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Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to this spoken tutorial on DC sweep analysis in Ngspice.
00:07 In this tutorial, we will learn:
00:09 To perform DC sweep analysis and Nested DC sweep analysis.
00:14 Basic knowledge of electronic circuits is a prerequisite for this tutorial.
00:19 Basic knowledge of Ubuntu Linux and shell commands is also required.
00:25 Ubuntu 12.04 is the operating system used with ngspice version 23 installed.
00:33 We will use the example circuit shown.
00:36 The circuit consists of three prominent nodes- 1, 2 and 3.
00:40 In addition, a fourth node called as reference OR datum node must be marked as node “0”.
00:47 This is mandatory for any circuit.
00:51 Let us open the ngspice netlist file "example.cir" corresponding to the circuit schematic shown before, in the text editor.
01:00 I have already opened this file in gedit text editor.
01:04 Note that netlist file is saved with ".cir" extension.
01:10 We can see all the components like voltage source, resistors and information about nodes connecting them together.
01:18 dc command included in the netlist file is used to perform dc sweep analysis.
01:25 General form to use dc command is as shown:
01:35 where
01:37 SRCNAM is name of independent voltage and current source.
01:42 VSTART, VSTOP and VINCR are the starting, final and increment values respectively, for the source.
01:51 As you see, we are sweeping voltage source V1 for a single value of 24 VOLTS with the step increment of 1.
02:02 Now, we will simulate this circuit and find out voltage values at different nodes.
02:08 Let us open ngspice through terminal.
02:11 Press Control, Alt, T together.
02:14 This will open the Terminal window.
02:18 Now I go to the folder where the netlist file, example.cir, is saved.
02:23 I do this as follows:
02:26 cd downloads path to the folder and press Enter.
02:33 Now, let us simulate the ngspice file.
02:36 Let us see how this can be done.
02:39 On terminal,
02:40 Type: ngspice space example.cir and press Enter.
02:51 Value of voltage v1 is 24 volts.
02:56 Value of voltage v2 is 9.746 volts.
03:01 Other node voltages are also displayed.
03:05 Next we will see how to do nested dc sweep analysis.
03:10 Generalized form for this is as shown.
03:24 where
03:26 SRCNAM is the Primary sweep variable and SRC2 is the Secondary sweep variable.
03:33 Secondary sweep variable forms the outer loop.
03:36 That is, for every increment of secondary sweep variable, the first sweep variable is stepped through its entire range of values.
03:45 It will be more clear with the example circuit we will simulate.
03:50 We will use Bipolar junction transistor based circuit in common base configuration.
03:56 Primary sweep variable is voltage Vin, connected between emitter and base terminals.
04:03 Secondary sweep variable will be the load resistor 'Rload'.
04:08 We will plot output voltage versus input voltage, for different values of the load resistor.
04:14 The output voltage is the voltage across Rload and the input voltage is Vin.
04:21 Following is the netlist corresponding to the common base transistor circuit.
04:26 NPN is the default model used for transistor "mod1", in the circuit.
04:33 As you can see, 'Vin' is varied from 0.2 volts to 2 volts with step increment of 0.02 volts.
04:45 Rload is varied from 5 kilo-ohms to 10 kilo-ohms with step increment of 2 kilo-ohms.
04:53 For different values of Rload, Vin is swept through the complete range of 0.2 to 2.
04:59 Graphs of output-voltage versus input-voltage is plotted in each case.
05:05 Plot v of 3 comma 4 plots the voltage drop between the nodes 3 and 4, that is the voltage across Rload.
05:15 Now, we will simulate this circuit and see the results.
05:19 On the terminal, type: source space example nested.cir and press Enter.
05:35 This will run the simulation.
05:37 source command is used to simulate the netlist from within the ngspice simulator environment.
05:44 As you can see, graph of output-voltage versus input-voltage is plotted for different values of load resistor.
05:52 Quit the ngspice simulator by typing "quit" and press Enter.
05:59 Here, we come to the end of this tutorial.
06:02 In this tutorial, we learnt:
06:04 To perform-
06:05 * DC sweep analysis of a given circuit.
06:08 * Nested DC sweep analysis of a given circuit.
06:12 Watch the video available at the following link.
06:14 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.
06:18 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
06:22 The Spoken Tutorial project team:
06:24 * Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials.
06:27 * Gives certificates for those who pass an online test.
06:31 For more details, please write to:contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org
06:37 Spoken Tutorial is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project.
06:41 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
06:47 More information on this mission is available at:
06:51 spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro
06:58 Thank you for joining.
06:59 Hope you found this tutorial useful.
07:02 This is Anuradha Amrutkar, signing off.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Ranjana, Sandhya.np14