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Title of the tutorial: Charts in GChemTable

Author: Madhuri Ganapathi

Key words: Elemental Charts, Create Custom charts, video tutorial.

Visual Cue Narration

Slide Number 1

Title Slide

Hello everyone.

Welcome to this tutorial on Charts in GChemTable.

Slide Number 2

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn about,
  • Elemental Charts and
  • How to create Custom Charts
Slide Number 3

System Requirement

For this tutorial, I am using:

Ubuntu Linux OS version 12.04.

GChemPaint version 0.12.10

GChemTable version 0.12.10

Slide Number 4


To follow this tutorial you should be familiar with
  • Periodic table of elements and
  • GChemPaint

For relevant tutorials on GChemPaint, please visit our website.

Let's open a new GChemTable window.
Click on Dash Home>>

Type “gchemtable” in the serach bar that appears.

Click on Dash Home.

Type “gchemtable” in the search bar that appears.

Click on Periodic table of the elements icon. Click on Periodic table of the elements icon.
Go to View menu select Elements Charts.

Point to the submenu.

Go to View menu select Element Charts.

A submenu opens, displaying a list of options.

Click on Electro-negativity. Click on Electro-negativity.

A chart of Pauling Electro-negativity

versus Atomic number(Z) is displayed.

Point to the chart. In the chart, highest Electro-negativity value is '4'.
Point to Close button. I will now close the Electro-negativity chart.
Select Melting Point chart. Likewise, different charts are available under View menu,

Element charts option.

I will select Melting Temperature option now.

Point to the highest Melting Point. A chart of Melting point versus Atomic number(Z) is displayed.

In this chart, Carbon has highest melting point.

Point to Close button. I will close the Melting point chart now.
Now, let's learn how to create a "Custom" chart.
Go to View menu select Element Charts >>

Navigate to Custom and click on it.

Go to View, select Element Charts and

click on Custom.

Point to Customize Chart window.

Point to GChemTable Graph window

Customize Chart window and

GChemTable Graph window appear on the screen.

Point Customize Chart window.

Point Graph hierarchy tree

Point to Graph preview

Customize Chart window has,

Graph hierarchy tree on the left and

Graph preview on the right.

Point to Graph hierarchy tree.

Point to the Hierarchy.

Point to the buttons.

Graph hierarchy tree displays

the current graph components and their hierarchy.

Hierarchy can be modified using the buttons given in the panel below.

Point to Graph preview. Graph preview displays,

a scaled version of the modifications in the graph.

Point to Graph and

Chart1 in Graph hierarchy tree.

Point to Graph

In the Graph hierarchy tree,

you can see Graph and Chart1.

By default, Graph is selected.

Move the cursor to the panel.

Point to tabs Style and Theme.

Now let's move to the panel below.

Here, there are two tabs: Style and Theme.

Point to Style tab.

Point to the headings Outline and Fill.

By default, Style tab is selected.

Here we have two headings: Outline and Fill.

Point to the drop downs Style, Color and Size. Outline heading has 3 drop downs, namely,

Style, Color and Size.

These drop downs help to change outline properties of the Graph.

Click on Style drop down arrow >>

Select Long Dash.

Click on Style drop down arrow and

select any of the line styles shown.

                                                                             For eg- I will select Long dash.
Click on Color drop down arrow >>

Select Green color box

Click on Color drop down arrow to view all the available colours.

I will select green colour.

Move the cursor towards Graph preview. All changes can be seen in the Graph preview area.
Point to Fill.

Point to Type drop down button

Next, let's look at Fill.

Under Fill, we can see Type drop-down button.

Click on Type field drop down button >> select Pattern. Click on Type drop-down button and

select Pattern from the options list.

Point to the attributes Pattern, Foreground

and Background.

Attributes of Pattern appear below.

These include Pattern, Foreground and Background

Point to the drop downs. Each attribute has a drop down that shows options to select from.
Click on Pattern drop down to select a pattern. Click on Pattern drop-down,

to select a pattern of your choice.

Click on Foreground drop down to select 'orange' color. Click on Foreground drop-down to select 'orange' color.
Click on Background drop down to select 'green' color. Click on Background drop-down to select 'green' color.
Point to Theme tab You can explore the Theme tab options on your own.
Click Add button, Select Title to Chart1 Click on Add button and

Select Title to Chart1 from the options list.

Point to Data tab. By default, Data tab is selected.
Type as Atomic mass – Fusion Temperature. In the Text field, type the title of the Chart.

I will type the title as Atomic mass – Fusion Temperature.

Click on Font tab.

Move the cursor to Font, Font style and Size.

Next, click on Font tab.

Here you can change

Font type, Font style, font Size and Font color.

I will increase the size to 14 and change the colour to 'red'.

Click on Text tab. Click on Text tab.

Here you can change Orientation of the text.

Click directly on the preview area and

change the orientation

Move the cursor to Angle field drop down and

scroll to 5 degrees.

This can be done in 2 ways-

1. One by clicking directly in the preview area...

like this and 

2. Two by changing the Angle field using the scroller.

Click on Position tab.

Point to the fields.

Click on Position tab now.

I will leave the default values as they are.

In Graph hierarchy tree select Chart1 In the Graph hierarchy tree let's go back and

click on Chart1

Point to the tabs Style, Position and Plot area. In the panel below, we have three tabs,

Style, Position and Plot area.

By default Style is selected.

Under Fill >>

Type drop down >> select Unicolor gradient.

Let's go to Fill.

In the Type drop down, select Unicolor gradient.

Select Direction drop down >> select a direction. Select Direction drop down and

select a direction of your choice.

Select End drop down, select “orange” color. Select End drop down,

select a colour of your choice.

Drag the Brightness slider. Drag the “Brightness” slider,

to increase the brightness of the gradient.

Assignment Explore the options in Position and

Plot area tabs on your own.

Click on Add button >> select Plot to Chart1. Now let's click on Add button once again and

select Plot to Chart1 option.

Point to the submenu and the chart types. A submenu opens with various types of charts, namely,

XY, Bubble, ColoredXY and DropBar.

Point to chart types. Each type of Chart has various subchart options.
Point to XY Lines chart. Let's choose XY and XY Lines chart option.
Point to the new tabs.

Point to Style tab.

A new set of tabs open below.

By default, Style tab is selected.

Point to


Go to Interpolation
Click on Type scroller>>

Select “Bezier cubic spline”

Click on Type scroller and

Select “Bezier cubic spline”

Go to Fill>>In the Type scroller

select “Bicolor gradient”

Go to Fill.

In the Type scroller select “Bicolor gradient”

Click on Data tab.

Type name of the chart as,

Atomic-mass Vs Fusion temperature.

Click on Data tab.

Type name of the chart as,

Atomic-mass Vs Fusion temperature.

Point to the selection. X: I will select Atomic mass on X axis.

Y: I will select Fusion temperature on Y axis.

Click on Markers tab. Click on Markers tab.

Markers are used to mark points on the chart.

Point to Shape, Fill, Outline and Size. Under Marker heading we have

Shape, Fill, Outline and Size fields.

Shape >> Circle

Colour >> blue

Let's select Shape as circle.

Select Fill color as 'blue' and

leave the others as default.

Click on Apply button.

Move the cursor on the chart.

Now let us click on Apply button.

The required chart is displayed on

GChemTable Graph window.

Let's now save this chart as an image.
Click on the GChemTable Graph window. First click on the GChemTable Graph window.
Click on File >> Save As Image Select File and

click on Save As Image option.

Save As Image dialog box opens. Save As Image dialog box opens.
Select File type >> PS document. Select the File type as PS document.
Type “my-custom-chart”. Type the file name of your choice.

I will type “my-custom-chart”.

Click on Desktop I will select Desktop as the location to save my file.
Click on Save Click on Save button
Point to the saved document.

Right-click on the file >>

choose the option Open with Document Viewer.

Here is my saved document.

Right-click on the file and

choose the option Open with Document Viewer.

Here is my graph.

Let's summarize.
Slide Number 5


In this tutorial, we have learnt about-

Elemental Charts of

1. Electronegativity

2. Melting Point

and how to create Custom Charts

Slide Number 6


Here is an assignment for you.


1. Different Element charts.

2. Other XY chart types

3. Bubble, ColoredXY and DropBar chart types and

4. Save the charts in "SVG" and "PDF" file formats.

Slide Number 7


Watch the video available at this URL.

http://spoken-tutorial.org/What_is_a_Spoken_ Tutorial

It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project

If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it

Slide Number 8 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team:

Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials

Gives certificates to those who pass an on-line test

For more details, please write to


Slide number 9 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project

It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India

More information on this Mission is available at this link


This is Madhuri Ganapathi from IIT Bombay signing off.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors
