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Time Narration
00:00 Welcome to the "Spoken Tutorial" on how to create a user registration form and how to register an user into "MySQL" database.
00:09 One suggestion before starting this tutorial is that you watch my User login tutorials first. I've posted a link to it.
00:19 I would suggest that you do so before going through these tutorials. The reason I have created User login before User registration is because I find it a lot easier to do the "User login" process before doing the "Registration" process.
00:34 Once you've got the "login" process right and you've got the fields in the database you can start our registration process.
00:43 I just find it a lot more easier to this way as you know what you're registering in to your database.
00:49 To start with, in the first part we will create our form and check for the existence of my 'login' information.
00:56 From my existing tutorials, I am using my "login session" folder.
01:03 This, here, is my "login session" folder and all my fields; but here I will create a new file.
01:12 Just add some tags first.
01:15 I will create this inside my "login session" folder with the "index dot php" which is the main page you saw.
01:22 "log in", "log out" and the "member" page if users are logged in and I will save this as "register dot php".
01:32 I am creating a user registration form so that the user can register before they decide to login.
01:40 I have created my "register dot php" and I am also going to open my "index" file. I will create a link underneath the form.
01:48 And this is going to be just a link to that register page and I will type "Register" here.
02:02 So what we get here is a link called "Register" which goes to our page where we have nothing at the moment.
02:09 Following from the last tutorial where we could login, I will just put a link to a page that you can register before you do this.
02:20 Before we were just typing data into our database, if I open up a new window, I will go across to "php my admin".
02:29 And this is the database that will be used called "php login" and this is my "users" table.
02:38 You can see I have added an extra field called "name" and I will add another field called "date".
02:47 At the end of the table that's going to be called "date" and it will be in DATE format. So where is it? Um.... here it is.
03:04 Before you get confused about what the date will be, it will be the current date when the users registered and we go there and save that.
03:15 So, from the last tutorial on the "User login" we just have "id", "username" and "password". Now I have added a "name" so its going to be the username and we've added "date", the date when he registered.
03:29 Just Browse in here. We have got a couple of values here already.
03:35 I will delete these because I am registering my users. So I can start from a clean database.
03:40 Assuming I have got no users at all and I have got my link here to the register page, here is my register page.
03:49 Now I'll briefly explain this html code which tells you how to create this page and we will have a form first of all.
03:59 This is going to be a self submitting form. It's going to submit back to "register dot php".
04:07 And we are going to create a table and inside this we will have a row here.
04:13 Then we have two columns, so two "td" blocks here and the 1st one will have, say- "Your full name:".
04:21 I will leave it up to you. Just to speed up, I will do it this way.
04:29 In our second column here, I will put my input type as "text" and my name equals "fullname".
04:38 So you can see at the moment, let me go back to my original page, click on Register.
04:47 You can see, this is one column here, split down here. This is another column with the 'input box' in.
04:56 And I will also go up here and inside the php code, I will echo out a header. I will explain a bit later why I have done this.
05:07 So we have got that. At the moment we have this. To speed up, I will just copy and paste this down.
05:15 So you can make sure, you choose from "t r" till "end t r".
05:22 I will paste it down and then I will say "Choose a username:" so, obviously I will change this to "username".
05:32 I will paste that again and say "Choose a password:". This text is just to secure in case any one's looking over our users' shoulder or any screen capture software being used to infiltrate this computer.
05:47 And the next one down here, I will just copy and paste this here to say "Repeat your password:".
05:58 Again "password" here.
06:07 We can't say "password" again; so I will call this "repeat password".
06:10 We will use this to compare the passwords once they have been submitted, as a safety measure, in case the user has made any mistakes.
06:20 And we don't need any other field. That is the last one.
06:24 What we do need is the "date". But I will do that when I submit the form.
06.31 Okay, so this is our form created. Let's go back and refresh.
06:37 You can see how this is evenly arranged, that's why we have used a table.
06:42 We need a "submit" button also.
06:45 Underneath our table, I will create a 'paragraph break'.
06:48 And my input type here is going to be "submit"; my name is going to be "submit".
06:54 And we have to check the existence and the value will just be "Register".
06:57 Let's refresh. There we are, you can see that the password fields have been blanked out.
07:05 Also we have a "full name" and "username' there for the users to type their values.
07:12 Okay, that's about it. I will stop the tutorial here.
07:16 If you are following this step by step, make sure you have got your form written out and try out another design if you wish.
07:25 I wish I had more time to do it. So, go ahead and create your form as you want.
07:30 Do anything you want, change these labels.
07:33 Just make sure you got your boxes and your register.
07:35 In the next part, we will talk about checking that the user has typed each one of these fields in.
07:44 We will compare the passwords to see if they match. I mean, if I say there are two passwords and these don't match as they differ in character lengths, then the user can't register as they might have made a mistake.
07:59 I am sure most of you watching must have registered at some point and would have typed in your password again.
08:07 We will also encrypt our passwords and remove any dangerous html tags from these forms. So we'll have some bit of security to our registration form.
08:17 So I see in the next part. Thanks for watching. This is Sidhartha, dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial project.

Contributors and Content Editors

Gyan, PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14