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Visual Cue Narration
Slide Number 1

Title Slide

Welcome to the tutorial on Bar Chart and Error bars
Slide Number 2

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we will learn to,
  • Draw a bar chart
  • Label the x-axis with string data
  • Edit the dataset
  • Add error bars in y-axis
  • Change the error bar size
  • Add an object and format the style
  • Delete an object
Slide Number 3

System and Software Requirement

To record this tutorial, I am using,
  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04 OS
  • Grace version 5.1.25
  • gedit text editor 3.18.3
Slide Number 4


To follow this tutorial,
  • Learner must be familiar with Grace interface.
  • For the pre-requisite tutorials, please visit this site.

Slide Number 5

Code Files

The example files required for this tutorial are provided in the code files link.

Please download and extract the files to Desktop.

Go to Desktop. Go to 'Desktop.'
Hover mouse next to bar.txt . Notice the text file bar.txt.
Open bar.txt . Open file bar.txt in a text editor and notice the three data columns.
Hover mouse on the three columns. First column is the data row number.

Second column is y data and third column is the x data which is a string.

Close the text editor. Close the text editor window.
Open Grace. I have opened the Grace program.
Resize graph panel. First, resize the graph panel to fit the field of view.
Go to Data, import, ASCII Go to Data, import, ASCII to open the Grace read sets dialogue box.
Select Desktop, select bar.txt. Navigate to Desktop and select the bar.txt file.
Choose Bar for set type. For set type from the drop down, choose bar option.
Click on Ok. Autoscale XY on read and click on Ok to load the data.
Click on Cancel. Click on the Cancel button Cancel to close the window.
Show graph. A bar chart appears along with a line plot.
Cursor on the interface. Let’s format the properties of the bar chart and add the x string data to it.
Open Set Appearance window. Double click on the line to open Set Appearance window.
Click on Line tab.

In Line properties, Type dropdown, choose None.

Click on the Line tab.

Under Line properties, in the Type dropdown, choose None.

Click on Accept. Click on Accept to remove the line in the graph.
Next, go to Plot, select Axis properties. Next, go to Plot menu and select Axis properties.
Change axis limit from 0 to 4. In the Grace: Axes window, change the x axis limits from zero to four.

Type start as 0 and as stop 4.

Under Tick properties,

Set Major spacing to 1 and Minor tics to zero.

Under Tick properties, I will set Major spacing to one and Minor ticks to zero.
Click on Apply. Click on Apply, to Apply the changes.
In Edit, select y axis. In the Edit dropdown, select y axis.
Click on Apply. I will change the y axis limits to start from zero and to stop at 5.

Click on Apply.

Go to the tick marks tab.

Choose tick marks on the normal side of graph for x and y axes.

Click on the Tick marks tab.

From the Draw on drop down, choose Normal side. Then click Apply to apply the changes.

In Edit, select x-axis.

In Draw on, select Normal side

Let us change do the same for x axis.

In the Edit drop-down, select X axis. In the Draw on drop-down, change draw ticks to Normal side.

Click on Apply. Again click on Apply to apply the changes to the graph.
Hover mouse next to tick mark Notice how the graph looks after each change has been applied.
Go to the Special tab.

Show, screen shot of Qtgrace.

Click on the Special tab on the right side.

This tab is labeled as custom ticks in Qtgrace.

In special ticks pull down, choose tick marks and labels. In the Special ticks drop down, choose Tick marks and labels.
Open and show the bar.txt file.

Point to first data row and S1.

Let us re-open bar.txt file.

Notice that, the string S1 is associated with the first data point.

Point to first data row and S2.

Point to first data row and S3.

Similarly the string S2 is associated with the second data point.

And the string S3 is associated with the third data point.

For Number of user ticks to use, enter 3.

Point to Edit form in x-axis.

In the text box, Number of user ticks to use, type 3.

Make sure the Edit form is in x-axis.

Enter data

1 S1

2 S2

3 S3

In the tick location label form, enter data as seen in.

Delete the value zero and four on the second column. Type, S1, S2 and S3 are placed against 1, 2 and 3 in the second column.

Click on Apply. Click on Accept to see the changes in the graph.
Cursor on the interface. Next, let’s learn to edit a dataset within the Grace program.
Open the set appearance dialogue box. Double click on the bar in the graph to open the Set Appearance window.
Hover mouse next to G(0) and S0 . Under Select set, notice G(0) S0 [2] [3].

G denotes graph and S refers to the dataset in the graph. Here it is graph zero and set zero.

Right-click and hold the mouse on G(0) S0 [2] [3].

In the menu choose Edit. From the sub-menu select In Spreadsheet option. Show the screen shot.(Windows).

Right-click and hold the mouse on G(0) S0 to open a context menu.

In the menu choose Edit and from the sub-menu select In Spreadsheet option. The dataset opens in the Spreadsheet data set editor.

For Type, select BARDY and click on Apply. In the Type drop-down change BAR to BARDY and click on Apply.
Point to the column in the spreadsheet. An extra column Y1 gets added to the spreadsheet.
Show screenshot of spreadsheet editor in Qtgrace, without the string column. Windows users will not see the string label column in Qtgrace.
Enter 0.4 0.6 0.3 in Y1 column.

Click on Apply.

I will enter the error values as 0.4, 0.6 and 0.3 in the Y1 column and

click on Apply.

Click on, Close the Spreadsheet editor window.

Hover mouse next to error bar.

Click on Close, on the Spreadsheet editor window.

Notice the incorporated error bars on the bar chart.

Go to the Set appearance window.

Choose the Error bar tab.

Next, we will edit the size of the Error bar.

Go to the Set appearance window and choose the Error bar tab.

Set Bar line scroll bar at 50. Change the Bar line to 50 using the scroll bar.
Click on the color drop down and select red color.

Click on Apply.

Click on the color drop down and select red color.

Then, click on Apply.

Point to the changed colour. This changes the color of the error bars to red.
Click on Close. Click on Close in the set appearance window.
Cursor on the window. We will now draw an arrow to the plot.
Click on Window and Drawing Objects. Go to Window in menu and choose Drawing Objects.
Point to the Objects panel.

Click on Line button in the panel. Point to the plus sign.

The Objects panel opens.

Click on the Line button and move the cursor to the plot. The cursor changes to plus sign.

Click left, move cursor to draw the line.

Drag the cursor to draw the line until the desired location.

I will left click on the desired location to start the line.

Drag the cursor to draw the line until the desired location.

Point to the line.

Left click on the mouse.

Notice that a line is drawn.

Click left again to fix the end location of the line.

Click on Edit object.

Click on the Line props.

Click on the Edit object.

Next, Double click on the line. The Edit Line dialogue box opens.

Change line width to 1.5. Change Line width to 1.5 using the triangle buttons.
Under Arrow, In the Place at dropdown, choose End. For the arrow styles, in the Place at drop down, choose End.
For Type, choose Filled. For the arrow Type, choose Filled.
Set I/L form factor to 0.7 . Decrease I by L form factor to 0.7 .

This changes the width of the arrow head.

Hover mouse over Viewport co-ordinates. The Position shows Viewport coordinates. I will leave it as is.
Click on Accept. Click on Accept to change the arrow style.
Click on Close. Click on Close to close the dialogue box.
Click on Copy object in the Objects panel. We can make a copy an existing object.

To make a similar arrow as this, click on Copy object in the Objects panel.

Shown on screen. The cursor changes to a hand sign.
Left click and hold on the arrow. Left click and hold on the arrow to see a square on it.
Drag the box and place it in the desired location.

Left click to release the arrow.

Drag the box and place the copied arrow at the desired location.

Left click to release the copied arrow in the desired location.

Click on Delete object in the Objects panel. We can also delete the objects added to the graph.

To delete an added object, click on Delete object in the Objects panel.

Move cursor to the graph. Move cursor to the graph and the cursor changes to a x sign.
Click on the copied arrow. I will click the newly copied arrow to delete it.
Hover mouse on the popup box. A warning popup window opens, asking the user Kill the line?
Click on Ok. Click on Ok and notice that the object has been deleted.
Hover mouse over text, ellipse. Similarly, we can add text, ellipse and also format their properties.
Click on Close. Click on Close to close the objects panel.
Save with file name barxydy.agr on Desktop. Let us save the Grace project before closing it.

I will save with file as barxydy.agr on Desktop.

Choose File, Exit. Choose File, Exit to exit Grace.
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Now let's summarize.

In this tutorial, we,

  • Drew a bar chart
  • Labeled the x-axis with string data
  • Edited the dataset
  • Added error bars in the y-axis
  • Adjusted the error bar size
  • Added an object, formatted the style and deleted an object

Slide Number 8

Assignment Time-activity chart of your day

For assignment, please do the following.
  • Draw a Time-activity graph for your daily activities.
  • For this, time your activities in a day and make a time table.
  • Plot a bar chart with time in hours on y-axis and activities on x-axis.
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For hint, use,
  • Time to go to school, time in school, study, meals
  • Time taken for daily chores such as bathing / housework
  • Talking to friends, on TV, internet or play
Glimpse of completed assignment Your completed assignment may look similar to this.
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Spoken Tutorial Project

This video summarises the Spoken Tutorial Project .

Please download and watch it.

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Spoken Tutorial workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project team:
  • conducts workshops and
  • gives certificates on passing online tests.Please write to us.
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Forum for specific questions:

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.

More information on this mission is available at this link.

This tutorial is contributed by Rani.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Ranipv076, Snehalathak