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Visual Cue Narration
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Users in Moodle

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Users in Moodle
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Learning Objectives:

In this tutorial, we will learn how to:
  • Add a user
  • Edit a user’s profile
  • Upload users in bulk
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Versions and OS

This tutorial is recorded using:
  • Ubuntu Linux OS 16.04
  • Apache, MariaDB and PHP obtained through XAMPP 5.6.30
  • Moodle 3.3
  • And Firefox web browser

You can use any web browser of your choice.

However, Internet Explorer should be avoided, as it causes some display inconsistencies.

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  • Learners of this tutorial should have some courses created on their Moodle website.
  • If not, please refer to the previous Moodle tutorials on this website.
Switch to the browser.


Click on Log in link.

Type admin username and password. Click on Log in button.

Switch to the browser and login to your Moodle website, using your admin username and password.
Now. we will learn how to create a new user in Moodle.
Click on Site Administration -> Users -> Accounts -> Browse list of users In the Navigation block, click on Site Administration and then on the Users tab.
Click on Add new user. Click on Add a new user option.
Username: adminuser2 I will enter the username as adminuser2.
Click on Click to enter text. Scroll down to the New Password field.

Click on the link Click to enter text.

Highlight the text showing password policy. Please note- the password must follow the rules as shown here.
Text on screen: Spokentutorial1@

Type Spokentutorial1@

I will enter Spokentutorial1@ as my password.
Check the checkbox next to Force password change. Click on the checkbox Force password change.

This forces the new user to change his/her password when he/she logs in for the first time.

Firstname -> System

Surname -> Admin2

Email ID ->

Enter rest of the details as per your preference, as shown here.
Point to Email display

Click on Email display -> Allow everyone to see my email address

In the Email display, note that I have selected Allow everyone to see my email address.

This is because I am going to make this user as an admin user later.

But this is best avoided for other users like teachers and students.

City/Town -> blank We will leave the City/Town field as blank for now.

We will update this later, when we edit this user.

Country -> India

Timezone -> Asia/ Kolkata

Then select country and timezone, as shown here.
Let all the remaining fields be set to default.
Click on Create user Then scroll down and click on Create user button.
Click on System Admin2 We now have 2 users.

Click on the System Admin2 user which we created just now.

Click on Edit Profile

City/town -> Mumbai

We can edit this user’s profile by clicking on the Edit Profile link on the right.

Let us enter Mumbai in the City/Town textbox.

Click on Update profile. Then scroll down and click Update profile button.

Likewise, we can edit any detail for any user.

Hover over the icons. Look at the 3 icons to the right of this new user.

Hover over them to see what each of them does.

Hover over delete user icon to see the tool-tip

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Deleting a user in Moodle

The delete icon will delete the user.

Please note:

Deleting a user will delete all the user data, including his/ her course registrations, grades etc.

So, this option should be used with extreme caution.

Hover over suspend user account icon to see the tool-tip The eye icon will suspend the user.

Suspending a user would mean deactivating his/her account.

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Suspending a user in Moodle

So, the user will no longer be able to login, but his/ her registrations, grades, etc., are all kept intact.

This is a better thing to do rather than deleting the user.

It saves the records for future purposes and you can activate the user back, whenever you want to.

Hover over gear icon to see the tool-tip Next is the gear icon. This will take us to the Edit profile page.
Point to System Administrator user. Note that delete and suspend icons are not shown next to the Admin User.

This is because the main system administrator can never be deleted or deactivated.

Now, let us learn to add users in bulk, that is, in one go.
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Upload users in bulk

For this, we have to upload a file with certain data in a particular format.

The accepted file type is CSV.

I’ll open the user-details-upoad.csv file which I have already created for demonstration.

I’m using LibreOffice Calc - which is the spreadsheet component of LibreOffice Suite.

Highlight the columns as per narration. This file has the following columns:
  • username
  • password
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • email

These 5 fields are mandatory fields.

Highlight the columns as per narration. There are some more fields here, which are optional:
  • institution
  • department
  • phone1
  • address
  • course1
  • role1
Point or highlight the first row Note that the field titles have to be exactly as written in this spreadsheet i.e. in lowercase.

Otherwise the upload will throw an error.

Highlight course1 field If we have only one course in which to enrol the user, we will suffix 1 in the fields title.
Point to the empty columns in the title row after role1 If there are more courses you want to enrol the users to, add more columns with course2, role2, etc.
Point to course1 field and role1 field. Please note:

You should input Course short name in the course1 field and Role short name in the role1 field.

Text on screen:

The role short name for student is student and for a teacher is editingteacher.

Point the rows in the CSV files.

The Role short name for a student is student and for a teacher is editingteacher.

We will have 3 users in this CSV file:

  • System Admin2 user which has already been created manually
  • One user with only 5 mandatory fields to show that other fields are optional and
  • One user with all details.
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About CSV file

This CSV file is available in the Code files section of this tutorial.

You can download and use it.

The Additional Reading Material of this tutorial has more information about the CSV file creation.

Switch to browser. Now let’s go back to the browser window.
Click on Site Administration -> Users -> Accounts -> Upload users Click on Site Administration in the Navigation block.

Then click on the Users tab. In the Accounts section, click on Upload Users.

Click on Choose a file. Click on Choose a file button.

A new pop-up window opens with the title File picker.

Click on Upload a file Click on Upload a file link in the left menu, if the pop-up window is not on that link already.
Click on Choose file >> select the user-details-upload.csv file. Click on Browse / Choose a file button, whichever appears on your interface.

Browse to the saved folder and select the CSV file.

We will let all the other fields remain as default.
Click on Upload this file. At the bottom of the page, click on Upload this file button.
Highlight the name of the file in the text area. The same screen refreshes, with the filename now written in the text area.
Click on Upload users. The button at the bottom, has now changed to Upload users.

Click on this Upload users button.

Preview page The next page shows a preview of the users that we are uploading.

Verify that the values are correct.

Click on Settings. Check the Settings section now.
Highlight the last 3 options.

Upload type -> Add new only, skip existing users

The Upload type dropdown has 4 options.

These 3 options can be used to update the records of existing users.

We will select Add new only, skip existing users.

This means that if a username is already existing, it will not be added.

New user password -> Field required in in file In the New user password dropdown, select Field required in file.
Force password change -> All Under Force password change, select All.

This will prompt all users to change their passwords when they login for the first time.

We will let the other fields in this section remain default.
Expand Default values section Let us look at the Default values section now.
Email display -> Allow only other course members to see my email address Under Email display, select Allow only other course members to see my email address.
You can input the default fields, if they are same for all users.

These fields will be used for all uploaded users.

City/town -> Mumbai I will type Mumbai in City/Town,
Click on Show more.... Next, click on Show more…

There are more fields that we can enter data into.

But notice that none of them are mandatory.

So I will let these remain blank for now.

Click on Upload users. At the bottom of the page, click on Upload users button.
Point to the status column Look at the status column of the Upload users results table displayed here.
Highlight the message. For the 1st user, the status message is:

User not added - already registered.

This user already exists in the system, so it was skipped.

Point to New user in status column Rest of the users have been added as New users.
Highlight whole section Look at the status displayed here
Highlight Users having weak password: 0 Weak passwords are the ones that do not follow password rules.

Though these will be uploaded in the system, it is always preferable to have strong passwords.

Click on Continue Click on Continue button.
Let us view all the users that we created.
Click on Site Administration. Click on Site Administration.
Click on User tabs. Then click on the Users tab.
Accounts section >> click on Browse list of users Under the Accounts section, click on Browse list of users.
Point to users list We now have 4 users.


With this we come to the end of the tutorial.

Let us summarize.

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In this tutorial, we learnt to:
  • Add a user
  • Edit a user’s profile
  • Upload users in bulk
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Here is an assignment for you:
  • Add new users based on the instructions in the Assignment link of this tutorial.
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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The video at the following link, summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The Spoken Tutorial Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Forum)

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.. More information on this mission is available at the link shown.
This script has been contributed by Priyanka.

And this is Nancy Varkey along with the spoken tutorial team signing off. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Nirmala Venkat