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Time Narration
00:01 Hello and welcome to the spoken tutorial on Exporting the geometry from Salome to OpenFOAM.
00:09 In this tutorial we will see :

To Group the meshed geometry parts in Salome. To Export the geometry to OpenFOAM.

To Create a case directory for simulation.

To View the geometry in ParaView.

00:26 To record this tutorial, I am using Linux operating system Ubuntu 12.10

OpenFOAM version 2.1.1 ParaView version 3.12.0 Salome version 6.6.0

00:41 To practice this tutorial the learner should first perform the tutorial on,Creating and meshing a Curved-Pipe Geometry in Salome.
00:52 Open Salome as shown in the previous tutorial.Go to file>>Open Go to Desktop.Click on Curved-geometry.hdf.
01:04 Press Open.' Go to mesh-module from modules dropdown option.
01:12 Open the mesh tree from the object browser.
01:17 Right click on Mesh_1 click on Show.we see the mesh on the geometry is visible.
01:28 Let me close the python console window.
01:32 Now we have to name the the meshed geometry parts as we require it in OpenFOAM.
01:39 To create Groups on this mesh, right click on Mesh_1 and click on Create Group.
01:48 Select the element type as Face. Select the group type as Group on Geometry.
01:57 Click on the button in front of Geometrical Object and select Direct Geometrical Selection.
02:07 Open the geometry tree in the object browser. Open the pipe_1 tree. and Select the inlet group in the geometry tree that we had created in the previous tutorial.
02:22 You can select the color as red.
02:26 Name the group' as inlet. Click on Apply and close.'''''inlet group is seen in the tree.
02:37 Similarly, create the outlet group.I have created outlet group.
02:44 Now to create the' group of the whole outer surface, right click on mesh_1 Create group .
02:53 Select Element Type as Face and the Group Type as Group on filter.
03:00 Click on Set filter.Click on the Add button. In the drop down option below criterion menu select Free Faces Click on Apply and Close.
03:17 You can change the color to blue.
03:23 Again click on Apply and Close.'''''Group_1' has been created.
03:31 Now, in the mesh menu at the top, click on cut groups. Select the main object as Group_1 Select tool object as inlet.
03:45 Hold the shift key on your keyboard and also select the tool object as outlet.
03:54 Type the result name as' walls'.
03:58 You can select the color as purple. click on Apply and Close. 'We see walls group has been created.
04:10 Right click on the Group_1 and delete this group as we do not want to see it in OpenFOAM.
04:20 Save the work by clicking on save document option.
04:24 Now right click on mesh_1. Go to Export>> Unv File.
04:33 Name the file as bentpipe. I am saving this file on the Desktop. Close salome We see bentpipe.unv file on the desktop.
04:50 Create a folder named bentpipe on the desktop.
04:55 Now, move bentpipe.unv file to this folder.
05:01 To perform simulation on this geometry in OpenFOAM using icoFoam solver, Go to the icoFoam folder in OpenFOAM.
05:10 For the location of this folder, go to the tutorial on lid driven cavity.
05:15 Copy and Paste bentpipe folder on the desktop in this icoFoam folder.
05:22 Also, copy the system folder from cavity folder to this bentpipe folder.
05:32 Now, go inside the bentpipe folder throgh command terminal.I am inside the bentpipe folder.
05:41 Type ls and press Enter. We can see the system folder and the bentpipe.unv file.
05:49 Now, type ideasUnvToFoam bentpipe.(dot)unv, Note that U, T and F are capital. Press Enter.
06:11 Now Type ls. We see constant folder has been created. Type cd (space) Constant.
06:23 Type cd (space) polyMesh. Type ls. Press Enter.
06:31 We seegeometry files have been created.Come out of the polyMesh folder.
06:38 Come out of the constant folder.
06:42 Now, to convert the geometry scale to centimeters, typetransformPoints (space) -scale'(0.01 0.01 0.01)' and press Enter.The Geometry has been converted to centimeters.
07:17 Minimize the terminal.Go inside the bentpipe folder.
07:23 Go inside constant folder. We see that the transportProperties file is not there.
07:30 Copy the transportProperties file from the cavity folder and save it inside the constant folder.
07:37 I have copied the transport property file Now, come out of the constant folder.
07:44 We need the 0 (zero) folder having P and U files.Copy the 0 (zero) folder from the cavity folder.
07:55 I have copied the 0 (zero) folder. Go inside the 0 (zero) folder.
08:02 Open the p file .Make sure that you give boundary patches for inlet, outlet and walls as we had created in Salome.
08:15 Erase movingWall and type inlet. Erase fixedWall and type outlet.
08:25 Erase frontAndBack and type walls. Save the file and Close the file.
08:34 Similarly,Make changes in U file. For appropriate boundary conditions,you can refer to the tutorial on Hagen-Poiseuille flow.
08:46 I have made the changes and given the appropriate boundary conditions.
08:51 You may also make the changes in transportProperties and ControlDict files by refering to the tutorial on Hagen-Poiseuille flow.
09:00 Let's close the Home Folder.
09:03 Now, go to terminal.Type paraFoam. This will open ParaView. Click on Apply in the Object Inspector Menu.
09:16 In the drop down menu click on Surface with Edges. Lets have a closer look by zooming in.
09:28 We see hexahedral mesh. We also see the groups have been created as we had named it in Salome- Inlet outlet and walls.
09:38 Volume inside the surface is automatically grouped as internal mesh. In this tutorial we have learned:

How to group the meshed geometry parts in Salome.

How to export the geometry to OpenFOAM.

How to create a case directory for simulation.

And to view the geometry in ParaView.

10:00 For Assignment,Run the simulation by making appropriate changes in the files as described.

Export the geometries that you have created on your own.And run the simulations on those geometries.

10:14 The video is available at the following URL: summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
10:24 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials Gives certificates to those who pass an online test For more details,
10:40 Spoken Tutorials are part of Talk to a Teacher project, It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. This project is coordinated by http://spoken-tutorial.More information on this mission is available at,
10:58 I am Saurabh Sawant, from IIT Bombay, Thank you.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14