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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the tutorial on for and each Loops in Ruby.
00:05 In this tutorial we will learn
00:07 Meaning of the term “loop”
00:08 The different kinds of loops in Ruby
00:11 Usage of “for” loop and
00:12 Usage of “each” looping construct
00:14 Here we are using
00:16 Ubuntu version 12.04
00:19 Ruby 1.9.3
00:22 To follow this tutorial, you must have Internet Connection.
00:25 You must also have knowledge of Linux commands, Terminal and Text-editor.
00:30 If not, for relevant tutorials, please visit our website.
00:34 Now let me explain what is referred to as a “loop” in Ruby.
00:38 A loop is a command or set of commands that are executed a fixed number of times.
00:44 Ruby has the following main looping statements.
00:47 for
00:48 each
00:49 while
00:49 until
00:50 In this tutorial we will learn how to use the for and each looping constructs.
00:55 Before we begin, please create the following folders in your home directory,
01:02 ttt, ruby hyphen tutorial, looping hyphen statements.
01:07 Please create the sub folders as mentioned there
01:11 Now we have created the requisite folders.
01:13 Let's move ahead.
01:15 The syntax of the “for” loop in Ruby is as follows:
01:19 for “variable” in “a collection of objects”
01:22 ruby code
01:23 end
01:25 Let us try to understand it with an example.
01:28 Create a new file in gedit as shown in the basic level Ruby tutorials.
01:32 And name it “for hyphen loop dot rb”
01:36 I already have a working example of the “for” loop.
01:39 You can type the code as we go through this example.
01:44 I have declared a “for” loop in this example.
01:47 We have a set of numbers 1 to 20.
01:50 We declare a variable called “i” within the “for” loop.

01:55 The variable “i” gets initialized to the first element in the set of numbers 1 to 20.
02:00 The “for” loop declaration causes the code to iterate over each element in the set 1 to 20.
02:07 The “puts” method declared within the “for” loop is responsible for generating the output.
02:14 Now open the terminal and type
02:17 ruby space for hyphen loop dot rb and see the output
02:22 The output will be an array of numbers 1 to 20.
02:26 In this example, we declared a “for” loop for an inclusive range.
02:31 It included all numbers from 1 to 20.
02:35 Next, we shall look at implementing the “for” loop for a non-inclusive range.
02:41 Continue to type the next part of the code.
02:44 Non-inclusive means it will not include the last element in the collection of objects.
02:49 Here “for” loop is implemented for a non-inclusive range of numbers 1 to 20.
02:55 You will notice shortly that the number 20 will not be printed in the output.
02:59 The last digit does not get included when you have 3 dots between numbers.
03:04 Now open the terminal and type ruby space for hyphen loop dot rb
03:13 and see the output.
03:17 The output will still be an array of numbers but will not include the number 20.
03:22 Now, you should be capable enough to write your own “for” loop.
03:27 The syntax of the “each” loop in Ruby is as follows:
03:31 “a collection of objects” dot each do item
03:36 ruby code end
03:38 Let us try to understand it with an example.
03:42 Create a new file in gedit as shown in the basic level Ruby tutorials.
03:46 And name it each hyphen loop dot rb
03:50 I already have a working example of the each loop.
03:53 You can type the code as we go through this example.
03:58 I have declared an each loop in this example.
04:03 We have a set of numbers 1 to 20.
04:06 We declare a variable called “i” within the each loop.
04:11 The “i” variable gets initialized to the first element in the set of numbers 1 to 20.
04:17 The each loop declaration causes the code to iterate over each element in the set 1 to 20.
04:23 The puts method declared within the each is responsible for generating the output.
04:30 Now open the terminal and type ruby space each hyphen loop dot rb
04:39 and see the output.
04:43 The output will be an array of numbers 1 to 20.
04:46 In the above example we declared an each loop for an inclusive range.
04:51 It included all numbers from 1 to 20.
04:54 Next we shall look at implementing the each loop for a non-inclusive range.
05:00 Continue to type this part of the code.
05:04 Non-inclusive means it will not include the last element in the collection of objects.
05:10 Here an each loop is implemented for a non-inclusive range of numbers 1 to 20.
05:16 You will notice shortly that the number 20 will not be printed in the output.
05:20 The last digit does not get included when you have 3 dots between numbers.
05:25 Now open the terminal and type ruby space each hyphen loop dot rb
05:34 and see the output.
05:39 Now you should be capable enough to write your own each loop.
05:44 How would we determine which looping construct to choose?
05:48 Let us try to recall the for loop construct.
05:53 In the first example, we iterated over a set of numbers from 1 to 20 using for.
05:59 Execute ruby space for hyphen loop dot rb in your terminal see the output.
06:08 Now look at the code in gedit.
06:11 When you invoke the for loop, Ruby is actually calling the each method behind the scenes.
06:16 And calling each or for will generate the same output.
06:21 Since the call to for in turn calls each, it is preferable to use the each loop instead.
06:28 This brings us to the end of this Spoken Tutorial.
06:30 Let's summarize.
06:32 In this tutorial we have learnt
06:33 Usage of for loop
06:35 Usage of each construct
06:38 Reasoning behind using each instead of for
06:41 Examples of using the above looping constructs
06:45 As an assignment
06:47 Write a ruby program using the appropriate loop construct
06:50 to create an output of even numbers from a set of numbers, say 1 to 20
06:56 Watch the video available at the following link.
07:00 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.
07:03 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
07:08 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team :
07:11 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
07:14 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
07:18 For more details, please write to
07:23 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project.
07:26 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
07:33 More information on this Mission is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro
07:41 This is Anjana Nair signing off. Thank you

Contributors and Content Editors

Jyotisolanki, PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14