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Title: Printing a Presentation

Author: Manish Naik

Novice Reviewer: Nikita Misal and Pooja Moolya

Domain Reviewer: Praveen and Nancy Varkey


LibreOffice,Impress,Spoken Tutorial,Video Tutorial,Alternative of Microsoft Powerpoint,Printing a presentation in Impress,Printing slides in Impress,Printing Impress presentation in Handout format,Printing Impress presentation in Outline format,Printing Impress presentation in Notes format,Print Color in Impress,Print Size in Impress,Layout of Print in Impress

Visual Cues Narration
Slide: Title Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Printing a Presentation.
Slide: Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we learn about the various options for Printing:
  • Slides
  • Handouts
  • Notes and
  • Outline
Slide: System Requirements This tutorial is recorded using
  • Ubuntu Linux OS version 18.04 and
  • LibreOffice Suite version 6.3.5
Slide: Printing Presentations Printing option is useful:
  • When we need to print hard copies of our presentation
  • When we may want to give copies of our presentation to our audience for later reference
Double-click on ‘Sample-Impress.odt’ on the Desktop. Let's open the presentation Sample-Impress.odp which we saved earlier.
Slide: Code files
  • This file has been provided to you in the Code files link on this tutorial page
  • Pls download and extract the file
  • Make a copy and then use it for practicing
Narration only: Let’s learn how to take a printout of our slides in various formats.
Go to the Standard Toolbar >> Print icon.

Hover mouse over the Print icon.

Click on the Print icon.

There is a Print icon in the Standard toolbar.

Notice the tooltip on the icon displays a shortcut key ‘Control plus P’ to print the slides.

Click on the Print icon.

Point to the Print dialog box.

Click on ‘x’ at the top right-hand corner

The Print dialog box opens.

Close the Print dialog box for now.

Click on the File -> Print

I will demonstrate another method to open the Print dialog box.

Click on the File menu in the menu bar and then click on the Print option.

Point to the General tab and LibreOffice Impress tab. In the Print dialog box, we see two tabs namely General and LibreOffice Impress.
Narration only: Let's look at the options under the LibreOffice Impress tab first.
Go to the Document.

Point to the Slides in the drop-down of the Type field.

Let’s start from the Document section.

By default, in the drop-down of the Type field, Slides option is selected.

Click on the drop-down arrow of the Type field.

Point to all options in the Type field.

To see other options, click on the drop-down of the Type field.

The options in the Type field are unique to Impress.

Move the cursor down to each option in the Type field as per the narration.

These options allow us to take prints of slides in other formats such as:


Notes and


Go to the on the left-hand side -> Point to the Print preview. Look at the Print preview of the slides on the left-hand side.
Highlight the previous and next page icons There are previous and next page icons here.
Click on the slide counter arrow under the Preview window Scroll through all the slides in the Print preview window to see how they will be printed.
Go to the Contents.

Point to the checkbox of the Hidden pages.

Under the Contents section, by default, the Hidden pages checkbox is selected.
Click on the checkboxes of Slide name and Date of time. We will select Slide name andDate and time checkboxes also.
Highlight slide name, date, and time in the top left of the Print preview. These will print the name of the slide, with date and time, and also the hidden pages, if any.
Go to the Color.

Click on the Grayscale.

Under the Color section, let's select the Grayscale radio button by clicking on it.
Go to the Size.

Click on the ‘Fit to printable page’ button.

Under the Size section, we’ll select ‘Fit to printable page’ radio button.
Point to the other color and size options. You can explore the other color and size options in the LibreOffice Impress tab on your own later.
Click on the General tab. Next, let’s look at the options under the General tab.
Select my configured printer’s name (HP LaserJet). Under Printer, we will select our configured printer’s name.
Go to the Page Layout.

Point to all options in Page Layout.

Go to the Page Layout section.

Various options are available in the Page Layout section.

Orientation field >> choose Landscape In the Orientation field, we’ll choose the option Landscape.
Go to the Pages per sheet -> Point to the 1 in the drop-down. In the Pages per sheet field, we have the number 1, by default.

This means it prints one slide on the page.

Go to the right-hand side of the drop-down -> Point to the rectangle box.

Point to the number in the rectangle box.

On the right-hand side of the Order field, we see a rectangle box displaying number 1, as well.

This is a preview of the slide number as per the option in the Pages per sheet field.

Narration only: Let’s say we want to have more than one slide on the same page of the printout.
Click on the drop-down arrow -> Point to the number of slides options >>Click on ‘2’ So, in the Pages per sheet field, we can choose the number of slides that we want to print per page.

We will choose ‘2’ in this field.

Point to slide number in the rectangle box. Now, we see a preview of slide numbers ‘1’ and ‘2’ in the rectangle box.
Point to the two slides on the Print preview. We can also see a preview of two slides per page in the Print preview on the left.
Click on the drop-down arrow >> Click on ‘4’ >> point to slide number rectangle box. Now let’s choose ‘4’ in the Pages per sheet field and see what happens.

Immediately, we see a preview of slide numbers ‘1 to 4’ in the rectangle box.

Point to the four slides on the Print preview. Likewise, we see a preview of four slides per page in the Print preview on the left.
Click on the checkbox of Draw a border around each page. Next, click on the checkbox of ‘Draw a border around each page’.
Point to Print preview.

Point to the border in Print preview.

This creates a black border around each slide while printing.

This makes the page look more attractive.

Click on the OK.

Point to the Printing dialog box.

Finally, to print the slides, click on the OK button at the bottom right corner.

If your printer is configured correctly, the presentation should start printing now.

Narration only: Next, let's learn how to take the print of slides in Handouts format.
Click to the Standard Toolbar -> Print icon. Click on the Print icon in the Standard Toolbar.
Click on the LibreOffice Impress.

Click on the drop-down of Type >> Handouts.

In the Print dialog box, click on the LibreOffice Impress tab.

Click on the drop-down of the Type field and choose the Handouts option.

Point to the Slides per page field >> According to Layout option.

Point to the all 5 slides in Print preview.

In the Slides per page field, According to Layout option is selected, by default.

This displays 5 slides in the Print preview on the left.

Click on the drop-down of Slides per page -> point to all options >> select 3 But from Slides per page, we can select any number of slides we want to print as Handouts.

I will change this to 3.

Leave all other options unchanged

Click on the OK.

Leave all other options unchanged for this presentation.

Finally, to print the slides, click on the OK button at the bottom right corner.

If the printer is configured correctly, the presentation should start printing now.

Click on the Slide 1 >>Notes tab.

Click on the ‘Click to add Notes’ -> type “This is a sample note

Next, let's go to the first slide and click on the Notes tab.

Click on the Click to add Notes and type “This is a sample note”.

Click outside the textbox. Then click anywhere outside the textbox.
Narration only: Let’s print our notes, which we typed for our slides.
Click to the Standard Toolbar -> Print icon. As before, click on the Print icon in the Standard Toolbar.
Point to the LibreOffice Impress tab. Notice that LibreOffice Impress tab is now directly open in the Print dialog box.
Click on the drop-down of the Type field -> Notes. In the drop-down of the Type field, choose the Notes option.
Point to the Print preview.

Point to the notes at the bottom.

Now, look at the Print preview of the slide on the left.

It shows the note which we had typed earlier, at the bottom of the Print preview.

Click on the slide counter arrow under the Preview window Scroll through all the slides in the Print preview window to see all the other notes that we typed.
Click on the OK.

Click on the OK button at the bottom right corner.

If the printer is configured correctly, the printer should start printing now.

Narration only: Lastly, let’s print the Outline of the slides for quick reference during a presentation.
Click to the Standard Toolbar -> Print icon. Once again, click to the Print icon in the Standard Toolbar.
Click on the drop-down of the Type field -> Notes. In the drop-down of the Type field, choose the Outline option.
Point to the Print preview.

Point to the outline from top to bottom.

Now, look at the Print preview of the slide on the left.

It shows the outline or the sequence of our slides with the slide headings and sub-points.

Click on the OK.

Click on the OK button at the bottom right corner.

If the printer is configured correctly, the should start printing now.

Go to the Standard toolbar -> Save.

click on the X icon at the top right.

Let us save all the changes we made in our presentation by clicking on the Save icon.

And then close the file.

Narration only: With this, we have come to the end of this spoken tutorial.

Let us summarize.

Slide: Summary

In this tutorial, we learnt about the various options for Printing:
  • Slides
  • Handouts
  • Notes and
  • Outline
Slide: Assignment.

As an assignment.
  • Open “Practice-Impress.odp” file
  • Print 2 slides per page
  • Print all slides in black and white including its date and time on it
  • Print only the first four slides as a Handouts
Slide: About the Spoken Tutorial Project
  • The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
  • Please download and watch it
Slide: Spoken Tutorial Workshops
  • We conduct workshops using spoken tutorials and give certificates.
  • For more details, please contact us
Slide: Forum Please post your timed queries in this forum
Slide: Acknowledgements The Spoken Tutorial project is funded by MHRD, Govt. of India
Slide: Thank you

Acknowledgment to DesiCrew

This tutorial was originally contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in 2011

This is Arvind and Manish from IIT Bombay signing off. Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Manishnaik, Nancyvarkey, Pravin1389