration

Title Slide

Welcome to the spoken tutorial on ‘Installation of Osdag in Ubuntu’.
Slide: Learning Objectives In this tutorial, we will learn to:
  • Download and install Osdag in Ubuntu Linux OS
  • Open Osdag through Terminal
  • Verify the installation


System Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using:
  • Ubuntu Linux 20.04
  • Osdag version v2021.02.a.a12f
  • gedit text editor, and
  • A working internet connection




To follow this tutorial, the user should be familiar with,
  • Basic Linux commands
  • A text editor in Linux, and
  • Basics of structural steel design

For prerequisite Linux and gedit Text Editor tutorials please visit this website.


Hardware Requirements

For a successful installation, we will need
  • 64-bit Ubuntu Linux (18.04 or later version)
  • Minimum of 4 GB RAM
  • Minimum of 4 GB hard disk space

Slide: Code Files
  • The files used in this tutorial are available in the Code Files link
  • Please download and extract them
  • Make a copy and then use them while practising

Show commands.txt using gedit I have opened the commands.txt file in the gedit text editor on my system.

You may use any other editor of your choice.

Only Narration

Press Ctrl, Shift, and V keys to paste in the Terminal.

I will use the same file to copy the commands during the demonstration.

Commands on the terminal can be pasted by pressing Ctrl, Shift, and V keys together.

Only Narration Let us first download the installer file from the Osdag website.

Open any web browser of your choice.

Open Mozilla Firefox I have opened the Mozilla Firefox web browser.
Type osdag.fossee.in’ and press Enter In the address bar type the URL ‘osdag.fossee.in’ and press Enter.
Cursor on the homepage of Osdag. We see the homepage of the Osdag website.
Mozilla Firefox:

Click on “Downloads” tab.

In the top menu bar, click on the Downloads tab.
Point toward the Downloads page We will be redirected to the Downloads page.

The Osdag installers for Ubuntu Linux and Windows OS are listed here.

Scroll and point towards the release dates. The installers are listed according to their release date.
Point towards 1. Installer [Release: 2021-02-15] The topmost installer is for the latest version of Osdag.
Scroll the page to show the older versions. Older versions of Osdag are listed below.
Mozilla Firefox:

Click on Installer-Linux

Click on the Installer-Linux link.
Only Narration We will be redirected to the Osdag User Information Form page.
Mozilla Firefox:

Show filled Osdag User Information Form

To download the Osdag Installer, the required details must be filled in.

I have already filled the form.

Only Narration The details will be used for internal quality assessment purposes only.

So, please do not hesitate to submit the details.

Click on Submit Click on Submit at the end of the form to start downloading the Osdag installer.
Point toward the Osdag_ubuntu_installer_v2021.02.a.a12f.tar.gz file in the Downloads directory Osdag installer is now downloaded and saved to the Downloads directory on my system.
Only Narration Let us proceed with the installation process.
Show terminal and gedit text editor opened side-by-side

Press Ctrl + Alt+ T keys to open the Terminal.

I have opened the terminal and gedit text editor.

I will switch between them as required.

Only Narration I will now go to the Downloads directory where I have saved the installer file.

Users need to choose the directory where the installer file is saved.


Type cd (space) Downloads and press Enter

In the terminal, I will type cd (space) Downloads and press Enter.
Only Narration Here onwards, please remember to press the Enter key after typing each command.

Type ls and press Enter

Type ls to check whether the installer file is listed in the current directory.

Point towards Osdag_ubuntu_installer_v2021.02.a.a12f.tar.gz file

The list shows the installer file.

gedit text editor:

Copy tar -xvf Osdag_ubuntu_installer_v2021.02.a.a12f.tar.gz

To extract the installer file, copy the first command from the Code file.

Paste in the Terminal and press Enter

Paste it in the terminal and press Enter.
Only Narration Now we have to navigate into the extracted Osdag installer folder.
gedit text editor:

Copy cd Osdag_ubuntu_installer_v2021.02.a.a12f

Copy the next command from the Code file.

Paste in the Terminal and press Enter

Paste it in the terminal and press Enter.

Installation Steps

Installing Osdag is a two-step process
  • First step is to install Miniconda
  • Second step is to install Osdag


What is Miniconda?

  • Conda is a cross-platform package manager
  • Miniconda is a minimal installer for conda
  • Conda installs, runs and updates the packages and their dependencies

Show terminal and gedit text editor opened side-by-side Now, let us proceed with the installation.
gedit text editor:

Copy bash 1-install-Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

For installing Miniconda, copy the third command from the Code file.

Paste in the Terminal and press Enter

Paste it in the terminal and press Enter.

Press Enter several times

Point to More on the terminal.

Press Enter several times to scroll through the Miniconda Licence page.

Type yes and press Enter

Type yes to approve the licence terms and continue.

Cursor at the prompt.

Only Narration.

Miniconda will prompt you for the location where it needs to be installed.

By default, it will be installed in the user’s home directory.

We can optionally specify another location of our choice.

I will go ahead with the default location.


Press Enter

Press Enter to confirm and proceed further.

Type yes and press Enter

Type yes and press Enter to initialise Miniconda3 by running conda init.
Point to the message. We can see a message notifying the successful installation of Miniconda.
Close and reopen the Terminal by pressing the Ctrl, Alt and T keys together I will close the terminal and then reopen it by pressing the Ctrl, Alt and T keys together.

Only narration This step is necessary for the miniconda installation to take effect.
Only narration Now we have to again navigate into the extracted Osdag installer folder.

Type cd (space) Downloads and press Enter

In the terminal, I will type cd (space) Downloads and press Enter.
gedit text editor:

Copy cd Osdag_ubuntu_installer_v2021.02.a.a12f

Copy the second command from the Code file.


Paste in the Terminal and press Enter

Paste it in the terminal and press Enter.

Only narration Now let us proceed with the installation of Osdag.
gedit text editor:

Copy bash 2-install-osdag.sh

For installing Osdag, copy the fourth command from the Code file.


Paste in the Terminal and press Enter

Paste it in the terminal and press Enter.

Point to the success message

Once the installation is complete, a success message is displayed.

This means we have successfully installed Osdag in our system.

Only narration

By default, Osdag will be installed in the home directory.

We can confirm this by checking our specified installation directory.

Only narration

Let us go to the home directory using the cd command.


Type cd $HOME

Type cd $HOME
Only narration Now we are in the home directory.

Type ls and press Enter

Type ls and press Enter.


Point towards miniconda3 and Osdag directories

We see ‘miniconda3’ and ‘Osdag’ directories listed under the home directory.
Only narration We can also change the location of Osdag.

To do so, simply move the Osdag directory to the preferred location.

Only narration Let us now launch Osdag through the Terminal.

Type cd Osdag

To enter the Osdag directory, type cd Osdag
gedit text editor:

Copy python osdagMainPage.py

To start Osdag, copy the last command from the Code file.


Paste and press Enter

Paste the command in the terminal and press Enter.

Only Narration

It may take some time to open Osdag for the very first time.

Point towards the Osdag Interface Now we can see the Osdag interface on the screen.
Only narration Let us validate the installation by running a sample design example.

Click on the Connection module

Click on the Connection module present at the top left side.
Click on Fin Plate image Click on the Fin Plate image to select the module.
Click on Start Click on the Start button below to launch the module.
Only narration The module might take some time to launch.
Fin Plate Connection GUI:

Click on File Load input

Go to the File menu present at the top left corner, and select Load input.
Open Design Window:

Browse to the Code file directory

I will browse to the Code file directory.
Open Design Window:

Select the FinPlate_sample_design.osi file and click on Open

Select FinPlate_sample_design.osi, and

Click on the Open button.

Point toward the Input Dock fields We see the input values are populated for our sample design example.

Only narration We are now ready to perform the design.
Fin Plate Connection GUI:

Click on the Design button

Click on the Design button at bottom to start.

Point towards the CAD window and the Log messages window

Osdag will display the CAD model and print log messages.
Only narration This means that the design is complete.

This indicates that the installation of Osdag is successful.

Only narration This brings us to the end of this tutorial.

Let us summarise.



In this tutorial, we have

  • Downloaded and installed Osdag on Ubuntu Linux OS
  • Opened Osdag through Terminal
  • Verified the installation


About Spoken Tutorial Project

The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial Project

Please download and watch it


Spoken Tutorial Workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us


Answers for THIS Spoken Tutorial

Please post your timed queries in this forum


For any general or technical questions on Osdag, visit the FOSSEE forum and post your question


The Spoken Tutorial project is funded by the Ministry of Education, Government of India

Thank you

This is Zahran Sajid, a FOSSEE summer fellow 2022, IIT Bombay signing off

Thanks for joining

Contributors and Content Editors

Anandajitht, Danish, Madhurig