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Visual Cue Narration
Slide Number 1

Title Slide Generate 3D plot and surfaces

Welcome to the tutorial on Generate 3D plot and surfaces
Slide Number 2

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial we will learn,
  • Generate 3D plot with splot command
  • Format surface properties
  • Change viewing angle and rotate view
  • Color the two sides of surfaces differently
Slide Number 3

Learning Objectives

* Make graph via script
  • Run and edit script to change graph
  • Draw a sphere
  • Change surface color of sphere
  • Generate heat map
Slide Number 4

System and Software Requirement

  • Debian Linux 9.3
  • Gedit text editor 3.22.0 and
  • gnuplot 5.2.5
Slide Number 5


To follow this tutorial, learners must be familiar with,
  • Basic computer and internet skills
  • Concept of graphing and
  • College level Mathematics skills


Please open a terminal by pressing control alt t keys together

A terminal opens Please open gnuplot from the terminal Type gnuplot in prompt to open gnuplot

clear screen I will also clear the screen for clarity in video.
We will plot the function, cos x cos y to form a surface.

Besides x and y axes, the third axis is the value of the function in the plot.

Command for 3D plot is splot
splot cos(x)*cos(y) Hence, we will enter command splot space cos x times cos y
Make sure x and y are in parenthesis.

This generates a 3D plot.

Rotate the graph Hold down left mouse key and turn around and rotate the plot to your desire.
Zoom into graph Zoom in slightly into graph to see a wavy surface.

Notice the surface is plotted in a wide mesh style.

Let's change some of the surface and graph properties.

Next, we will color both sides of the surface differently.

>set hidden3d


The required command for this is set space hidden3d

Let's type it. Replot to see the changed colors.

Now notice the hidden surface is colored green and the top surface is purple.
>set isosamples 50,50 Enter command, set space isosamples space 50 comma 50
>replot Replot to notice a finer mesh defining the surface.
Rotate the surface To rotate, hold down left mouse key and move to your desired viewing angle
Close graph Notice, the angle change in the top of the graphic window.

Next, close the graphic window. We will write a script to draw a sphere in gnuplot using a text editor.

Slide number 6

Polar coordinates and sphere

Equation of a sphere with radius R, centered at x0,y0 and z0 is

x square plus y square plus z square plus is equal to R square Here r is the radius of the square Such functions can be plotted in polar co-ordinates.

We will practice to write scripts in a text file.

Then run the script file to plot a graph. We can edit the script file to make any required changes in the graph.

Click on Search your computer and online resources Click on Search your computer and online resources icon
In search form type terminal and press enter In search form type gedit and press enter to open gedit
I will use gedit text editor, windows users may use notepad software.
Let's enter a comment on first line.

Comment starts with a hash.

# my first 3D plot and press enter I will type # my first 3D plot and press enter to start to start newline
Next, please type the commands as seen
> set parametric First set to parametric mode
>set angle degree Then set angle to degree
>set urange [0:360]

>set vrange [0:360]

Set u and v range
>set isosample 50,50 Set isosamples to make a fine mesh
>set ticslevel 0 Set tic level to zero.
>r=1 I will set the radius to one.

>splot r*cos(u)*cos(v),r*sin(u)*cos(v),r*sin(v)

Next splot the function for sphere

Pause the video if necessary, and explore more.

Ctrl s Press crtl s to save
Give file name – sphere.dem in desktop folder

click on save

A dialogue box opens.

I will save the file in Desktop folder with name sphere.dem Click on Save

Close gedit, go to terminal Minimize gedit.

Go back to the terminal where gnuplot was open If you had closed gnuplot, please open gnuplot again

>cd “~/Desktop” On gnuplot prompt change directory to desktop

Use commands as seen on the screen Let's run the script to generate a sphere.

>load 'sphere.dem' Type load space within single quotes sphere.dem
A plot of a sphere centered at zero, zero, zero with radius one appear on the screen

Next, say I want to change the sphere to blue color

Go back to gedit script Go back to the gedit window to edit the script.

If you had closed it, please open the script file to edit.

Add lc rgb 'red' in the end of splot command Add lc space rgb space within single quotes blue
Save file Save the changes in the script file
Go to gnuplot window Come back to gnuplot and load the script file again as before
>load 'sphere.dem'
Next, let's try a heatmap with pm3d command
Highlight and delete,

lc rgb blue

Go back to the script in gedit

Delete the lc space rgb space blue part This specified blue color as we saw in the graph

Type with pm3d Instead type in with space pm3d to generate surface with heatmap
Save script, minimize edit, go to gnuplot Save the script file, minimize gedit and go to gnuplot

>load 'sphere.dem'

Load the sphere.dem script again
Hover mouse on heat map guide Notice the heatmap in the sphere

Notice the color ranges and the map guide is also visible Values in range 1 to 0.8 are yellow and minus 0.8 to minus 1 is deep purple.

Via scripts, we can generate and make changes to graphs easily.

Similar scripts are available in gnuplot demo website.

Pause the video if required.

Practice and familiarize with commands and styles.

Slide Number 7


To summarize, in this tutorial, we learned to
  • Generated 3D graph with splot command
  • Formatted 3D plot
  • Changed viewing angle and rotate view
  • Colored 2 surfaces of plot differently
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* Plotted a sphere and formatted color
  • Wrote and modified script, ran the script to generate plot
  • Learned to generate heat map
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For assignment, plot the following,

Plot 5 spheres in the graph with radius 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 Center them differently Hint: To plot more than one function, separate them using comma sign

Slide Number 10


If you like to program, you may use a for loop

If sphere is centered at x1, y1,z1 equation takes the form as seen on the slide

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Spoken Tutorial Project

This video summarises the Spoken Tutorial Project

Please download and watch it.

Slide Number 12

Spoken Tutorial workshops*

We conduct workshops and give certificates.

Please write to us.

Slide Number 13

Forum for specific questions:

Post your timed queries in the forum.
Slide Number 14


Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.
Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Madhurig, PoojaMoolya, Ranipv076, Snehalathak