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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on Adding Functionalities using Modules.
00:08 In this tutorial, we will familiarize ourselves with Modules.

We will learn about Book Module and Forum Module.

00:19 To record this tutorial, I am using:
  • Ubuntu Linux Operating System
  • Drupal 8 and
  • Firefox Web browser.

You can use any web browser as per your choice.

00:35 Modules and themes are the primary way to extend or add features to a Drupal website.
00:42 Drupal offers a complete content management system. But sometimes we need more and that is where modules come in.
00:53 Modules add features to our Drupal website. There are three kinds of modules in Drupal.
00:59 There are Core Modules. These are the modules that come with Drupal, by default.
01:06 They can be turned off. But never go into the core area of a website using ftp, for instance, and remove these modules.
01:15 They will just get re-installed again, whenever we update Drupal.
01:22 These Core Modules are designed for the basic functionality of Drupal.
01:28 Then, there are Contributed Modules. We have already installed one, we installed Devel earlier.
01:38 A Contributed Module is a module that someone in the community contributes.

And, it is available at drupal.org.

01:49 The final kind of module is a Custom Module.
01:52 This is where we just have some specific functionality that we need for our project. This module is not available and nobody else thought of it, up to this point.
02:07 But, very obviously, we either have to build it ourselves or pay someone else to do it for us.
02:15 There are many different modules available for Drupal.
02:20 Over here at drupal.org, we can see that there are 32,458 modules already.
02:30 Modules do a variety of things.
02:33 One module may add a field to the Content type. Another module may add a complete Voting System for our entire website.
02:45 But we can only use a module that is compatible with the version of Drupal we’re on.
02:51 And so, we will always need to filter our modules here, at drupal.org/project/modules.
03:03 When we filter them, they are always listed in the order of popularity.
03:09 On the first three or four pages, are the most popular modules. Which means, they’re the most used and often they’re the most helpful.
03:21 To summarize, Modules add features and there are many modules available for free, at drupal.org.
03:30 Let us open our website which we created earlier. Click on Extend and then scroll down.
03:38 Here we have some of the modules that come with Drupal by default. But they are not already turned ON.
03:48 Let’s enable the Book module.
03:53 Scroll down a little bit further and we’ll find the Forum module. Let’s turn that one ON too.
04:01 We can turn two completely separate modules on, at the same time.
04:07 Scroll down to the bottom and click on Install.
04:12 The Book module and Forum module are two very, very different types of modules.
04:19 But they both create brand new Content types. And they bring added functionality to Drupal by extending it.
04:29 Drupal modules do very different things, even though they are all modules.
04:35 * When you want to add new features to your site
  • where it’s a whole new functionality
  • or even just a new Field type
04:45 * you are adding a module to extend the Drupal core.
04:50 Now, let’s click on Structure and Content types. We see that there are two new Content Types here - a Book page and a Forum topic.
05:03 Check the Book page Content type by clicking Content and then Add content.
05:11 The Book page creates a book on our site, complete with chapters, navigations and even a blog that can go anywhere we want.
05:24 Click on Book page. Now let’s type the Title as "Our Drupal Manual".
05:30 In the Body, let’s type: "This is the beginning of our Drupal manual".
05:36 On our Publication settings we have a new setting.
05:41 Click on BOOK OUTLINE and change None to Create a new book.

Then click Save and publish.

05:55 Notice a new link over here, named Add child page. At drupal.org, click on Documentation.
06:06 Now, when we click on Understanding Drupal, we can see the Book module.
06:12 Over here on the right hand side, is the navigation. Here, at end of the page, is some more navigation, which is automatically generated.
06:24 On the left hand side, are the links.
06:29 Click on Drupal concept. Notice we have navigation here.
06:34 And our navigation on the right hand side has also expanded to show us what’s coming up next.
06:42 We can build complete and complex user guides or any kind of books we want using the Book module.
06:51 Let’s go back to our website and click on Add child page.
06:57 Type the Title as "Installing Drupal" and Body as- "This is where we explain how to install Drupal".
07:08 Notice that it is automatically put in the Drupal manual that we are creating.

This happens simply because we clicked on Create Book page.

07:20 Click Save and publish.
07:23 We can see that the navigation is automatically generated for us.
07:29 Click Up. It takes us to the main level. Recall - I mentioned earlier that there is a block available with this.
07:41 Click on Structure and Block layout.
07:45 And, in the Sidebar first, let’s place the block.

Click Place block and we can see here - we have the Book navigation menu.

07:56 Click Place block. Then click Save block.
08:01 Click Save blocks and go back to our site. Here is our Book navigation, Our Drupal Manual and Installing Drupal.
08:14 This will collapse and grow as needed, when we add new child pages.
08:21 Again I am reminding you. Go to drupal.org. Browse through the user manual or documentation that uses the Book module to make this happen.
08:35 It’s really powerful if this is the kind of content you need on your site. You are not restricted to the title and the body here.
08:47 You can add fields to the Content type that comes with the Book module.
08:53 If a website really benefits from having a forum, then the Forum module is really helpful.
09:01 Click on Content and then on Add content.
09:07 The Forum module actually creates a new Content type called Forum topic.
09:13 These are field able, which means we are not restricted to just the title and the body.
09:21 Click on Forum topic. Enter a new forum topic, say, Learning Drupal. In the Forums, put it in the General discussion.
09:35 Then enter the body - "Hi, I’m just learning Drupal. Can someone help me?"
09:42 Click Save and publish.
09:45 Now, because it is in the Forum Content type, one responds through adding comments.
09:53 Let’s add a comment -"Sure I can help. You should just read everything at Drupalville!" And then click Save.
10:07 Since we are logged in as the super user, these are automatically approved.
10:14 If we click on General discussion, we have one general discussion.
10:21 Forum topic called "Learning Drupal", with 1 comment.
10:25 Now, if we click on the comment, we can continue to add comments. In this manner, we can create all kinds of forums.
10:37 Let’s click on the word Forums.
10:41 You can click here to add a new forum topic that will be in the general discussion. But as the administrator, you might want more forums apart from this one.
10:55 So, let’s do that. Click on Structure and then on Forums. Here’s where we can add new forums and new containers.
11:07 If I want to add a forum, I can do that. And I can reorder them anyway I want.
11:18 Let’s come back to Content and then on Add content and a Forum topic.

Now I have a choice of putting it in the other forums.

11:31 This is how we can maintain a nice forum like this, on our Drupal website.
11:38 With this, we come to the end of our tutorial. Let us summarize.

In this tutorial, we have learnt about:

  • Introduction to Modules
  • Book Module and Forum Module.
12:05 This video is adapted from Acquia and OSTraining and revised by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
12:16 The video at this link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project. Please download and watch it.
12:25 The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates. For more details, please write to us.
12:35 Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, Ministry of Human Resource Development and NVLI, Ministry of Culture Government of India.
12:49 This is Calvin Nikil Tomy, signing off. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Priyacst, Sandhya.np14