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Time Narration
00:00 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Setting Pop-up and Image options in Mozilla Firefox.
00:07 In this tutorial, we will learn: * How to set Pop up and image preferences.
00:13 * Customize Toolbar.
00:15 Pop-up windows, or pop-ups, are windows that appear automatically without your permission.
00:21 They vary in size but usually don't cover the whole screen.
00:27 Some pop-ups open on top of the current Firefox window, while others appear underneath Firefox (pop-unders).
00:37 Pop-ups can be quite irritating and that’s the main reason you want to disable them.
00:42 In this tutorial, we are using Firefox version 7.0 on Ubuntu 10.04
00:50 Let us open a Firefox browser.
00:53 In the URL bar, let us type ‘w w w dot pop up test dot com’
01:01 Press the enter key.
01:03 This site shows you what a pop up is.
01:07 Click on the link that says ‘multi-popup test’
01:12 You will see 6 pop ups.
01:20 Click on Back.
01:22 2 more pop-ups appear. See how irritating they are?
01:28 Firefox allows you to control both pop-ups and pop-unders. This is done by clicking on Edit and then Preferences.
01:37 Windows users, please click on Tools and then on Options.
01:43 In the Preferences window, click on the Content tab.
01:48 The Block pop-up windows option is already turned on, by default.
01:53 If not, then you need to check it.
01:56 So you don't have to worry about enabling it to prevent pop-ups from appearing in Firefox.
02:02 Now you can close the Firefox Preference window by clicking on the Close button.
02:09 You can also choose exceptions.
02:12 Exceptions are sites whose pop-ups are acceptable to you.
02:17 Click on Edit and then Preferences.
02:20 Windows users, please click on Tools and then on Options.
02:26 In order to add exceptions, Click on the Exceptions button next to the field Block pop-up windows
02:34 This opens up a dialog box.
02:37 In the Address of website field type ‘w w w dot google dot com’
02:44 Click on the Allow button.
02:46 Click Close to close the dialog box
02:50 Click Close to close the preferences dialog box.
02:55 Now pop-ups will be disallowed from all sites, except from
03:01 Now in the URL bar, type ‘w w w dot pop up test dot com’ and press Enter.
03:09 Click on the link ‘multi-popup’test.
03:12 Not a single popup has appeared.
03:15 Your popup blocker is effective!
03:20 Images take time and bandwidth to download.
03:24 Mozilla Firefox has an option to selectively stop the downloading of images.
03:30 Click on Edit and then Preferences.
03:33 Windows users, please click on Tools and then on Options
03:39 In the Preferences dialog box, choose the Content tab.
03:44 Disable the check box for Load images automatically.
03:49 Click on Close to close the dialog box.
03:53 Now, in the Search bar, let us type Flowers and press the Enter key.
04:00 From the google home page, click on 'Images'
04:04 click on the first image link that appears.
04:08 We see that the image does not load.
04:12 Mozilla Firefox offers a number of options to customize the toolbars.
04:18 Let’s say we want to hide any toolbar. For example the Menu bar.
04:23 Right click on an empty section of the Menu bar.
04:27 And uncheck it.

That's it!

04:30 To view the the Menu bar again right-click on an empty section of the toolbar again.
04:36 Now check the Menu bar option.
04:40 Firefox offers advanced options to customize the toolbars. Lets look at some.
04:46 Let us add an icon to the Toolbar, which will allow us to print a web page with a single click.
04:54 Right click on an empty section of the Toolbar.
04:58 Click on Customize.
05:00 The Customize Toolbar dialog box appears.
05:04 Within the dialog box, you see the Print icon.
05:09 Drag the icon onto the Toolbar.
05:12 Close the dialog box by clicking on Done.
05:17 Click on the Print icon in the Toolbar.
05:21 This brings up the Print dialog box.
05:25 We will not be printing now.
05:28 So click on Cancel to close the dialog box.
05:32 You can also add or remove toolbars.
05:35 To do so, right-click on the Toolbar and select Customize.
05:40 Click on Add new toolbar button.
05:44 Enter a name for the new toolbar. Let’s name it Sample Toolbar.
05:50 Click on OK button.
05:53 Now drag and drop an icon, say Downloads, onto the Sample Toolbar.
06:01 Notice the new Toolbar in the browser.
06:04 To remove a toolbar, click on Restore Default set button.
06:10 In order to maximize the contents area, we can reduce the size of the icons.
06:16 Check on the check box titled Use Small icons.
06:22 Click Done to close the dialog box.
06:27 We see that the size of the icons has become smaller.
06:32 This brings us to the end of this tutorial.
06:36 In this tutorial, we learnt how to ;Set Pop-up and Image preferences
06:41 Customize Toolbar
06:43 Here is an assignment for you.
06:46 Open a new Mozilla Firefox window. Block all the popups except those from Insert a bookmarks toolbar.
06:59 Watch the video available at the following link
07:02 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
07:05 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it
07:10 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team, Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials.
07:15 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test
07:18 For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org
07:25 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project,
07:29 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Goverrnment of India.
07:38 More information on the same is available at the following link
07:48 This tutorial has been contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd

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Contributors and Content Editors

Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14, Sneha