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Time Narration
00:01 નમસ્તે મિત્રો Installing and running OpenFOAM અને paraView પરનાં આ સ્પોકન ટ્યુટોરીયલમાં સ્વાગત છે. .
00:08 આ ટ્યુટોરીયલમાં હું તમને બતાડીશ.
00:11 how to install and run OpenFOAM Paraview ને કેવી રીતે સંસ્થાપિત અને રન કરાવાય અને
00:15 lid driven cavity તેને કેવી રીતે હલ કરવું.
00:19 આ ટ્યુટોરીયલ રિકોર્ડ કરવા માટે, હું વાપરી રહ્યી છું, Linux Operating system Ubuntu version 10.04
00:26 OpenFOAM version 2.1.0 ParaView version 3.12.0
00:33 નોંધ લો કે OpenFOAM વિન્ડો પ્લેટફોર્મ પર રન નથી થતો.
00:37 અને આની પણ નોંધ લો કે OpenFOAM v 2.1.0 લીનક્સ વર્જન 10.04 અને તેના ઉપરી વર્જન ના માટે અનુકુળ છે.
00:45 આ ટ્યુટોરીયલ ના અભ્યાસ ના માટે તમને Computational Fluid Dynamics
00:52 અને Linux Commands ની જાણકારી હોવી જોઈએ.
00:55 ચાલો હું તમને OpenFOAM વિષે પરિચય આપું.
00:57 આ એક ઓપન સોર્સ Computational Fluid Dynamics Software છે.
01:02 આ બે ડાઈમેંશનલ ની અને ત્રણ ડાઈમેંશનલ ની પણ CFD મુશ્કેલ ને હલ કરવા માટે સમાધાનની મોટી રેંજ રાખે છે.

01:11 હવે હું તમને Paraview થી પરિચિત કરાવું.
01:14 OpenFOAM થી મેળવેલ પરિણામોને જોવા માટે ઉપયોગ થાય છે.
01:19 OpenFOAM અને paraView સિનાપ્ટિક પેકેજ મેનેજર થી પણ સંસ્થાપિત કરી શકાય છે.
01:24 For Synaptic Package Manager go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager
01:33 Type your password.
01:41 In the Search Box type OpenFOAM
01:49 you can see openfoam as well as paraView.
01:54 'Mark both of them for installation
02:06 And then Click Apply to install
02:12 The Installation may take some time.
02:15 OpenFOAM and Paraview are installed.
02:21 For more details on Synaptic Package Manager
02:25 please visit our website on this URL :
02:29 Alternately you can also install OpenFOAM and paraView from openfoam website on this url:
02:38 Let me open up the browser
02:45 In the browser URL type : Enter
03:10 Scroll Down and go to Ubuntu Deb pack Let me zoom this
03:23 Go to Ubuntu deb pack installationClick on it
03:33 Let me zoom out. Scroll down and go to installation
03:40 From the first point of installation
03:43 copy this command line and
03:46 paste it in the terminal window
03:49 To open up a the terminal window
03:52 press Ctrl,Alt and t keys simultaneously on your keyboardor
03:59 go to Application > Accessories > Terminal
04:06 Open up a terminal window
04:10 Now copy this command line and paste it in the terminal window
04:20 Note that in place of 'lsb_release -cs'
04:26 replace it with the name of Linux version that you are using
04:30 Switch back' to the browser.Above installation you can see different ubuntu version and the code names.
04:40 As i am using linux 10.04
04:45 I will replace lbs _ release-cs with lucid
04:53 Open up the terminal window
04:55 I will replace this by lucid.Press enter
05:04 Note that Installation here is incomplete
05:08 if you follow the steps in the
05:10 sequence 1-2-3-4 you will be done through installing open foam and paraview .
05:19 I have already installed OpenFOAM And Paraview through Synaptic Pacakage Manage some while ago
05:27 Now we need to configure the installed software
05:31 To do this we need to edit the bash file
05: 35 Open a new command terminal.
05:39 In the command terminal type : 'gedit ~/.bashrc'. Press Enter
05:50 This opens up the bash file,
05:54 Let me drag this to the capture area scroll down to the bottom of the bash file
06:05 Now switch back to the browser
06:09 Scroll down and go to user configration
06:13 Look at the second point
06:15 Copy this line.And paste it at the botttom of the bash file
06:25 Save it and Close the bash file.
06:31 Now we need to test the installed application
06:35 To do this open up a new command terminal terminal
06:40 Let me drag this to the capture area
06:49 In the command terminal type 'icoFoam (Note that F here is capital) space -(dash) help
06:59 Press enter
07:03 A usage message will appear.
07:06 You are now ready to start with OpenFoam
07:10 Now let me show you how to set up a working directory.
07:14 Create a project or a user directory by the name run
07:21 Open a new command terminal. Let me drag this to the capture area again
07:36 In the Command Terminal type : mkdir (space) -p (space) $FOAM_RUN( Note That FOAM and RUN are in capital) Press Enter
07:55 Copy the tutorial directory from openfoam distribution to run directory
08:01 By typing in the terminal cp (space) -r (space) $FOAM_TUTORIALS (space) $FOAM_RUN
08:18 (' note that FOAM TUTORIAL' And RUN are capital) and Press Enter
08:28 Both the directories are now created.
08:31 To view the directories go to Places > Home Folder > OpenFOAM folder .
08:40 You can see ttt-210, Click on it
08:44 Run and tutorials
08:48 Close this
08:51 let me switch back to the slides.
08:56 If some errors occurs during downloading OpenFOAM and Paraview
09:00 from Synaptic Package Manager or Ubuntu Debian pack from the website
09:05 then you can download and install Openfoam and paraview from the source pack installation
09:11 For source pack installationGo to the Download page of openfoam website
09:18 Now let me zoom this
09:21 Scroll down and go toSource Pack Installation . Now click on this
09:32 Now scroll down and Go to Packs
09:38 Download these 2 tar files and save them. I have already downloaded and saved this 2 tar files
09:48 After this go to your home directory
09:51 To do this go to Places > home folder
09:56 Let me drag this to the capture area
10:00 In your home directory create a folder by a name of your choice
10:09 Let me put this as abc
10:15 Copy the 2 downloaded files in the folder that you have just created.
10:20 To do this , copy these two tar file And paste it into the folder you just created
10:37 Unzip or Untar these two files in the same folder. Extract here, this make take a couple of minutes
10:47 After this open a new command terminal
10:51 In this go to your home folder
10:54 type ls and press enter
11:00 Now go to the same folder in which you have untared the tar files
11:06 Now type cd ( space ) abc and press enter.
11:13 Now To view the contents inside abc type ls and press enter
11:24 Now go back to the Download page of OpenFOAM website for source pack installation
11:32 And Follow the steps given below for ubuntu distribution for OpenFOAM and Paraview
11:39 We need to compile OpenFOAM and Paraview here
11:43 It may take about 4 to 5 hours but this method always works .
11:50 Let us see how to Solve a problem in OpenFOAM with an example
11:56 Let me take a Lid Driven Cavity as an example.
11:59 It is a 2D problem where the upper plate moves with a certain velocity and other three sides of the plate are fixed
12:09 The type of Solver I am using here is for incompressible flow Called as -icofoam
12:17 Now Open a new command terminal again
12:22 i will drag this to the capture area
12:31 Type the path for the lid driven cavity problem
12:35 Note that this problem has already been set up in OpenFOAM
12:41 in the command terminal Type 'run'
12:45 This will direct you to the run directory of OpenFOAM-Press Enter
12:53 Now type cd (space) tutorial (Press Enter)
12:59 cd (space) incompressible (Press Enter)'
13:07 cd (space) icoFoam (Note that F here is capital) (Press Enter)
13:15 cd (space) cavity (Press Enter)
13:20 To view the content inside cavity type ls and press enter
13;27 You can see three files : 0,constant and system
13:33 Now we need to mesh the geometry
13:3 This can be done blockMesh utility of OpenFOAM
13:40 Open the terminal window type blockMesh (Note here that M is capital) Press Enter
13:52 Meshing has been done
13:56 Now run the solver 'icoFoam' by typing in the terminal icoFoam(Note that F here is capital) and Press Enter.
14:09 The iterations running can be seen in the terminal window
14:13 Here we notice we have completed the solving point.
14:16 To visualise these results let us open the paraview window.
14:21 To open paraView, type “paraFoam” in the terminal.(Note that 'F' is capital here) press Enter
14:42 This open ups the paraview window
14:45 Now On the left hand side,
14:48 In the object inspector menu,
14:50 Click Apply to view the geometry
14:54 You can see the Lid Driven Cavity
14:57 Now To see the boundary conditions, scroll down the object inspector menu and go to Mesh Parts
15:08 Uncheck Internel Mesh and click Apply
15:13 The geometry disappear.
15:15 Now to view the moving and fixedwalls
15:19 Check both the boxes and click Apply
15:30 Now uncheck the Moving wall and click Apply
15:35 You can now see three fixedwalls and the moving wall which just disappeared.
15:44 As we are done with running openfoam and paraview
15:49 In future we will come across more tutorials on solving and visualising the OpenFOAM result
15:56 Let me switch back to the slides
16:01 In this tutorial we learnt how to install:
16:05 OpenFOAM and Paraview through Synaptic Package Manager and the website solved a lid driven cavity.
16:12 As as Assignment, install OpenFOAM and Paraview
16:17 Watch the video available at this URL:
16:21 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.
16:24 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
16:29 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
16:31 -Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
16:34 -Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
16:38 -For more details, contact st
16:45 Spoken Tutorials is part of Talk to a Teacher project,
16:49 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
16:56 More information on the same is available at thisURL link
17:01 This is Rahul Joshi from IIT BOMBAY signing off.Thanks for joining.

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