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Title Slide Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Vegetarian recipes for 7 month old babies
Learning objectives

Image: 7 month old baby

Image: Jackfruit seeds porridge

Image: Horse gram vegetable porridge

Image: Amaranth Black eyed beans porridge

Image: Fenugreek coconut puree

Image: Kodo millet Bengal gram porridge

In this tutorial, we will learn about-
  • Importance of complementary feeding for 7 month old babies and
  • How to prepare vegetarian recipes such as-
    • Jackfruit seeds porridge
    • Horse gram Amaranth leaves porridge
    • Amaranth Black eyed beans porridge
    • Fenugreek leaves beans porridge and
    • Kodo millet Bengal gram porridge
Image: 7 month old baby

Image:Calorie symbol

Image: ½ cup food and millimeter scale


Image: Complementary feeding

Let’s begin. During 1st year,

  • When baby starts crawling & moving, her growth is rapid.
  • The energy requirements of the baby also increases.
  • 6-8 months old babies require up to 200 calories from complementary feeds.
  • The quantity of food given should be increased gradually.
  • Also remember that breastfeeding is utmost important along with sufficient complementary feeding.
Image: 7 month old baby

Image: ½ cup containing baby food

Image: 8 tablespoons

Image: Half cup

  • When the baby completes seven months,
    • start giving half cup of complementary food thrice a day.
  • Half cup is about 125 millilitres or 8 tablespoons of food.
Image: 7 month old baby

Collage: Combination of foods

Collage: Grains, beans, nuts and leafy vegetables

  • By now the baby is comfortable with various food items.
  • As she started complementary food when she became 6 month old.
  • Now start introducing a combination of foods to the baby.

Image: Pureed/ Mashed food

Image: Thick puree and thin puree

Note that-

  • Only mashed and pureed form of food should be given.
  • Make sure that the consistency of baby’s food
    • is thick enough and not at all watery.
Collage: Local ingredients While preparing the baby’s food -
  • always use local and seasonal ingredients.
Image: Powder of nuts and seeds

Image: Powder of sprouted beans

Image: Curry leaves powder

Image: Drumstick leaves powder

  • Also remember to add various nutritious powders such as-
    • powder of nuts and seeds
    • powder of sprouted beans
    • curry leaves powder
    • drumstick leaves powder
  • This has been explained in another tutorial of the same series.
Image: Salt

Image: Sugar and jaggery

  • Do not add salt in baby’s food until the baby turns one
  • Also do not add sugar, jaggery or spices until the baby turns 2.
Collage: All recipes

Image: Jackfruit seeds porridge

  • Now, we will look at a few vegetarian recipes which can be used as complementary food for the baby.

Our first recipe is jackfruit seeds porridge.

Image: Jackfruit seeds

Image: 1 small banana or ½ banana

Image: coconut milk

Image: 1 teaspoon powdered nuts and seeds

Ingredients required are:
  • 15-20 Jackfruit seeds
  • One small banana or ½ Banana
  • Coconut milk or breast milk
  • One teaspoon powdered nuts and seeds

Image: Washing Jackfruit seeds

Image: A steel pot containing Jackfruit seeds

Image: A steel pot containing Jackfruit seeds and water

Image: Pressure cooked seeds

Image: A steel plate containing cooked Jackfruit seeds

To prepare Jackfruit seeds porridge-

  • Wash jackfruit seeds thoroughly.
  • Take these seeds in a steel pot.
  • Add water till seeds get covered.
  • Pressure cook it until 5-6 whistles.
  • Take out these seeds on a plate and
  • Allow them to cool for some time.
GIF: Peeling Jackfruit seeds

Image: Grinding

GIF: Mashed banana

Image: Mixing Jackfruit seeds puree and mashed banana

  • Then peel them to remove the outer covering.
  • Next, make a puree using a mixer or a stone grinder.
  • Along with this, peel a ripe banana and mash it using a spoon.
  • Now mix mashed banana and jackfruit seeds puree together.

Video: Addition of cocnut milk

Image: Addition of powdered nuts

  • Add 2 tablespoons of coconut milk or breast milk in it.
  • Add powder of nuts and seeds in it.
  • Mix it well.
  • Cook this mixture for 3-4 minutes on a low flame.
  • The Jackfruit seeds porridge is ready.
Collage: A healthy baby, immune system, muscle, healthy baby, bone, nails, skin, DNA

Collage: Brain, liver, logical reasoning, DNA, spinal cord

Collage: Cells, heart, muscles

Collage: Teeth, bones, red blood cells

  • This jackfruit seeds porridge is rich in -
    • Protein
    • Omega 3 fatty acids
    • Potassium and
    • Phosphorus

Image: Malted Horsegram powder

Image: Curry leaves powder

Image: Washed Amaranth leaves

Image: Ghee

The second recipe is Horse gram, amaranth leaves porridge.

To prepare this, we will need:

  • 2 tablespoons Horse gram powder
  • 2 cups washed Amaranth leaves
  • ¼ teaspoon of curry leaves powder
  • ½ teaspoon ghee

Image: Soaked Horse Gram

Image: A strainer containing Horse gram

Image: Tieing horsegram in clean cloth

  • First, soak the Horse grams in water for 7 to 8 hours.
  • After which put it in a strainer and rinse it thoroughly with water,
  • Let all the water drain out.
  • Now tie it in a clean cotton cloth and keep it aside until it sprouts.
Image: Sprouted Horsegram

Image: Roasting

Image: Grinding

  • Dry this sprouted Horse gram in sunlight for a day or two.
  • Roast it on a low flame for 8-10 minutes.
  • Let it cool.
  • Then grind it and make a powder of it.
  • This entire process is known as malting.
Image: A pan containing ghee

Image: Addition of Amaranth leaves

Image: Sauteed Amaranth leaves

Image: Stone grinder

  • Heat ghee in a pan.
  • Add washed Amaranth leaves in it.
  • Saute it for 4-5 minutes and let it cool
  • And make a puree of it using a mixer or a stone grinder.

Image: Addition of water in Horsegram powder

Image: Thin paste

Image: A steel pot containing cooked Jackfruit seeds porridge

Image: Addition of Amaranth leaves puree

Image: Addition of Curry leaves powder

  • Add 2 tablespoons water in Horsegram powder.
  • Mix it well so that lumps are not formed.
  • Cook this thin paste on a low flame for 6-7 minutes.
  • Now, add Amaranth leaves puree in this horse gram paste and mix it well.
  • Cook it for the next 2-3 minutes on a low flame.
  • Add curry leaves powder in it and mix again.
  • Remove it from the flame and our Horse Gram Amaranth leaves porridge is ready.
Collage: A healthy baby, immune system, muscle, healthy baby, bone, nails, skin, DNA

Collage: Bones, teeth

Collage: Teeth, bones, red blood cells

Collage: Nervous system, red blood cells, brain

Collage: Cells, heart, muscles

Collage: Bones, teeth

Collage: Brain development, heart, eyes, logical thinking

  • This porridge is rich in -
    • Protein
    • Omega 3 fatty acids
    • Calcium
    • Phosphorus
    • Iron and
    • Potassium
Collage: Locally available ingredients
  • Please note that one can use
    • one can use any locally available beans and leafy vegetables to make such porridges.
Collage: Millets and beans

Collage: Role of Protein

  • Always try to combine beans with various millets and grains such as-
    • Sorghum
    • Ragi
    • Kodo millet etc.
  • This combination provides complete protein to the baby.
Collage: Malted powders

Collage: Cooked sprouts

  • You can either add malted powders of these grains and millets in the baby’s food or
  • You can add cooked millet sprouts in such porridges in mashed form.
Image: Amaranth Black eyed beans

Image: Malted Amaranth powder

Image: Sprouted Black eyed beans puree

Image: Drumstick leaves powder

The third recipe is Amaranth Black eyed beans porridge.

Ingredients required are:

  • 2 tablespoons malted Amaranth powder
  • 2 tablespoons sprouted Black eyed beans puree and
  • ¼ teaspoon drumstick leaves powder
Collage: Procedure of making malted Amaranth powder

Image: A steel pot containing sprouted Black eyed beans

Image: Pressure cooked beans

Image: Grinding

  • For making malted Amaranth powder-
    • follow the instructions as explained in the earlier recipe of the same tutorial.
  • Then, take sprouted Black eyed beans in a steel pot and
  • Pressure cook it until 4 to 5 whistles.
  • Now make a puree of this cooked Black eyed beans.
Image: A bowl containing malted Amaranth powder

Image: Addition of water in malted Amaranth powder

Image: While mixing

Image: A steel pot containing thin paste of Amaranth powder

Image: Addition of Black eyed beans in thin Amaranth puree

  • Then, take two tablespoons of malted amaranth powder in a bowl.
  • Add sufficient water in it.
  • Mix it well to avoid lump formation.
  • Cook this thin paste of Amaranth powder for 2-3 minutes on a low flame.
  • Add the pureed Black eyed beans in it.
Image: Cooking

Image: Addition of Drumstick leaves powder

Image: Amaranth Black eyed beans porridge

  • Mix it well and cook it for 4-5 minutes.
  • Remove it from the flame.
  • In the end, add ¼ teaspoon of drumstick leaves powder in this cooked porridge.
  • And Amaranth Black eyed beans porridge is ready.
Collage: A healthy baby, immune system, muscle, healthy baby, bone, nails, skin, DNA

Collage: Brain development, heart, eyes, logical thinking

Collage: Teeth, bones, red blood cells

Collage: Bones, muscles, immune system, digestive system, heart

Collage: Nervous system, red blood cells, brain

Collage: Cells, heart, muscles

Collage: Bones, teeth

  • This Amaranth Black eyed beans porridge is rich in-
    • Protein
    • Omega-3 fatty acids
    • Phosphorus
    • Magnesium
    • Iron
    • Potassium and
    • Calcium
Image: Sprouted Ragi

Image: Sprouted Sorghum

Image: Sprouted Moth beans

Image: Sprouted Bengal grams

One can use a combination of the following sprouted ingredients to make such porridges-
  • Ragi
  • Sorghum
  • Moth beans
  • Bengal grams etc.
Image: Fenugreek leaves and beans porridge

Image: Ghee

Image: Fresh coconut paste

Image: Powder of sprouted beans

Collage: Procedure of making powdered beans

The fourth recipe is - Fenugreek leaves and beans porridge.

Ingredients needed are:

  • 2 cups washed and trimmed Fenugreek leaves
  • 1 teaspoon of ghee/clarified butter
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh coconut paste
  • 2 tablespoons of powder of sprouted beans
  • To make a powder of beans-
    • follow the instructions which have been discussed in another tutorial of the same series.
Image: A pan containing ghee

Image: A pan containing Fenugreek leaves

Image: A plate containing sauteed Fenugreek leaves

Image: Grinding

  • Heat 1 teaspoon of ghee in a pan.
  • Add Fenugreek leaves and saute it for 2-3 minutes.
  • Transfer it to a clean plate and allow it to cool for some time.
  • Then, make a puree of it using a grinder or a mixer.
Collage: Procedure of powder of beans

Video: Cooking

  • cook this puree on a low flame for a minute.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of powdered beans in it.
Image: A bowl containing thin paste of powdered beans

Image: Addition of coconut paste in the puree

Image: Fresh coconut paste

Image: Freshly grated coconut

Image: Grinding

Image: Cooking

  • Mix it well to avoid lump formation.
  • Add a little amount boiled and cooled water in it, if required.
  • Now add 2 tablespoons of coconut paste in it.
  • To make coconut paste-
    • take freshly grated coconut and grind it to the paste.
  • Then cook this mixture for next 7-8 minutes on a low flame with continuous stirring
  • And Fenugreek leaves and beans porridge is ready.
Collage: A healthy baby, immune system, muscle, healthy baby, bone, nails, skin, DNA

Collage: Brain development, heart, eyes, logical thinking

Collage: Cell repair, DNA, red blood cells, brain, spinal cord

Collage: Nervous system, red blood cells, brain

Collage: Bones, teeth

Collage: Teeth, bones, red blood cells

Collage: Cell repair, immune system, growth, wound healing

Collage: Cells, heart, muscles

  • This Fenugreek leaves and beans porridge is rich in-
    • Protein
    • Omega-3 fatty acid
    • Folate
    • Iron
    • Calcium
    • Phosphorus
    • Zinc and
    • Potassium
Collage: Grains or millets
  • While preparing this recipe-
    • do not forget to add grains or
    • combine it various grains and millets as explained earlier.
Image: Kodo millet

Image: Sprouted Bengal gram

Image: Coconut milk

Image: Ghee

The fifth recipe is Kodo millet Bengal gram puree.


  • 2 tablespoons Kodo millet
  • 2 tablespoons sprouted Bengal gram
  • 3 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon ghee
Image: A bowl containing Kodo millet

Image: Washing Kodo millet

Image: A bowl containing Kodo millet and water

Image: Pressure cooked Kodo millet

Image: Pressure cooked sprouted Bengal gram

  • Take 2 tablespoons of Kodo millet in a steel pot.
  • Wash it thoroughly.
  • Then, add 3-4 tablespoons of water in it.
  • Pressure cook it until 3-4 whistles.


  • Pressure cook sprouted Bengal grams until 4-5 whistles.

Image: A steel pot containing 1 teaspoon of ghee

Image: Addition of cooked millet, Bengal gram puree and coconut milk

Image: Stirring

Image: Cooked Kodo millet Bengal gram porridge

  • Then make a puree of it.
  • Heat 1 teaspoon of ghee in a steel pot.
  • Add cooked Kodo millet, Bengal gram puree and coconut milk in it.
  • Mix it well.
  • Cook it for 4-5 minutes and let it cool
  • Now, Kodo millet Bengal gram puree is ready.
Collage: A healthy baby, immune system, muscle, healthy baby, bone, nails, skin, DNA

Collage: Nervous system, red blood cells, brain

Collage: Bones, muscles, immune system, digestive system, heart

Collage: Teeth, bones, red blood cells

Collage: Bones, teeth

Collage: Cells, heart, muscles

  • This puree is rich in-
    • Protein
    • Iron
    • Phosphorus
    • Magnesium
    • Calcium and
    • Potassium
Acknowledgement slide This brings us to the end of this tutorial on Vegetarian recipes for 7 month old babies.

Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Bellatony911, Rajani st