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Script :DSpace Statistical Report Configuration

Author : Pankaj Patil

Keywords: DSpace Statistics, Statistical Report Configuration, Generate statistics, Cronjobs, Cron Task Dspace statistics, Crontab, Community strength, Collection Strength, Items count in Community, automate dspace statistics, spoken tutorial, video tutorial

Visual Cue Narration
Slide: Title Welcome to this Spoken Tutorial on DSpace Statistical Report Configuration.
Slide: Learning Objectives In this tutorial, we will learn to
  • Generate a statistics report
  • Schedule the generation of a statistics report
  • Display the number of Item submissions in Communities and Collections
Slide: System requirements This tutorial is recorded using
  • Ubuntu Linux OS 18.04
  • DSpace version 6.3
  • gedit text editor and
  • Firefox web browser

However, you may use any other editor or browser of your choice.

Slide: Pre-requisites To practice this tutorial, you should have
  • A working internet connection and
  • Installed DSpace 6.3 on your system
  • Tomcat service should be running
Slide: Pre-requisites
  • Have archived Items in the Collections and
  • Have Administrator’s authority in DSpace Collection
  • If not then please go through the prerequisite tutorials on this website.
Slide : Code files
  • The commands used in this tutorial are in a file in the Code Files link on this tutorial page
  • Please download and extract the file before practicing.
Switch to gedit text editor and open the file I have opened the Code file in the gedit text editor on my machine.

And I will use the same file to copy-paste the commands during the demonstration. You may use any other text editor of your choice. The shortcut to paste on the terminal is Shift, Ctrl and V keys.

Slide: DSpace statistics DSpace offers a basic web statistics package and offers the following statistics.
  • Information on page views
  • Searches performed
  • User logins and
  • Errors and warnings
Slide: DSpace statistics
  • By default, DSpace doesn’t generate Statistics reports.
  • Statistics reports are generated by running scripts.
Slide: DSpace statistics
  • Scripts generate statistics reports by parsing DSpace logs.
  • Scripts can be run manually or as a scheduled job.
  • Statistics reports can be accessed only by the DSpace Administrator
Only Narration Let us begin to generate Statistics reports using scripts.

Initially, let us ensure that by default, Statistics reports are not generated by DSpace.

Open Web Browser Open a web browser.
Go to localhost:8080 Go to the DSpace interface.
Log into DSpace as

dspace.u1@gmail.com Password: u1pass

Log in to DSpace with Administrator’s authority.
Click on Logged in tab Then click on the Logged in tab at the top right corner.
Select Administer Select Administer from the drop-down.
Point to Administration Tools Administration Tools page opens up.
Click on Statistics tab in the navigation bar Click on the Statistics tab in the navigation bar.
Point to There are currently no reports available for this service. Please check back later. A message is displayed saying,

“There are currently no reports available for this service. Please check back later.”

Only narration So we have verified that by default, DSpace doesn’t generate Statistics reports.
Only narration Now, let us learn how to generate Statistics reports using scripts.
Press Ctrl+Alt+T keys Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T keys simultaneously on the keyboard.

Ensure that you have root permissions to run the commands.

Only Narration Here onwards, please remember to press the Enter key after typing each command.
[Terminal] type:

sudo su - dspace

Now, we will log in as user dspace.

Type sudo su - dspace If prompted, then type the password of the admin user to login.

Slide: DSpace Statistics reports DSpace offers facilities to generate the following types of reports.
  • Initial Report: By default, monthly report for each month from January 2005.
  • Starting month and year are configurable in the dstat.cfg file.
Slide: DSpace Statistics reports
  • Monthly Report: Monthly report for the current month
  • General Report: Aggregated report of all the months
Switch back to terminal Switch back to the terminal.
Only Narration Let us parse the DSpace logs to prepare the data for the creation of initial reports.
[Terminal] type: sudo $HOME/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-initial To do so, type the command as shown.

If prompted, enter the root user password.

[Terminal] type: sudo $HOME/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-monthly Type the command as shown to prepare the data for the creation of monthly reports.
[Terminal] type: sudo $HOME/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-general Similarly, prepare the data for the creation of general reports using this command.
Only Narration Now, let us proceed to create actual Statistics reports using the data prepared in the previous steps.
[Terminal] type: sudo $HOME/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-report-initial Type the command as shown to generate Monthly Statistics reports from the starting month and year.
[Terminal] type: sudo $HOME/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-report-monthly Generate current month Statistics report using this command.
[Terminal] type: sudo $HOME/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-report-general Similarly, generate a General Statistics report, with this command.
Only Narration Now, let us proceed to access and verify the generated statistics reports.
Switch back to DSpace Switch back to DSpace.
Reload the statistics page Reload the Statistics page using the Reload button of the browser.
Only Narration If your session has been logged out, please login again.
Only Narration Statistics report is generated and displayed.
Only Narration By default, the General report is displayed.

The General report is aggregated from January 2005 till date.

Point to General Overview, Archive Information, Items Viewed, All Actions Performed and Others Statistics page shows these reports in different sections such as -

General Overview, Archive Information, Items Viewed, All Actions Performed and many more useful sections.

Point to Monthly reports Monthly reports are available from January 2005 onwards.
Only Narration Monthly reports can be viewed by clicking on the respective link of the Monthly report.
Only Narration Let us view the monthly report for August 2020.
Click on monthly report of 08/2020 To do so, click on the monthly report of 08/2020.
Scroll down and show report Statistics report of all the activities in August 2020 is displayed.
Only Narration This is how Statistics reports are manually generated and verified in DSpace.
Only Narration Manual generation of reports is not a good practice, as it is subject to human errors.

It is possible to automate report generation at a scheduled time of the day, week or month.

We will create a Bash script to generate Monthly and General Statistics reports.

And, we will automate the execution of the Bash script using crontab.

Only Narration As initial reports are already created, we will not automate initial reports generation.
Only Narration Let us automate the generation of General Statistics report on a daily basis.
Switch back to terminal Switch to the terminal.
[Terminal] type:

sudo nano general-report-generation.sh

Type this command to create and open the Bash file general-report-generation.sh in gedit.

You can do so in an editor of your choice, as well. If prompted, enter the root user password.

Point to general-report-generation.sh An empty general-report-generation.sh file opens in the text editor.
Type in text editor

/home/dspace/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-general /home/dspace/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-report-general

Type the commands for log parsing and General report generation as shown here.
Save and close the file Save and close the file.
[Terminal] type:

sudo chmod 777 general-report-generation.sh

Set executable permissions to general-report-generation.sh file with this command.

If prompted, type the root user password.

[Terminal] type:

sudo chown dspace:dspace general-report-generation.sh

Type this command to set the ownership of general-report-generation.sh file to dspace user.
Only Narration Now, let us schedule the execution of the general-report-generation.sh script using crontab.
[Terminal] type: crontab -e Type the command as shown to configure crontab jobs.
Only Narration If you are accessing crontab for the first time, the system will prompt to enter a choice of text editor.
[Terminal] type: 1 Type 1 to set nano editor as the preferred editor.

But you can set any other editor of your choice, as well.

Point to default configuration The default configurations for crontab are shown.
Slide : Crontab in Linux
  • The format of crontab is Minute Hour DayOfMonth Month DayOfWeek command
Slide : Crontab in Linux
  • The permitted values for fields in crontab are as shown in the table.
Switch back to terminal Switch back to the terminal.
Enter the following configurations

30 1 * * * /bin/sh /home/dspace/general-report-generation.sh

We will schedule the generation of General Statistics report, every day at 1:30 AM.

To do so, type the command as shown at the end of the file.

Highlight 30 1 The value of the Minutes field is set to 30 and the value of the Hour field is set to 1.
Highlight * * * To execute the script every day, fields for DayOfMonth Month DayOfWeek is set to *.
Only Narration You can schedule report generation time as per any time of your choice.
Press Ctrl + o Save the configuration by pressing Ctrl and O keys together.
Press Enter. Press Enter to confirm the save.
Press Ctrl + x Close the configuration file by pressing together Ctrl and X keys.
Point to crontab : installing new crontab crontab: installing new crontab message is shown on the terminal.
Only narration That means, the execution of the general-report-generation.sh file is scheduled and automated.

General Statistics reports will be created every day at 1:30 AM.

Only Narration Next, let us automate the generation of Monthly Statistics reports on the last day of the month.
[Terminal] type:

sudo nano monthly-report-generation.sh

Type the command as shown to create and open the bash file monthly-report-generation.sh in gedit.

You can do so in an editor of your choice, as well. If prompted, type the root user password.

Point to monthly-report-generation.sh An empty monthly-report-generation.sh file opens in the text editor.
Type in text editor

/home/dspace/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-monthly /home/dspace/dspace-install/bin/dspace stat-report-monthly

Type the commands for log parsing and monthly report generation as shown here.
Save and close the file Save and close the file.
[Terminal] type:

sudo chmod 777 monthly-report-generation.sh

Set executable permissions to monthly-report-generation.sh file, with this command.

If prompted, type the root user password.

[Terminal] type:

sudo chown dspace:dspace monthly-report-generation.sh

Type this command to set the ownership of monthly-report-generation.sh file to dspace user.
Only Narration Now, let us schedule the execution of monthly-report-generation.sh script using crontab.
[Terminal] type: crontab -e Type the command as shown to configure crontab jobs.
Enter the following configurations

55 23 * * * [ "$(date +\%d -d tomorrow)" = "01" ] && /bin/sh /home/dspace/monthly-report-generation.sh

We will schedule the generation of Monthly Statistics reports on the last day of every month.

To do so, type this command at the end of the file.

Highlight [ "$(date +\%d -d tomorrow)" = "01" ] This command is entered to identify the last day of the month.
Press Ctrl + o Save the configuration by pressing Ctrl and O keys together.
Press Enter. Press Enter to confirm the save.
Press Ctrl + x Close the configuration file by pressing together Ctrl and X keys.
Point to crontab : installing new crontab crontab: installing new crontab message is shown on the terminal.
Only narration The execution of monthly-report-generation.sh file is now scheduled and automated.

So, Monthly Statistics reports will be generated on the last day of every month.

Only narration Now, let us further configure DSpace to display the number of submissions in Community and Collections.
Switch back to DSpace Switch back to DSpace.
Click Home tab Click on the Home tab in the navigation bar.
Scroll and locate Communities in DSpace section Scroll down and locate Communities in the DSpace section.
Point to Communities The Community’s names and logos are displayed.
Only Narration But, the number of Item submissions in the Community is not displayed.

Also, the number of Item submissions in the Collections is not displayed.

Only Narration dspace.cfg file has a configuration to display the number of Item submissions in Community and Collections.
[Terminal] type:

sudo nano $HOME/dspace-6.3-src-release/dspace/config/dspace.cfg

Switch to the terminal.

Open the dspace.cfg file with this command. If prompted, enter the root user password.

Locate the section Settings for item count (strength) information Locate the section Settings for item count (strength) information.
Point to webui.strengths.show By default, the value for webui.strengths.show is set to false.
Set webui.strengths.show = true. Set webui.strengths.show value to true.
Save and close dspace.cfg file Save and close the dspace.cfg file.
[Terminal] type:


Let us rebuild DSpace to update these changes.
[Terminal] Highlight BUILD SUCCESSFUL message Now, DSpace rebuild is successful.
Only Narration So, let us proceed to verify the changes.
Switch back to DSpace Switch back to DSpace.
Click Home tab Click on the Home tab in the navigation bar to refresh the page.
Point to Community names and strengths Observe that the number of Item submissions in the Community is now displayed.
Narration only So, we have successfully configured DSpace.

It displays the number of submissions in the Community and Collections.

Narration only With this, we have come to the end of this tutorial.
Narration only Let us summarize.
Slide: Summary In this tutorial, we learnt to
  • Generate a Statistics report
  • Schedule the generation of a Statistics report
  • Display the number of Item submissions in Communities and Collections
Slide: Assignment As an assignment,
  • Generate initial, Monthly and General Statistics reports
  • Configure and display the number of Item submissions in Communities and Collections
Slide : About Spoken Tutorial project The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

Slide : Spoken Tutorial workshops The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

Slide: Forums Please post your timed queries in this Forum.
Slide: Acknowledgement -I Spoken Tutorial project is funded by the Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India.
Slide: Acknowledgement -II DSpace spoken tutorial series is funded by the National Virtual Library of India, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
Narration only This script and video for this tutorial was contributed by Pankaj Patil from IIT Bombay.

And this is Nancy Varkey signing off. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Pankajpatil694