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Visual Cue
Title slide Welcome to the spoken tutorial on the importance of vitamin C.
Image: Collage of role of vitamin C in the body

Image: Collage of food sources of vitamin C

Image: Collage of ways to increase vitamin C

In this tutorial, we will learn about:

1. Role of vitamin C in the body.

2. Food sources of vitamin C.

3. Ways to increase vitamin C intake in our diet.

Image: Vitamin C symbol

Image: Collage of functions

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin.

It plays a very important role in several body functions.

Image: Collagen

Image: Collage of bones, muscles, skin

Image: Collage of Skin, hair, blood vessels, bones

It is essential for the synthesis of collagen which acts like a cement.

It holds the bones, muscles, skin and the whole body together.

Tissues of our body like skin, hair, blood vessels and bones have collagen.

Image: Muscle and skeletal injury

Image: Healing of wounds

Image: Healthy skin

Vitamin C helps in recovery after a muscle or skeletal injury.

It helps in the healing of wounds.

It is also required for maintaining healthy skin.

Image: Vitamin C symbol

Image: Cell protected by antioxidants

Image: Free radicals in the body in small amount

Image: Free radicals in the body in large amounts

GIF: Free radicals damaging the cell

Image: Collage of air pollution, smoking, alcohol, chemicals

Image: Collage of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and catarct

Another role of vitamin C is that it acts as an antioxidant.

Antioxidants are substances that protect our body from damage by free radicals.

Free radicals are substances that are naturally produced in the body.

They become harmful only when they become excessive.

Pollution, smoking, alcohol, harmful chemicals increase free radicals production.

This results in cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, cataract.

Image:Vitamin C and less free radicals in body

Gif: Vitamin C preventing free radicals from attacking

Vitamin C reduces the formation of free radicals in the body.

Thus, protecting our cells from damage.

Image: Boosting of immune system

Image: Fighting against infection

Image: Collage of cold, cancer, heart disease

Vitamin C also strengthens our immune system.

It helps in fighting infections and protecting against other diseases.

For example: common cold, cancer and heart diseases.

Image: Collage of bones

Image: Synthesis of hormones

Image: Dopamine

Image: Adrenaline

Image: Nor- adrenaline

Image: Collage of stress and fright

Vitamin C helps in bone formation.

It also helps in the synthesis of a few hormones.

For example: dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline.

These hormones help the body respond to stress or fright.

Gif: Enhanced iron absorption in the presence of vitamin C

Image: Collage of leafy vegetable, seeds, nuts and beans

Image: Having vitamin C with meals

Image: Anemia

In addition, vitamin C enhances the absorption of non-heme iron in the body.

Non-heme iron is a form of iron which is mostly present in plant based foods.

For example: green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts and beans.

Consuming too little vitamin C can increase the risk of iron deficiency.

This may result in anemia which is known as iron deficiency anemia.

Image: Bleeding gums

Image Uneasiness

Image: Fever

Image: Fatigue

Deficiency of vitamin C can result in scurvy.

Early signs of scurvy are uneasiness, fever and fatigue.

Image: Swollen and bleeding gums

Images: Loose teeth

Image: Bruising and bleeding

Image: Pain and swelling in joints

Image: Coiled shaped hair

Other symptoms are swelling and bleeding in gums and loosening of teeth.

Poor healing of wounds and bruises and bleeding on the skin is visible.

Swelling and pain in the joints may also arise.

The hair becomes dry and coiled.

Image: Collage of dry skin, mood changes, poor immunity Other signs of deficiency are dry skin, mood changes and poor immunity.
Image: Anemia due to low vitamin C Iron deficiency anemia can also occur due to vitamin C deficiency.
Image: Collage of Vitamin C recommendations

Image: Vitamin C recommendations for babies

Image: Vitamin C recommendations for older children

Image: Vitamin C recommendations for adolescents

Image: Vitamin C recommendations for adult females

Image: Vitamin C requirements in adult males

Let us now have a look at the daily vitamin C recommendation.

For babies upto 12 months of age, 25 milligrams per day is recommended.

For children who are 1-10 year old, 40 milligrams per day is recommended.

For adolescents, 45-75 milligrams per day is recommended.

For adult females, it is 75 milligrams.

90 milligrams is recommended for adult males.

Image: Vitamin C requirements in pregnancy and lactation

Image: Vitamin C recommendations for pregnant women

Image: Vitamin C recommendations for lactating mothers

The requirements are higher during pregnancy and lactation.

Pregnant women should have 85 milligrams of vitamin C per day.

Lactating mothers should have 120 milligrams per day.

Image: Collage of dietary sources of vitamin C Let me now tell you the food sources of vitamin C.
Image: Collage of vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables

Image: Collage of guava and gooseberry

Image: Vitamin C content of guava

Image: Vitamin C content of gooseberry

Certain fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamin C.

Among fruits, gooseberry and guava are the richest sources.

1 medium-sized guava gives around 300 milligrams of vitamin C.

1 gooseberry has nearly 60 milligrams of vitamin C.

Image: Collage of vitamin C rich fruits

Image: Vitamin C content of lemon juice

Image: Vitamin C content of orange

Other examples are: Bengal currant, indian jujube and raw mango.

Fruits like oranges, lemons and sweet limes are also good sources.

1 tablespoon of lemon juice has approximately 8 milligrams of vitamin C.

1 medium orange has about 40 milligrams.

Image: Collage of vitamin C rich green leafy vegetables

Image: Vitamin C content of green leafy vegetables

Image: Collage of coriander leaves and mint leaves

Even green leafy vegetables have an adequate amount of vitamin C.

For example: leaves of drumstick (moringa), amaranth, radish, mustard.

Fenugreek leaves, agathi leaves are other examples.

100 grams of raw green leafy vegetables have about 60-100 milligrams.

Coriander and mint leaves also have some amount of vitamin C.

Image : Collage of vitamin C rich vegetables

Image: Vitamin C content of tomatoes

Some other vegetables also have moderate amounts of vitamin C.

For example: capsicum, cabbage, drumsticks, bitter gourd, tomatoes and peas.

100 grams or 2 raw tomatoes have around 27 milligrams of vitamin C.

Image: Collage of things that results in loss of Vitamin C

Image: Cooking on high flame

Image: Keeping fruits in open

Image: Cooking in lots of water

Image: Discarding water

Image: Storing food for a long time

There are certain factors which decrease the vitamin C content of the food.

It is sensitive to heat and water.

It is lost if cooked at high temperature or exposed to prolonged sunlight.

Cooking in excessive water and discarding the water also results in loss.

Storing food in the refrigerator for a long time reduces the vitamin C content.

Image: Raw vitamin C rich food

Image: Cooking on low flame

Image: Steaming versus boiling

Image: Less loss of vitamin C with steaming

Thus, many of the vitamin C rich foods are best consumed raw.

This way you get the maximum amount of vitamin C from it.

Thus, many of the vitamin C rich foods are best consumed raw.

This helps to retain it in the food.

This way you get the maximum amount of vitamin C from it.

If they are cooked, they should be cooked on low flame for shorter durations.

Steam or saute vegetables instead of boiling.

Upon steaming, the loss of vitamin C is the least.

Image: Avoid repetitive heating of food

Image: Cooking with minimum water

Image: Avoid storing in refrigerator for long time

Do not repetitively heat the food.

Cook with minimum or no water.

Avoid storing and refrigerating food for a long time.

Image: Collage of ways to increase vitamin C content

Image: Fresh versus spoiled vegetables

Image: Ripe versus raw fruits

Let us learn some ways to increase our daily intake of vitamin C.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Pick the raw fruits as they have more vitamin C.

Image: Collage of vitamin C rich food with every meal

Image: Collage of chutneys

Image: Collage of sprinkling lemon juice on meals

Image: Garnishing meals with coriander and mint leaves

Try having a food source of vitamin C with every meal.

With your meals you can have mint, curry leaf or coriander dips (Indian sauce or chutney made of vegetables/fruits and spices).

Lemon juice can be sprinkled on your food.

Garnish your meals with coriander leaves or mint leaves after cooking.

Image: Sprouting

Image: Collage of sprouted beans

You can also increase the vitamin C content of your food by sprouting.

As much as possible include sprouted beans in your diet.

Image: Collage of ways to increase vitamin C rich intake

Image: Collage of vitamin C rich food around a family

All these methods will ensure that we get adequate vitamin C from our diet.

Adequate intake of vitamin C is necessary for our good health.

Acknowledgement Slide This brings us to the end of the tutorial.

Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Bellatony911, Misbah