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Time Narration
00:00 Hello everyone. Welcome to this tutorial on Introduction to JChemPaint.
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn:
00:08 * About JChemPaint
00:10 * Install JChemPaint on Windows Operating system
00:13 * Install JChemPaint on Ubuntu OS 12.04.
00:18 We will also learn,
00:20 * Menu bar, Tool bars and Panel of JChemPaint interface,
00:25 *Preferences window
00:27 * Draw structures using tools and
00:30 * Save the drawing with .mol extension
00:34 To record this tutorial I am using, Ubuntu Linux OS version 12.04
00:41 *Windows version 7
00:43 *JChemPaint version 3.3-1210
00:48 *FireFox Browser 31.0
00:52 *Java version 7
00:55 To follow this tutorial you should have, Internet connection
00:59 * Synaptic Package Manager installed on your system.
01:03 * Knowledge of Terminal on Ubuntu.
01:06 * Knowledge of Command Prompt on Windows.
01:10 Please note to run JChemPaint you should have Java installed on your system.
01:16 Java can be installed on Ubuntu using Synaptic Package Manager
01:21 For example: openjdk-7-jre
01:27 Let's learn about JChemPaint.
01:30 * JChemPaint is a 2D chemical structures editor and viewer.
01:35 *It is free and open-source cross platform application developed in Java.
01:43 *It allows to import and export structure data in plain-text formats like SMILES, Molfile, CML and InChi keys.
01:56 Let's start with JChemPaint installation on Ubuntu 12.04 OS.
02:02 Open Firefox web browser.
02:06 In the address bar, type the URL http://jchempaint.github.io/ to install JChemPaint on Ubuntu.
02:21 You will be directed to the download page of JChemPaint.
02:26 On the webpage, locate “download a recent jar file from github (current is 3.3-1210):”
02:37 Click on '" the desktop application (6.8 MB).
02:42 Save file dialog box opens, click on Save File button and Click on OK
02:48 Let's move the saved file from Downloads folder to Desktop.
02:53 Right click on the saved file and select Move to Desktop.
03:00 To open a new JChemPaint window, we need Terminal.
03:04 Press CTRl+Alt and T keys simultaneously to open the Terminal.
03:10 Type “cd space Desktop” and press Enter.
03:16 Type java space -jar space ./jchempaint-3.3-1210.jar and press Enter.
03:32 JChemPaint window opens.
03:35 Please note JChemPaint can be opened through the Terminal only.
03:41 Let's move on to Windows installation process.
03:45 Let's install Java on Windows OS.
03:50 Open Firefox web browser on your Windows machine.
03:55 In the address bar, type jre-7-downloads and press Enter.
04:02 A new webpage opens.
04:06 Click on the link Java SE Runtime Environment 7 Downloads-Oracle.
04:14 Download page opens.
04:17 On the web page, accept the License agreement.
04:22 Select jre-7-windows-i586.exe link.
04:31 Save file dialog box opens.
04:35 Click on Save File button.
04:38 The file will be downloaded into the Downloads folder.
04:42 Click on the downloaded file.
04:46 Follow the installation process to install Java.
04:51 Click on Close.
04:54 Jre-7 will be installed on your machine.
04:59 Let's install JChemPaint.
05:02 Open Firefox web browser on your Windows machine.
05:06 In the address bar, type the URL http://jchempaint.github.io/ to install JChemPaint on Windows.
05:21 You will be directed to the download page of JChemPaint.
05:26 On the webpage, locate “download a recent jar file from github (current is 3.3-1210):”
05:39 Click on "the desktop application (6.8 MB) ".
05:44 Save file dialog box opens.
05:47 Click on Save File button.
05:51 The .jar file will be downloaded to Downloads folder.
05:57 Open Downloads folder and select the file jchempaint-3.3-1210.jar.
06:08 You can download available latest version.
06:13 Right click on the executable file.
06:16 Select Open to open JChemPaint.
06:20 Alternately, you can open JChemPaint using Command prompt.
06:26 To open Command prompt, press Windows and R keys simultaneously on the keyboard.
06:34 Run prompt box opens.
06:37 In the Open box type “cmd” and click on OK.
06:43 Command prompt opens.
06:46 Let's go to Downloads folder where we have save our downloaded .jar file.
06:54 Type at the prompt “cd space Downloads” and press Enter.
07:00 Type java space -jar space jchempaint-3.3-1210.jar and press Enter.
07:13 JChemPaint window opens.
07:17 If an error appears on command prompt,
07:20 *Go to Program files locate the java folder and click on it.
07:27 *Locate bin folder and right-click on it.
07:32 *Navigate to Properties.
07:35 *Copy the address C:\Program Files within brackets (x86)\Java\jre7.
07:48 To set the path follow the steps.
07:51 *Right-click on My Computer, select Properties option.
07:57 *Click on Advanced System settings, and then click on Environment Variables.
08:04 *In System Variables search for Path.
08:09 *Click on Edit.
08:11 *Edit system Variable dialog box opens
08:16 *Paste the address C:\Program Files within brackets (x86)\Java\jre7.
08:28 *Click on OK and close the windows.
08:32 JChemPaint window looks like this.
08:36 This the Menu bar.
08:38 Menu bar contains menu items like: File, Edit, View, Atom, Bond, Tools, R-groups, Templates and Help.
08:54 Tool bars contain all the tools required for you to work with JChemPaint.
09:02 JChempaint window has,
09:04 *Formatting tools on top
09:07 *Bond tools on the left
09:09 *Ring tools on the right and
09:12 *Element tools at the bottom
09:15 Panel displays the drawn structures.
09:18 Now to JChemPaint Preferences window.
09:22 Click on Draw a chain tool.
09:24 Click and drag the chain to 6 Carbon atoms on the Panel.
09:30 Notice that Carbon chain does not contain any atoms.
09:35 Go to Edit menu, navigate to Preferences and click on it.
09:42 Preferences window opens.
09:45 Preferences window has two tabs Display Preferences and Other Preferences.
09:54 By default Display Preferences tab is selected.
10:00 Notice that none of the check boxes are selected.
10:05 Let's click on a few check boxes and see how they are useful.
10:12 To show Methyl groups on the chain click on Show explicit methyl groups.
10:18 To show hydrogens click on Show implicit hydrogens.
10:23 Click on Apply and OK buttons to apply the changes.
10:29 As an example let's draw Phosphoric acid(H3PO4).
10:35 To draw, click on Phosphrous(P) tool and then click on the Panel.
10:42 Phosphine(PH3) will be displayed
10:46 Click on Oxygen(O) tool and then click on Single bond tool.
10:51 Place the cursor on P; a small 'blue' colored circle appears on it.
10:57 Click on P and drag to draw four Hydroxy bonds.
11:02 You will notice a red line below Phosphrous atom.
11:07 This indicates that valency is not complete.
11:11 To complete the valency let's make the top Phosphrous-hydroxy bond as a double bond.
11:19 Click on double bond tool.
11:21 Click on top Phosphrous-hydroxy bond.
11:26 The obtained structure is Phosphoric acid.
11:30 Notice that all the atoms in the structure are black colored.
11:36 To show Rasmol color of the element,
11:39 Go to Edit menu and navigate to Preferences.
11:44 In the window click on Color atoms by element check box.
11:50 It shows Rasmol color of the element.
11:55 Click on Apply and OK buttons to apply the changes.
12:00 Note that elements appear with their Rasmol colors.
12:05 Let's save the file.
12:07 Click on File menu and select Save as.
12:12 Save as dialog box opens.
12:15 Select Desktop folder to save the file on Desktop.
12:21 Type the file name as Phosphoric acid and click on Save button.
12:27 The file will be saved with .mol extension.
12:31 Let's summarise,
12:33 In this tutorial, we have learnt
12:36 * About JChemPaint
12:38 * Install JChemPaint on Windows Operating System
12:42 * Install JChemPaint on Ubuntu Operating system 12.04
12:47 * Menu bar, Tool bars and Panel of JChemPaint interface
12:52 * Preferences window
12:55 * Draw structures using tools and
12:58 * Save the drawing with .mol extension
13:02 As an assignment
13:04 * Install JChemPaint.
13:06 * Explore various menu items.
13:09 This video summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
13:12 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
13:18 The Spoken Tutorial Team: Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
13:22 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
13:27 For more details, please write to contact@spoken-tutorial.org
13:34 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
13:39 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
13:46 More information on this Mission is available at http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro ]
13:52 This is Madhuri Ganpathi from IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Ranjana, Sandhya.np14